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Aplinkos valdymo laboratorija
Siekiame būti geriausia Aplinkos valdymo tyrimų laboratorija ir pripažinta Lietuvoje bei pasauliniu mastu. Aplinkos valdymo laboratorijos grupė siekia plėtoti ir skleisti akademinę ir mokslinę informaciją pilietinei visuomenei. Sudaro naujas galimybes studentams, mokslininkams ir universitetinei bendruomenei tapti labiau matomiems tarptautiniame akiratyje.
Mūsų misija yra vystyti kuo tikslesnius mokslinius aplinkosaugos ir plėtros tyrimus, bendradarbiaujant su viešuoju ir privačiu sektoriumi Lietuvoje bei už jos ribų. Taip pat atlikti aukšto lygio tyrimus gamtosaugos srityje, siejant su kitomis mokslinėmis veiklomis.
Laboratorijos vadovas:
Paulo Pereira
Geografas, Mykolo Romerio universiteto (Lietuva) tikrasis profesorius ir kviestinis Pekino Normaliojo (En. Normal) universiteto (Kinija) tikrasis profesorius yra pripažintas žemės degradacijos, gaisrų poveikio ekosistemoms ir ekosistemų paslaugoms bei gamta pagrįstų sprendimų tyrėjas. Jis paskelbė daugiau kaip 460 publikacijų knygose, recenzuojamuose straipsniuose ir konferencijose. Paulo yra gavęs keletą tarptautinių apdovanojimų (pavyzdžiui, „Europos geomokslų sąjungos Dirvožemio sistemų mokslų skyriaus išskirtinio jaunojo mokslininko apdovanojimą”). 2020 m. buvo pripažintas vienu iš labiausiai cituojamų pasaulio mokslininkų („Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher „2021 m. buvo išrinktas tikruoju prestižiškiausios pasaulyje mokslinių tyrimų garbės draugijos „Sigma Xi” nariu ir pripažintas vienu iš geriausių (1 %) mokslininkų, rašančių apie dirvožemį per pastaruosius dešimt metų (2011-2021 m.) pagal „Expertscape”. 2022 m. Paulo buvo įtrauktas į 2 proc. geriausių pasaulio mokslininkų sąrašą pagal „Elsevier”/Stanfordo universitetą aplinkos mokslų srityje. Jis yra „Science of the Total Environment”, „Geography and Sustainability” ir „Heliyon” asocijuotas redaktorius.
Miguel Inacio
Mykolo Romerio universiteto Aplinkos valdymo laboratorijos podoktorantūros tyrėjas. Jis yra įgijęs jūrų biologijos bakalauro laipsnį (2012 m.), magistro laipsnį. Jūrų biologinės įvairovės ir apsaugos magistro laipsnį (2014 m.) ir ekologijos ir aplinkosaugos mokslų daktaro laipsnį (2019 m.). Jo moksliniai tyrimai ir kompetencija sutelkta į sausumos, gėlųjų vandenų ir jūrų ekosistemų ekosistemų vertinimą ir kartografavimą įvairiais laiko ir erdvės mastais (vietiniu, regioniniu ir nacionaliniu). Papildomai jo moksliniuose tyrimuose nagrinėjami erdvinio valdymo ir planavimo (sausumos ir jūrų) aspektai, naudojant nuotolinius tyrimus ir erdvinę analizę įvairiose GIS aplinkose (ArcGIS, QGIS) ir platformose (pvz., Google Earth Engine). Jis yra daugiau kaip 26 straipsnių (19 ISI), kurių dauguma paskelbti pirmajame kvartilyje, autorius ir bendraautoris, ir daugiau kaip 300 citatų. Jis taip pat yra 3 knygų skyrių autorius ir bendraautoris. Doktorantūros tyrimus (2015-2019 m.) jis atliko Leibnico Baltijos jūros tyrimų institute Varnemuende (Vokietija). Jis turi ~ 32 pranešimus nacionalinėse ir tarptautinėse konferencijose. Dalyvavo 6 nacionaliniuose ir tarptautiniuose projektuose iš įvairių finansavimo šaltinių (BONUS, ERASMUS+, LMT, BMBF, ES programa „Horizontai”). Jis yra įvairių žurnalų (Science of the Total Environment, Data in Brief, Geography and Sustainability, Ecosystem Services) recenzentas. Jis yra Jaunųjų ekosisteminių paslaugų specialistų grupės narys, integruojantis mokymo grupę.
Katažyna Bogdzevič
Katažyna Bogdzevič yra Mykolo Romerio universiteto profesorė. Ji specializuojasi tarptautinės privatinės teisės, Europos teisės, žmogaus teisių ir aplinkosaugos teisės srityse. Katažyna yra Mykolo universiteto Žmogaus teisių laboratorijos vadovė. Nuo 2020 m. ji dirba Lietuvos teisingumo ministro patarėja.
Dr. Egle Baltranaitė
Dr. Eglė Baltranaitė yra Mykolo Romerio universiteto tyrėja, turinti patirties suinteresuotųjų šalių įtraukimo ir turizmo valdymo srityse. Eglė yra fizinės geografijos daktarė ir rekreacijos ir turizmo vadybos magistrė. Dr. E. Baltranaitės kompetencijos ir studijų sritis – tarpdisciplininis pakrančių zonų valdymas, daugiausia dėmesio skiriant tvariam planavimui bei antropogeninių ir fizinių geografinių veiksnių įtakai pakrančių teritorijoms. Ji taip pat yra Klaipėdos universiteto doktorantės mokslinė konsultantė. Eglė skaitė pranešimus 8 tarptautinėse mokslinėse konferencijose ir paskelbė 11 mokslinių straipsnių. Mokslininkė dalyvavo daugiau kaip 20 nacionalinių ir tarptautinių projektų, iš jų 4 moksliniuose (finansuojamuose pagal BONUS, ES HORIZON, Baltic Research ir Interreg programas).
Marija Meišutovič-Akhtarieva
Dr. Marija Meišutovič-Akhtarieva yra Mykolo Romerio universiteto mokslininkė. Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitete ji įgijo aplinkos inžinerijos bakalauro ir magistro laipsnius, o Kauno technologijos universitete apsigynė aplinkos inžinerijos daktaro laipsnį (2022 m.). Jos moksliniai tyrimai sutelkti į patalpų ir lauko oro kokybę, aerozolių dinamiką ir kvapų vertinimą. Dr. Meišutovič-Akhtarieva yra mokslinių publikacijų bendraautorė didelio poveikio žurnaluose, įskaitant Chemosphere ir Aerosol and Air Quality Research. Savo mokslinius tyrimus ji pristatė svarbiausiose tarptautinėse konferencijose, įskaitant „Indoor Air 2018“ (JAV), „ISES-ISIAQ Joint Conference 2019“ (Lietuva) ir „Indoor Air 2020“ (Pietų Korėja). Dr. Meišutovič-Akhtarieva yra gavusi keletą prestižinių apdovanojimų, įskaitant Kauno technologijos universiteto padėką už indėlį į mokslą ir aukšto lygio publikacijas (2020 m.), geriausio stendinio pranešimo apdovanojimą ISES-ISIAQ 2019 konferencijoje ir Lietuvos mokslo tarybos stipendiją (2021 m.). Ji taip pat stažavosi Kipro tarptautiniame aplinkos ir visuomenės sveikatos institute, bendradarbiaudama su Harvardo visuomenės sveikatos mokykla, kur įgijo pažangios patirties aplinkos poveikio vertinimo ir visuomenės sveikatos tyrimų metodikos srityje. Be akademinio darbo, Dr. Meišutovič-Akhtarieva šiuo metu prisideda prie aplinkos politikos kaip Lietuvos Respublikos aplinkos ministerijos Taršos prevencijos politikos grupės vyriausioji specialistė.
