
15 liepos, 2015
Social Technologies and Collective Intelligence is a monograph written by 24 international researchers in the field of Social Technologies and edited by prof. dr. Aelita Skaržauskienė from Mykolas Romeris University in Vilnius, Lithuania.
As an academic discipline, social technologies is a highly interdisciplinary Research field that focuses on applying existing ICT as well as newly emerging technologies to improve society.
This work highlights the dominance of the non-technological social aspect of technology and its interaction with people, emphasizing the institutional power of Collective Intelligence through soft technology. By going through the book, the reader will gain insight and knowledge into the challenges and opportunities provided by this new exciting research field. Scientists will appreciate the comprehensive treatment of the research challenges in a multidisciplinary perspective. Practitioners and applied researchers will welcome the novel approaches to tackle relevant problems in their field. And policy-makers will better understand how technological advances can support them in supporting the progress of society and economy. The book is divided into six parts, each dealing with a well-defined research area at the intersection of Social Technologies and Collective Intelligence. Instead of being split up five ways among particular groups of collaborating authors, each individual author contributes to all five parts of the book their specific knowledge and insights, which makes this monograph a truly collaborative effort and a prime example of collective intelligence.