„The Dilemma of Belarusian Constitutional Identity“, No. P2021-VB-BA-06 - MRU

„The Dilemma of Belarusian Constitutional Identity“, No. P2021-VB-BA-06

Project No. P2021-VB-BA-06
Project title: „The Dilemma of Belarusian Constitutional Identity“
Project duration: from 2021-08-02 to 2022-11-15.
Project manager:  Ingrida Danėlienė

Summary and subject: to promote the development of Belarusian constitutional legal thought through academic discussions with Lithuanian and Polish colleagues. The sharing of experiences could then lead to publications (even regular meetings), initiate further research and possibly serve as a theoretical basis for further constitutional and legislative initiatives.

The project had one task – to organise an international discussion between representatives of Lithuania, Belarus and Poland (academics, civil society representatives, drafters of the Lithuanian and Belarusian constitutions) in order to identify the main elements of Belarusian constitutional identity, focusing on legal, historical and cultural (linguistic) aspects. The conclusions of the discussion are attached here

The project is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania under the Development Cooperation and Democracy Support Programme.