Doktorantūros studentai
Luis Pinto
Luísas Aveiro universitete (Portugalija) įgijo urbanistikos ir regioninio planavimo diplomą, o Porto universiteto (Portugalija) Architektūros ir Inžinerijos fakultetuose – urbanistinės aplinkos projekto magistro laipsnį. Šiuo metu rengia daktaro disertaciją, kurioje daugiausia dėmesio skiria žmonių sąveikai su miesto žaliosiomis erdvėmis ir jos poveikiui gerovei. Susijęs su Koimbros politechnikos mokyklos (PT) Gamtos išteklių, aplinkos ir visuomenės tyrimų centru (CERNAS) ir Mykolo Romerio universiteto Aplinkos valdymo centru Vilniuje (LT), kur yra doktorantas. Dabartiniai moksliniai interesai yra susiję su aplinkosaugos paslaugomis, miesto žaliosiomis ir mėlynosiomis infrastruktūromis (MŽI), miesto žaliųjų erdvių (MŽP) naudotojų pageidavimais, MŽP prieinamumu ir mokslo komunikacija.
Mario Menjibar
Mario Menjíbar Romero Malagos universitete baigė geografijos ir teritorijų planavimo studijas, o vėliau įgijo du magistro laipsnius: i) teritorijų planavimo magistro laipsnį. Priemonės ir intervencijos metodai”, specializuojantis miestų planavimo poveikio aplinkai srityje, Sevilijos universitete ir ii) vidurinio ugdymo, profesinio mokymo ir kalbų dėstymo magistro laipsnį (specializacija – socialiniai mokslai: geografija ir istorija bei filosofija) Malagos universitete. Po darbo privačiose įmonėse ir viešosiose įstaigose jis pradėjo mokslininko karjerą Malagos universiteto Geografijos katedros Geomorfologijos ir dirvožemių institute, kur dirba tyrėju projekte „Gūbrių kraštovaizdžio ekogeografija Andalūzijos saugomose gamtinėse teritorijose: reikšmė jų valdymui ir gerinimui” (EGEOLAND), kuris yra Andalūzijos visuomenės mokslinių tyrimų ir plėtros projektų „Challenges of Andalusian Society” dalis: Klimato kaitos, aplinkosaugos, efektyvaus išteklių naudojimo ir žaliavų projektai.
Įgyvendindamas šį projektą Mario pristatė keletą pranešimų nacionalinėse ir tarptautinėse konferencijose (AGE ir IAG). Šiuo metu jis yra miestų, teritorijų ir tvarumo planavimo doktorantas: Klimato kaita.
Ivan Dugan
Šiuo metu Ivanas dirba asistentu Zagrebo universiteto Žemės ūkio fakultete. Jis taip pat rengia daktaro disertaciją pagal projektą „Dirvožemio erozija ir degradacija Kroatijoje” (SEDCRO), kuriam vadovauja docentas Igoris Bogunovičius ir profesorius Paulo Pereira. Jo mokslinis darbas orientuotas į ekosistemines paslaugas, dirvožemio valdymą ir pasklidąją taršą intensyvios žemdirbystės teritorijose. Jis skaitė keletą pranešimų nacionalinėse ir tarptautinėse konferencijose.
Deividas Gedvilas
Deividas Gedvilas Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitete (LSMU) įgijo veterinarinės medicinos magistro laipsnį ir yra LSMU veterinarinės akušerijos ir ginekologijos rezidentūros rezidentas. Deividas turi trejų metų veterinarijos gydytojo darbo žemės ūkio ūkyje patirtį. Šiuo metu Klaipėdos universitete rengia daktaro disertaciją, kurios tema – žemės ūkio intensyvinimas ir jo poveikis Lietuvos nacionalinių ir regioninių parkų ekosistemų apskaitai.
Išoriniai bendradarbiai
Eduardo Gomes
Eduardo Gomesas yra Paryžiaus 1-ojo Panteono-Sorbonos universiteto ir Lisabonos universiteto geografijos mokslų daktaras. Šiuo metu jis yra Geografijos ir teritorijų planavimo instituto (Lisabonos universitetas) docentas. Jo naujausi moksliniai tyrimai skirti modeliavimo ir bendradarbiavimo simuliacijų, naudojamų analizuojant žemės naudojimo ir (arba) dangos pokyčius, kūrimui. Eduardo Gomesas yra gavęs pripažintų apdovanojimų, pavyzdžiui, Portugalijos nacionalinį geografijos apdovanojimą (2020 m.) (Orlando Ribeiro) už geriausią daktaro disertaciją; geriausio mokslinio straipsnio apdovanojimą žmogaus geografijos srityje (2020 m.) ir žiuri apdovanojimą už geriausią agentais pagrįstą modelį MAPS8 seminare, vykusiame Nicoje (Prancūzija). Jis yra kelių mokslinių žurnalų redaktorius ir recenzentas. 2019 m. baigęs doktorantūros studijas Eduardo Gomesas dirbo: i) GIS specialistu Lisabonos metropolinės zonos prisitaikymo prie klimato kaitos plane; ii) kviestiniu asistentu Lisabonos universitete ir Aukštojo mokslo ir švietimo institute; iii) tyrėju LINESAM projekte Mykolo Romerio universitete (Aplinkos valdymo laboratorijoje) (Lietuva); iv) tyrėju Geografijos studijų centre (Lisabonos universitetas).
Marcos Francos
Geografas, Salamankos universiteto (Ispanija) docentas, tyrinėja gaisrų poveikį dirvožemiui ir augmenijai, žemės naudojimą ir aplinkos degradaciją. Jis paskelbė daugiau kaip 50 publikacijų knygose, knygų skyriuose ir recenzuojamuose straipsniuose. Marcosas yra gavęs pripažinimą už geriausią 2019 m. apgintą disertaciją savo doktorantūros programoje ir Ispanijos dirvožemio mokslų draugijos apdovanojimą už geriausią Ispanijos dirvožemio disertaciją. Jis yra asocijuotas žurnalo „Agronomy Research” redaktorius ir šiuo metu yra FuegoRED (Tarptautinio teminio tinklo dėl gaisrų poveikio miškų ekosistemoms) sekretorius.
