„The organic state and full democracy: concept and prospects“, Nr. S-LIP-20-22 - MRU

„The organic state and full democracy: concept and prospects“, Nr. S-LIP-20-22

Project No. S-LIP-20-22            
Project title:The organic state and full democracy: concept and prospects
Project duration: from 2020-06-09 to 2023-05-31
Project manager: doc. dr. Povilas Aleksandravičius

Summary: The project aims to carry out a philosophical reflection on the hitherto understudied notion of the organic state and full democracy, which should be seen as one of the pinnacles of the Lithuanian political thought. The project will provide a genesis, analysis and systematic synthesis of this concept and the debates around it. Their task is also to actualise its potential by examining its links with the Catholic neo-Thomist concept of the state and the social teaching of the Church, the concept of an open society and the European doctrine of sustainable development. This will enable a new perspective on the development of the concept of the organic state and full democracy. Such a study will serve the formation of the self-understanding of Lithuanian society and state in the European context and in the globalised world.

The project is carried out under the Lithuanian Science Council’s (LSC) Lithuanian Studies Programme.