Yuliana Shuhani
Yuliana Shuhani yra Mykolo Romerio universiteto Turizmo vadybos ir paveldo studentė, šiuo metu dirbanti Aplinkosaugos vadybos laboratorijoje. Ji taip pat yra įgijusi anglų filologijos ir literatūros specialybės laipsnį Černivci nacionaliniame universitete (Ukraina). Yuliana dirba keliuose tarptautiniuose projektuose ir dalyvauja Mykolo Romerio universiteto tvarumo iniciatyvose.
Manab Das
Geografas, Gour Bangos universiteto (Indija) Geografijos katedros mokslo daktaras. Jo moksliniai tyrimai skirti nuotoliniams tyrimams, geoinformatikai (GIS), ekosistemų paslaugoms, kraštovaizdžio ekologijai ir valdymui, miestų klimatologijai, žaliajai infrastruktūrai, regioniniam planavimui ir plėtrai. Jis paskelbė daugiau kaip 40 straipsnių recenzuojamuose žurnaluose ir knygų skyrių. Daugybę pranešimų skaitė nacionaliniu ir tarptautiniu lygmenimis. Jis dirba kelių prestižinių žurnalų recenzentu (Urban Climate, Science of The Total Environment, Land use policy, Geography and sustainability, Building and Environment, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Sustainable Cities and Society, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Frontiers in Environmental Science, Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. Šiuo metu jo mokslinis darbas sutelktas į miestų ekologiją ir gerovę.
Vizituojantys mokslininkai
Jesús Aguilera Huertas
Jesús Aguilera Huertas Kordobos universitete įgijo aplinkos mokslų ir aplinkos valdymo bei biologinės įvairovės magistro laipsnį. Tuo pačiu metu, studijuodamas bakalauro ir magistrantūros studijose, jis buvo Žemės ūkio chemijos, dirvožemio mokslo ir mikrobiologijos katedros vidaus studentas ir garbės bendradarbis, atlikdamas su šiomis pareigomis susijusį mokslinį darbą. Šiuo metu jis rengia daktaro disertaciją, kuriai vadovauja profesorius Lozano-García ir profesorius Parras-Alcántara. Ji priklauso SUMAS mokslinių tyrimų grupei (PAIDI-RNM-922), kurioje savo mokslinę karjerą pradėjo kaip H2020-Diverfarming projekto (728003) mokslinių tyrimų asistentė. Ji yra paskelbusi 10 publikacijų didelio poveikio moksliniuose žurnaluose, dalyvavo 3 tarptautinėse ir 5 nacionalinėse konferencijose. Kalbant apie jo interesus, trumpalaikės ir vidutinės trukmės mokslinių tyrimų tikslai ir kryptys yra šie: dirvožemio įtakos ekosistemų funkcijoms tyrimas; organinės medžiagos, anglies ir azoto dirvožemyje analizė, dirvožemio degradacijos procesai dėl naudojimo pokyčių ir netvaraus ūkininkavimo praktikos, dirvožemio fizikinių ir cheminių savybių žemės ūkio sistemose tyrimas, dirvožemio kokybės ir būklės analizė, priklausomai nuo naudojimo ir ūkininkavimo, taip pat augalinės dangos įtaka dirvožemio savybėms.
Lauriane Meusnier
Lauriane yra La Rošelio universiteto bakalauro studentė, studijuoja gyvybės mokslus, daugiausia dėmesio skirdama kontinentinių sistemų biologijai. Šiuo metu ji atlieka praktiką Vilniuje, kur tiria gamta pagrįstų sprendimų poveikį ekosistemų paslaugoms ir jų veiksmingumą miesto aplinkoje. Lauriane naudoja įvairias geografines priemones, įskaitant QGIS ir „Google Maps”, analizuodama žemėlapius, palydovines nuotraukas ir lauko nuotraukas, kad įvertintų šias miesto erdves.
Sammy Witchalls
Sammy Lankasterio universitete (Jungtinė Karalystė) įgijo aplinkos mokslų bakalauro laipsnį, o šiuo metu studijuoja Drezdeno technikos universiteto (Vokietija) magistrantūroje, kur studijuoja ekosistemų paslaugas ir specializuojasi erdvinės plėtros ir gamtos išteklių valdymo srityje. Šiuo metu jis atlieka praktiką Vilniuje, kur tyrinėja įvairius ekosisteminių paslaugų kiekybinio įvertinimo ir kartografavimo metodus, naudodamasis tokia programine įranga kaip GIS.
Alice Ray
Alice yra Lilio universiteto (Prancūzija) evoliucinės biologijos magistrantė, tame pačiame universitete įgijusi organizmų ir populiacijų biologijos bakalauro laipsnį. Ji tyrinėja ekosistemų evoliuciją dėl klimato kaitos ir antropinio spaudimo. Šiuo metu ji atlieka 7 mėnesių stažuotę Vilniuje, kurios metu tiria saugomų teritorijų valdymą ir jo poveikį anglies dioksido kaupimui. Vadovaujama profesoriaus Paulo Pereiros, ji naudosis GIS įrankiais ir supras, kaip suinteresuotosios šalys dalyvauja sprendimų priėmimo procese.
Andrés Rodríguez Seijo
Andrés Rodríguez Seijo yra Vigo universiteto (Ispanija) sausumos ekosistemų daktaras. Šiuo metu jis dirba podoktorantūros stažuotėje Gamtos mokslų fakultete (UVIGO). Jo moksliniai tyrimai daugiausia dėmesio skiriami sunkiųjų metalų poveikiui miesto ir karinių šaudyklų teritorijose. 2016 m. baigęs doktorantūros studijas, jis dirbo Porto universitete (Portugalija) podoktorantūroje ir jaunesniuoju tyrėju, daugiausia dėmesio skirdamas mikroplastiko poveikiui dirvožemio sistemoms. Nuo 2022 m. susidomėjimas naujaisiais teršalais buvo išplėstas, įtraukiant antibiotikus, o jo naujausi tyrimai sutelkti į antropogeninį poveikį dirvožemio biologinei įvairovei. Jis yra daugiau kaip 54 straipsnių (51 WoS) ir 13 knygų skyrių autorius / bendraautorius. Jo darbai sulaukė daugiau kaip 1700 citavimų. Jis skaitė 63 pranešimus nacionalinėse ir tarptautinėse konferencijose / seminaruose, dalyvavo daugiau kaip 20 nacionalinių ir tarptautinių projektų iš įvairių finansavimo šaltinių, trijuose – kaip pagrindinis tyrėjas. Jis yra dažnas įvairių žurnalų ir tarptautinių dotacijų agentūrų recenzentas. Galiausiai, jis turi įvairių su aplinkos mokslais susijusių dalykų dėstymo patirties bakalauro ir magistro lygmenyse.
Claudia Campillo Cora
Vigo universiteto podoktorantūros tyrėja. Klaudija yra įgijusi aplinkos mokslų bakalauro laipsnį (2016 m.), žemės ūkio, maisto ir aplinkos mokslų bei technologijų magistro laipsnį (2017 m.) ir dirvožemio mokslų daktaro laipsnį (2023 m.) Vigo universitete. Pagrindinė jos mokslinių tyrimų kryptis – sunkiaisiais metalais užterštų dirvožemių tyrimas ir vertinimas naudojant dirvožemio mikrobų bendrijas, taikant įvairius laboratorinius metodus. Ji taip pat turi patirties tiriant kitus organinius teršalus (antibiotikus, pesticidus), užterštų dirvožemių rekultivavimą naudojant šalutinius produktus ir atliekant ekotoksikologinius tyrimus su sausumos ir vandens organizmais. Ji yra paskelbusi 18 indeksuotų straipsnių (dauguma jų – pirmojo kvartilio žurnaluose), 2 knygų skyrius ir 26 pranešimus nacionalinėse ir tarptautinėse konferencijose. Klaudija kaip tyrėja prisidėjo prie 6 tarptautinių projektų, įskaitant tokias programas kaip „Horizon Europe“ (4), H2020-SFS (1) ir INTERREG-SUDOE (1). Be to, ji dalyvavo 2 regioniniuose projektuose, kuriuos finansavo Xunta de Galicia (Ispanija). Ji turi patirties dėstant dalykus, susijusius su žemės ūkio maisto ir aplinkos mokslais.
- Profesionalumas, nes tik puikus ir aukščiausio lygio tyrėjas gali pasiekti Aplinkos valdymo centro tikslus.
- Skaidrumas, etika ir siekis gerinti mokslinių tyrimų kokybę.
- Atsakomybė už veiksmus, kurių imamės.
- Atvirumas naujoms idėjoms, galimybėms, žmonėms, kultūroms, disciplinų įvairovei, siekiant akademinės kompetencijos.
- Atviras ir horizontalus bendravimas su studentais, kolegomis ir partneriais.
- Yin, C., Zhao, W., Pereira, P. (2025) Ecosystem restoration along the „pattern-process-service-sustainability” path for achieving Land Degradation Neutrality. Landscape and Urban Planning, 253, 105227.
- Pereira, P., Valenca Pinto, L., Kalinauskas, M., Baltranaite, E., Gomes, E., Inacio, M., Barcelo, D. (2024) A method to map land use impacts on microclimate regulation supply in urban environments. Methods X, 13, 103039.
- Inacio, M., Baltranaite, E., Bogdziewicz, K., Kalinauskas, M., Valenca Pinto, L., Barcelo, D., Pereira, P. (2024) Mapping and assessing the future provision of lake ecosystem services in Lithuania. Journal of Environmental Management, 372, 123349
- Dugan, I., Pereira, P., Kisic, I., Bogunovic, I. (2024) Temporal Dynamics of Soil Erosion and Nutrient Loss in Croatian Orchard: Experimental Insights into Resilience Mechanisms. Environmental Processes, 11, 53.
- Nájera De Ferrari, F., Duarte, E., Smith-Ramírez, C., Rendon-Funes, A., Sepúlveda Gonzalez, V., Sepúlveda Gonzalez, N., Levio, M.F., Rubilar, R., Stehr, A., Merino, C., Jofré, I., Rojas, C., Aburto, F., Kuzyakov, Y., Filimonenko E., Dörner, J., Pereira, P., Matus, F. (2024) Multi-temporal assessment of a wildfire chronosequence by remote sensing, Methods X, 13, 103011.
- Hrelja, I., Bogunovic, I., Pereira, P., Sestak, I. (2024) Assessment of soil organic matter in the post-fire period using VNIR spectroscopy. Journal of Central European Agriculture, 25, 787-799.
- Pereira, P., Kalinauskas, M., Valenca Pinto, L., Baltranaite, E., Barcelo, D., Zhao, W., Inacio, M. A simple method to map pollination ecosystem services potential in urban lawns. MethodsX, 13, 102943.
- Pereira, P., Inacio, M., Kalinauskas, M., Pinto, L., Barcelo, D., Bogunovic, D. (2024) A simple method to assess flood regulation supply in urban lawns. MethodsX, 13, 102905.
- Inacio, M., Pinto, L., Baltranaite, E., Kalinauskas, M., Burkhard, B., Barcelo, D., Pereira, P. (2024) Mapping and assessment of marine ecosystem services supply in the Baltic Sea. Science of the Total Environment, 950, 175199.
- Pereira, P., Inacio, M., Pinto, L., Bogdzevic, K., Kalinauskas, M., Zhao, W. (2024) Mapping ecosystem services in urban and peri-urban areas. A systematic review. Geography and Sustainability, 5, 491-509.
- Hou, Y., Zhao, W., Zhan, T., Hua, T., Pereira, P. (2024) Alpine meadow and alpine steppe plant-soil network in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. Catena, 244, 108235.
- Pinto, L., Pereira, P. (2024) Landscape components in a large urban green space in Oporto (Portugal). Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 99, 128421.
- Kovacs, E.D., Kovacs, M.H., Barcelo, D., Pereira, P. (2024) Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs impact the microbial community in three different soil types—a laboratory experiment. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 10, 100833.
- Symochko, L., Pereira, P., Demyanyuk, O., Pinheiro, N.C., Barcelo, D. (2024) Resistome in a Changing Environment: Hotspots and Vectors of Spreading with a Focus on the Russian-Ukrainian War, Heliyon, 10, e32716.
- Pereira, P., Kalinauskas, M., Pinto, L.V., Barcelo, D., Zhao, W., Inacio, M. (2024) A simple method for mapping winter recreational fishing ecosystem services supply in lakes. A contribution to mapping freshwater ecosystem services. Methods X, 12, 102764.
- Yu, Y., Hua, T., Chen, L., Zhang, Z., Pereira, P. (2024) Divergent changes in vegetation greenness, productivity, and rainfall use efficiency are characteristic of ecological restoration towards high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin, China. Engeneering, 34, 109-119.
- González-Herrero, S., Lemus-Canovas, M., Pereira, P. (2024) Climate Change in Cold Regions. Science of the Total Environment, 933, 173127.
- Pinto, L., Ferreira, C.S.S., Pereira, P. (2024) Temporal and spatial differences in human activities performed in Urban Green Spaces in Vilnius, Lithuania. Geography and Sustainability, 5, 302-317.
- Pereira, P., Ferreira, C.S.S., Zhao, W. (2024) Nature-based solutions for ecosystem restoration. Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health, 39, 100546.
- Pinto, L., Inacio, M., Bogdzevič, K., Gomes, E., Pereira, P. (2024) Recreation experience preferences and cultural ecosystem services use in the coast of Lithuania. Ocean and Coastal Management, 251, 107095.
- Feng, S., Zhao, W., Yan,J., Xia,F., Pereira, P. (2024) Land degradation neutrality assessment and factors influencing it in China’s arid and semiarid regions. Science of the Total Environment, 925, 171735.
- Davids, P.R., Hartmann, T., Ferreira, C.S.S., Kalantari, Z., Pereira P. (2024) Multi-, inter-, and transdisciplinarity of nature-based flood risk management. Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health, 38, 100537.
- Dugan, I., Pereira, I., Kisic, I.,Matsic, M., Bogunovic, I. (2024) Quantifying the effect of conservation tillage and manure on soil health properties in rain-fed croplands. Plants, 3, 607.
- Das, M., Das, A., Pereira, P. (2024) Impact of urbanization induced land use and land cover change on ecological space quality: a mapping and assessment in Delhi (India). Urban Climate, 53, 101818.
- Pereira, P., Wang, F., Inacio, M., Kalinauskas, M., Bogdzevic, K., Bogunovic, I., Zhao, W., Barcelo, D. (2024) Nature-based solutions for carbon sequestration in urban environments. Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health, 37, 100536
- Dugan, I., Pereira, P., Barcelo, D., Bogunovic, I. (2024) Vineyard management impact on soil properties, hydrological response and chemical elements transport in a Mediterranean Karst Environment (Croatia). Catena, 236, 107858.
- Bogunovic, I., Dugan, I., Galic, M., Kisic, I., Pereira, P. (2024) Can biostimulant usage with farmyard manure provide a higher carbon level in low-quality, conventionally managed croplands? Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 9, 100638
- Das, A., Saha, P., Dasgupta, R., Inacio, M., Das, M., Pereira, P. (2024) How Do the Dynamics of Urbanization Affect the Thermal Environment? A Case from an Urban Agglomeration in Lower Gangetic Plain (India). Sustainability 16, 1147.
- Das, M., Mandal, A., Das, A., Inacio, M., Pereira, P. (2024) Urban dynamics and its impact on habitat and eco-environmental quality along urban-rural gradient in an urban agglomeration (India). Environmental Challenges 14, 100824.
- Halder, B., Pereira, P. (2024) Climate change impacts assessment on Bangladesh Mangrove Forest using high-resolution datasets and Google Earth Engine. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 28, 24.
- Liu, X., Zhao, W., Yao, Y., Pereira, P. (2024) The rising human footprint in the Tibetan Plateau threatens the effectiveness of ecological restoration on vegetation growth. Journal of Environmental Management, 351, 119963.
- Dugan, I., Pereira, P., Barcelo, D., Bogunovic, I. (2024) Conservation practices reverse soil degradation in Mediterranean Fig orchards. Geoderma Regional, 36, e00750.
- Vari, A., Adamescu, C. M., Balzan, M., Gocheva, K., Goal, M., Grunewald, K., Inacio, M., Linder, M., Obiang-Ndong, G., Pereira, P., Santos-Martin, F., Sieber, I., Stępniewska, M., Danach, E., Termansen, M., Tromeur, E., Vačkářová, D., Czucz, B. (2024) National Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystem services projects in Europe participants’ experiences, state of the art and lessons learned. Ecosystem Services, 65, 101592.
- Kalinauskas, M., Shuhani, Y., Valença Pinto, L., Inacio, M., Pereira, P. (2024) Mapping Ecosystem Services in Protected Areas. A Systematic Review. Science of the Total Environment, 912, 169248.
- Inacio, M., Gomes, E., Das, M., Burkhard, B., Barcelo, D., Pereira, P. (2024) Mapping and assessment of lake ecosystem services in Lithuania. Ecosystem Services, 65, 101589Das, M., Das, A., Inacio, M., Barcelo, D., Pereira, P. (2024) Mapping and assessment of ecosystem health in the Vilnius functional zone (Lithuania). Science of the Total Environment, 912, 168891.
- Pandi‑Perumal, S., van de Put, W.A.M.C., Maercker, A., Hobfoll, S.E., Mohan Kumar, V., Barbui, C., Marappa Mahalaksmi, A., Babu Chidambaram, S., Lundmark, P.O., Sawn Khai, T., Atwoli, L., Poberezhets, V., Rajesh Kumar, R., Madoro, D., Marín Agudelo, H.A., Herbert Hoole, S.R., Pereira, P., Mani Saravanan, K.M., Vrdoljak, A., Meira e Cruz, M.M., Ramasubramanian, C., Kuowei Tay, A., Grønli, J., Sijbrandij, M., Sivasubramaniam, S., Narasimhan, M., Ngole Mbong, E., Jansson-Fröjmark, M., Bjorvatn, B., de Jong, J.T.V.M., Braakman, M.H., Eisenbruch, M., Acuña‑Castroviejo, D., van der Velden, K., Brown, G.M., Partinen, M., McFarlane, A.C., Berk, M. (2023) Harbingers of Hope: Scientists and the Pursuit of World Peace. Clinical Psychology in Europe, 5, Article e13197
- Lv, J., Zhao, W., Hua, T., Zhang, L., Pereira, P. (2023) Multiple greenness indexes revealed the vegetation greening during the growing season and winter on the Tibetan Plateau despite regional variations. Remote Sensing 15, 5697.
- Valenca Pinto, L., Inacio, M., Pereira, P. (2023) Green and Blue Infrastructure (GBI) and Urban Nature-based Solutions (NbS) contribution to human and ecological wellbeing and health. Oxford Open Infrastructure and Health, Volume 1, 2023, ouad004.
- Mandal. A., Das, A., Das, M., Pereira, P. (2023) A quantitative review of ecosystem services research in Himalayan mountainous region. Environmental Challenges, 13, 100792.
- Bogunovic, I., Dugan, I., Pereira, P., Filipovic, V., Filipovic, L., Krevh, V., Defterdarovic, J., Matisic, M., Kisic, I. (2023) Effects of biochar and farmyard manure under different tillage management on soil properties and crop growth in Croatia. Agronomy, 13, 2128.
- Matisic, M., Reljić, M., Dugan, I., Pereira, P., Filipović, V., Filipović, L., Krevh, V., Bogunovic, I. (2023) Mulch and Grass cover unevenly halt runoff initiation and sediment detachment during the growing season of hazelnut (Corylus Avellana L.) in Croatia. Sustainability, 15(21), 15200; https://doi.org/10.3390/su152115200.
- Das, M., Das, A., Houque, R., Pereira, P. (2023) Mapping ecosystem services for ecological planning and management: A case from a tropical urban planning region, Eastern India. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30, 7543-7560.
- Das, M., Das, A., Saha, M., Pereira, P. (2023) Use and Perception of ecosystem services in a urban river: a case from lower Gangeatic Plain, Eastern India. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30, 7561-7581.
- Dugan, I., Bogunovic, I., Pereira, P. (2023) Soil management and seasonality impact on soil properties and soil erosion in steep vineyards of Northwestern Croatia. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 71, 2023, 1, 91–99.
- Inacio, M., Das, M., Barcelo, D. Pereira, P. (2023) Frameworks for mapping lake ecosystem services. An example from Lithuania. MethodsX 10, 102015.
- Dugan, I., Bogunovic, I., Pereira, P. (2023) Soil management and seasonality impact on soil properties and soil erosion in steep vineyards of Northwestern Croatia. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 71, 2023, 1, 91–99.
- Krevh, V., Filipović, L., Petošić, D., Mustać, I., Bogunović, I., Butorac, J., Defterdarović, J., Nakić, Z., Kovač, Z., Pereira, P., He, H., Chen, R., Filipović, V. (2023) Long-term analysis of soil water regime and nitrate dynamics at agricultural experimental site in eastern Croatia: field scale monitoring and numerical modeling using HYDRUS-1D. Agricultural Water Management, 275, 108039.
- Das, M., Das, A., Pereira, P. (2023) Mapping urban ecological space quality using entropy information theory and geospatial approach: a case from a tropical megacity of the global south. Geosciences Frontiers 14, 101489.
- Zhang, Z., Ding, J., Zhao, W., Liu, Y., Pereira, P. (2023) The impact of the armed conflict in Afghanistan on vegetation dynamics. Science of the Total Environment 856, 159138.
- Kalinauskas, M., Bogdzevič, K., Gomes, E., Inácio, M., Barcelo, D., Zhao, W., Pereira, P. (2023) Mapping and assessment of recreational cultural ecosystem services supply and demand in Vilnius (Lithuania). Science of the Total Environment 855, 158590.
- Feng, S., Ding, J., Zhan, T., Zhao, W., Pereira, P. (2023) Plant biomass allocation is mediated by precipitation use efficiency in arid and semi-arid ecosystems. Land Degradation and Development 34, 221-233.
- Yin, C. Zhao, W., Ye, J., Muroki, M., Pereira, P. (2023) Ecosystem carbon sequestration service supports the Sustainable Development Goals progress. Journal of Environmental Management 330, 117155.
- Yin, C., Zhao, W., Fu, B., Meadows, M., Pereira, P. (2023) Key axes of global progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. Journal of Cleaner Production, 385, 135767.
- Bogunovic, I., Hrelja, I., Dugan, I., Krevh, V., Defterdarovic, J., Filipovic, V. FilipoviC. L., Pereira, P. (2023) Straw mulch effect on soil and water losses in different growth phases of Maize sown on Stagnosols in Croatia. Land 12, 765.
- Hua, T., Zhao, W., Cherubini, F., Hu, X., Pereira, P. (2023) Upgrading protected areas can improve and reverse the decline in effectiveness: Evidence from Tibetan Plateau, China. Science of the Total Environment 873, 162345.
- Han, Y., Zhao, W., Zhou, A., Pereira, P. (2023) Water and wind erosion response to ecological restoration measures in China drylands. Geoderma, 435, 116514.
Das, A., Das, M., Rajjack, A., Pereira, P. (2023) Landscape‘s capacity to supply ecosystem services: mapping and assessment for Kullik Forest Raigan Bird Sanctuary), India. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 30, 100929.
Hrenović, J., Kisic, I., Delac, D., Durn, G., Bogunovic, I., Mikulec, M., Pereira, P. (2023) Short-term effects of experimental fire on physicochemical and microbial properties of a Mediterranean Cambisol. Fire, 6, 155;
Pereira, P. Yin, C., Hua, T. (2023) Nature-based Solutions, ecosystem services, disservices and impacts on wellbeing in urban environments. Current Opinion in Environment and Health, 33, 100465.
Pinto, L.V., Inacio, M.,Bogdzevic, K., Kalinauskas, M.,Gomes, E., Pereira, P. (2023) Factors affecting cultural ecosystem services use in Vilnius (Lithuania): A participatory mapping survey approach, Heliyon, 7, e15384.
Yin, C., Pereira, P., Zhao, W., Barcelo, D. (2023) Nature Climate Solutions. The way forward. Geography and Sustainability, 4, 179-182.
Kalantari, Z., Ferreira, C.S.S., Pan, H., Pereira, P. (2023) Nature-Based Solutions to Global Environmental Challenges. Science of the Total Environment, 880, 163227.
Das, M.,Mandall, A., Das, A., Inacio, M., Pereira. P. (2023) Mapping and assessment of carbon sequestration potential and its drivers in the Eastern Himalayan Region (India). Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 7, 100344.
Basu, T., Das, A., Pereira, P. (2023) Exploring the drivers of urban expansion in a medium-class urban agglomeration in India using remote sensing techniques and geographically weighted models. Geography and Sustainability, 4, 150-160.
- Dugan, I., Pereira, P., Defterdarović, J., Filipović, L., Filipović, V., Bogunovic., I. (2023) Straw Mulch Application Enhanced Soil Properties and Reduced Diffuse Pollution at a Steep Vineyard in Istria (Croatia). Land, 12, 1691.
- Francos, M., Bogunovic, I., Pereira, P. (2023) Wildfire impacts on flood regulation and water purification. Pirineos, 178, 004.
- Valenca Pinto, L., Inacio, M., Pereira, P. (2023) Observation-based data-gathering method to support the assessment of the use of cultural ecosystem services in urban green spaces. MethodsX, 11, 102326.
- Wang F., Harindintwali J.-D., Wei K., Shan, Y., Mi, Z., Costello, M.J., Grunwald, S., Feng, Z., Wanf, F., Guo, Y., Wu, X., Kumar, P.,Kastner, M., Feng, X., Kang, S., Liu, Z., Fu, Y., Zhao, W., Ouyang, C., Shen, J., Wang, H., Chang, S.X., Evans, D.L., Wang, R., Zhu, C., Xiang, L., Rinklebe, J., Du, M., Huang, L., Bai, Z., Li, S., Lal, R., Elsner, M., Wigneron, J.P., Florindo, F., Jiang, X., Shaheen, S.M., Zhong, X., Bol, R., Vasques, G.M., Li, X., Pfautsch, S., Wang, M., He, X., Agathokleous, E., Du, H., Yan , H., Kengara, F.O., Brahushi, F., Long, X.E., Pereira, P., Ok, Y.S. Rilling, M.C., Jeppsen, E., Barcelo, D., Yan, X., Jiao, N., Han, B., Schaffer, A., Chen, J.M., Zhu, Y., Cheng, H., Amelung, W., Spotl, C., Zhu, J., Tiedje, J.M. (2023) Climate change: Strategies for mitigation and adaptation. The Innovation Geoscience, 1, 100015.
- Solokha, M., Pereira, P., Symochko, L., Vynokurova, N., Sementsova, K., Inacio, M., Barcelo, D. (2023) Russian-Ukrainian war impacts on the environment. Evidence from the field on soil properties and remote sensing. Science of the Total Environment, 902, 166122.
- Zhang, Z., Ding, J., Zhao, W., Liu, Y., Li, G., Pereira, P. (2023) Impacts of urbanisation on vegetation dynamics in Chinese cities. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 103, 107227.
- Basu, T., Das, A., Das, K., Pereira, P. (2023) Urban Expansion Induced Loss of Natural Vegetation Cover and Ecosystem Service values: A Scenario-based Study in the Siliguri Municipal Corporation (Gateway of North-East India). Land Use Policy, 132, 106838.
- Francos, M., Bogunovic, I., Ubeda, X., Pereira, P. (2032) Soil Organic Carbon stocks across different land use in an urban park of Vilnius, Lithuania. Journal of Central European Agriculture, 24, 519-530.
- Zhou, A., Zhao, W., Pereira, P. (2023) Mapping and assessing freshwater ecosystem services supply and demand in Inner Mongolia (China). Landscape Ecology 38, pages 1885–1902
- Das, M., Das, A., Saha, S., Pereira, P. (2023) Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on cultural ecosystem services from urban green spaces: a case from English Bazar Urban Agglomeration. Eastern India Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 65933–65946,
- Han, Y., Zhao, W., Zhou, A., Pereira, P. (2023) Water and wind erosion response to ecological restoration measures in China drylands. Geoderma, 435, 116514.
- Das, A., Das, M., Rajjack, A., Pereira, P. (2023) Landscape‘s capacity to supply ecosystem services: mapping and assessment for Kullik Forest Raigan Bird Sanctuary), India. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 30, 100929.
- Hrenović, J., Kisic, I., Delac, D., Durn, G., Bogunovic, I., Mikulec, M., Pereira, P. (2023) Short-term effects of experimental fire on physicochemical and microbial properties of a Mediterranean Cambisol. Fire, 6, 155;
- Pereira, P. Yin, C., Hua, T. (2023) Nature-based Solutions, ecosystem services, disservices and impacts on wellbeing in urban environments. Current Opinion in Environment and Health, 33, 100465.
- Pinto, L.V., Inacio, M.,Bogdzevic, K., Kalinauskas, M.,Gomes, E., Pereira, P. (2023) Factors affecting cultural ecosystem services use in Vilnius (Lithuania): A participatory mapping survey approach, Heliyon, 7, e15384.
- Yin, C., Pereira, P., Zhao, W., Barcelo, D. (2023) Nature Climate Solutions. The way forward. Geography and Sustainability, 4, 179-182.
Menshov, O., Vyzhva, S., Horoshkova, L., Tonkha, O., Ivanik, O., Pereira, P., Dindaroglu, T., Pastushenko, T. (2023) Distribution of soil magnetic susceptibility as a pollution indicator in the urban and tourist city of Lviv, Ukraine. Environmental Earth Sciences, 82, 486.
- Hua, T., Zhao, W., Cherubini, F., Hu, X., Pereira, P. (2022) Strengthening protected areas for climate refugia on the Tibetan Plateau. Biological Conservation 275, 109781.
- Delac, D., Kisic, I., Zgorelec, Z., Perčin, A., Pereira, P. (2022) Slash-pile burning impacts on water quality in a Mediterranean environment (Croatia). Catena 218, 106559.
- Zhao, W., Yin, C., Meadows, M., Hua, T., Li, Y., Liu, Y., Cherubini, F., Pereira, P., Fu, B. (2022) Reframing Sustainable Development Goals for the Post-Pandemic Era. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 9, 258.
- Pinto, L., Inacio, M., Ferreira, C.S.S., Ferreira, A.J.D., Pereira, P. (2022) Ecosystem services and well-being dimensions related to urban green spaces – A systematic review. Sustainable Cities and Society 85, 104072.
- Inacio, M., Barcelo, D., Zhao, W., Pereira, P. (2022) Mapping ecosystem services in lakes: a systematic review. Science of the Total Environment 847, 157561.
- Dong, B., Yu, Y., Pereira, P. (2022) Non-growing season drought legacy effects on vegetation growth in Southwestern China. Science of the Total Environment 846, 157334.
- Ngaba, M.J., Uwiragiye, Y., Miao, H., Li, Z., Pereira, P., Zhou, J. (2022) Ecological restoration stimulates environmental outcomes but exacerbates water shortage in the Loess Plateau. Peerj, 10:e13658.
- Bogunovic, I., Kljak, K., Dugan, I., Grbesa, D., Telak, L.J., Duvnjak, M., Kisic, I., Solomun, M.K., Pereira, P. (2022) Grazing management impact on soil degradation and vegetation nutrition on a private organic farm in Croatia. Agronomy 12, 921
- Hrelja, I.,Šestak, I., Delac, D., Pereira, P., Bogunovic, I. (2022) Soil chemical properties and trace elements after wildfire in
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- Zhou, Y., Zhao, W., Hua, T., Pereira, P. (2022) Mapping and assessment of recreation services in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Science of the Total Environment 838, 156432.
- Tudose, N.C., Cheval, S., Ungurean, C., Broekman, A., Sanchez-Plaza, A., Cremades, R., Mitter, H., Kropf, B., Davidescu, O., Dinca, L., Cacovean, H., Marin, M., Miksa, K. Pereira, P. (2022) Climate services for sustainable management of the Water‒Energy‒Land nexus under climate change in the Tărlung river basin, Romania. Land Use Policy 119, 106221.
- Feng, S., Liu, X., Zhao, W., Yao, Y., Zhou, A., Liu, X., Pereira, P. (2022) Key areas of ecological restoration in Inner Mongolia based on ecosystem vulnerability and ecosystem service. Remote Sensing 14, 2729.
- Dugan, I., Pereira, P., Barcelo, D., Telak, L.P., Filipovic, V., Filipovic, L., Kisic, I., Bogunovic, I. (2022) Agriculture management and seasonal impact on soil properties, water, sediment and chemicals transport in a hazelnut orchard (Croatia). Science of the Total Environment 839, 156346.
- Wang. X., Zhao. W., Liu, S., An, Y., Pereira, P. (2022) Ecosystems impact on aeolian dust emissions in Inner Mongolia from 2001 to 2018. Geoderma 422, 115938.
- Pereira, P., Basic, F., Bogunovic, I., Barcelo, D. (2022) Russian-Ukrainian war impacts the total environment. Science of the Total Environment 837, 155865.
- Hua, T., Zhao, W., Pereira, P. (2022) Opinionated Views on Grassland Restoration Programs on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Frontiers in Plant Science 13, 861200.
- Hua, T., Zhao, W., Cherubini, F., Hu, C., Pereira, P. (2022) Effectiveness of protected areas edges on vegetation greenness, cover and productivity on the Tibetan Plateau, China. Landscape and Urban Planning 224, 104421.
- Pinto, L.V., Ferreira, C., Inácio, M., Pereira, P. (2022) Urban green spaces accessibility in two European cities: Vilnius (Lithuania) and Coimbra (Portugal). Geography and Sustainability 3, 74-84.
- Pereira, P., Inacio, M., Bogunovic, I., Francos, M., Barcelo, D., Zhao, W. (2022) Ecosystem services in mountain environments: Benefits and threats. Pirineus, 177 e068. https://doi.org/10.3989/pirineos.2022.177001
- Hua, T., Zhao, W., Cherubini, F., Hu, C., Pereira, P. (2022) Prevalent and uneven growth of human footprint potentially negated the benefits of protected areas on the Tibetan Plateau. Global Ecology and Conservation 34, e02053.
- Pereira, P., Baro, F. (2022) Greening the city: thriving for biodiversity and sustainability. Science of the Total Environment 817, 153032.
- Yin, C., Pereira, P., Liu, Y., Hua, T., Zhu, J., Zhao, W. (2022) Recover the food-energy-water nexus from COVID-19 under Sustainable Development Goals acceleration actions. Science of the Total Environment 817, 153013.
- Yin, C., Zhao, W., Pereira, P. (2022) Meteorological factors’ effects on COVID-19 show seasonality and spatiality in Brazil. Environmental Research 208, 112690.
- Šestak, I., Pereira, P., Perčin, A., Hrelja, I, Telak, L., Bogunovic, I. (2022) Soil chemical properties assessment using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy in fire affected areas located in burned Mediterranean land (Croatia). Agronomy 12, 129.
- Krevh, V., Filipović, V., Filipović, L., Mateković, V., Petošić, D., Mustać, I., Ondrašek, G., Bogunović, I., Kovač, G., Pereira, P., Sasidharan, S., He, H., Groh, J., Stumpp, C., Brunnetii, G. (2022) Modeling seasonal soil moisture dynamics in gley soils in relation to groundwater table oscillations in eastern Croatia. Catena 211, 105987/
- Inacio, M., Karnauskaite, D., Gomes, E., Barcelo, D., Pereira, P. (2022) Mapping and assessment of future changes in the coastal and marine ecosystem services supply in Lithuania. Science of the Total Environment 812, 152586.
- Yin, C., Zhao, W., Pereira, P. (2022) Soil Conservation Service Underpins Sustainable Development Goals. Global Ecology and Conservation 33, e01974.
- Han, Y., Zhao, W., Pereira, P. (2022) Global COVID-19 pandemic trends and their relationship with meteorological variables, air pollutants and socioeconomic aspects. Environmental Research 204, 112249.
- Viana, C., Freire, D., Abrantes, P., Rocha, J., Pereira, P. (2022) Agricultural land systems and related research fields supporting food security and the Sustainable Development Goals: evidence from a systematic review. Science of the Total Environment 806, 150718.
- Telak, L., Pereira, P., Bogunovic, I. (2021) Soil degradation mitigation in continental climate in young vineyards planted in Stagnosols. International Agrophysics 35, 307-317.
- Das, M., Das, A., Pereira, P., Mandal, A. (2021) Mapping the Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Urban Surface Ecological Status (USES): A Case Study of Kolkata Metropolitan Area (KMA), India. Remote Sensing 13, 4395.
- Hua, T., Zhao, W., Cherubini, F., Hu, X., Pereira, P. (2021) Sensitivity and exposure of ecosystem services to climate change on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Landscape Ecology 36, 3451–3471.
- Zhao, W., Hua, T., Meadows, M.E., Pereira, P. (2021) Degradation debts accounting: A holistic approach towards land degradation neutrality. Global Change Biology 27, 5411-5413.
- Lopes, E.T., Pereira, P. (2021) Fire. Prevention, management and challenges. Current Opinion in Ecosystem and Health 23, 100301.
- Menshov, O., Kruglov, S., Horoshkova, H., Pereira, P., Pastushenko, T., Dindaroglu, T. (2021) Landscape position effects on magnetic properties of soils in the agricultural land Pechenigy, Ukraine. Earth Systems and Environment 5, 739–750.
- Delac, D., Kisic, I., Bogunovic, I., Pereira, P. (2021) Temporal impacts of pile burning on vegetation regrowth and soil properties in a Mediterranean Environment (Croatia). Science of the Total Environment 799, 149318
- Wang, H., Zhao, W., Li, C., Pereira, P. (2020) Vegetation greening partly offsets the water erosion risk from 1999-2018 in China. Geoderma 401, 115319.
- Pinto, L.V., Ferreira, C., Pereira, P. (2021) Environmental and socioeconomic factors influencing the use of urban green spaces in Coimbra (Portugal). Science of the Total Environment 792, 148293.
- Žalėnienė, I., Pereira, P. (2021) Higher Education For Sustainability: A Global Perspective. Geography and Sustainability 2, 99-106.
- Pereira, P., Bogunovic, I., Zhao, W., Barcelo, D. (2021) Short term effect of wildfires and prescribed fires on ecosystem services. Current Opinion in Ecosystem and Health 22, 100266.
- Gomes, E., Inacio, M., Miksa, K., Kalinauskas, M., Karnauskaite, D., Pereira, P. (2021) Future scenarios impact on land use change and habitat quality in Lithuania. Environmental Research 197, 111101.
- Yin, C., Zhao, W., Cherubini, F., Pereira, P. (2021) Integrate ecosystem services in socio-economic development to enhance achievement of sustainable development goals in the post-pandemic era. Geography and Sustainability 2, 68-73.
- Bogunovic, I., Filipovic, L., Filipovic, V., Pereira, P. (2021) Spatial mapping of soil chemical properties using multivariate geostatistics. A study from cropland in eastern Croatia. Journal of Central European Agriculture 22, 201-210.
- Gomes, E., Inacio, M., Bogdzevič, K., Kalinauskas, M., Karnauskaite, D., Pereira, P. (2021) Future land use and land cover changes and its impacts on terrestrial Ecosystem services: a review. Science of the Total Environment 781, 146716.
- Das, M., Das, A., Pereira, P., Mandal, A. (2021) Modeling spatio-temporal dynamics of ecosystem health (EH): A study on a rapidly urbanizing metropolitan area of lower Gangetic plain, India. Ecological Indicators 125, 107584.
- Telak, L., Pereira, P., Bogunovic, I. (2021) Management and seasonal impacts on vineyards soil properties and hydrological response in continental Croatia. Catena 202, 105267.
- Kalinauskas, M., Mikša, K., Inacio, M., Gomes, E., Pereira, P. (2021) Mapping and assessment of landscape aesthetic quality in Lithuania. Journal of Environmental Management 286, 112239.
- Wittenberg, L., Pereira, P. (2021) Fire and soils: Measurements, modelling, management and challenges. Science of the Total Environment 776, 145964.
- Wang, J., Zhao, W., Wang, G., Yang, S., Pereira, P. 2021. Effects of long-term afforestation and natural grassland recover on soil properties and quality in Loess Plateau (China). Science of the Total Environment, 770, 144833
- Han, Y., Zhao, W., Yang, L., Kun, J., Li, J., Feng, S., Chen, W., Pereira, P. Spatial distribution characteristics of the COVID-19 pandemic in Beijing and its relationship with environmental factors. Science of the Total Environment 761, 144257
- Ferreira, C.S.S., Kalantari, Z., Pereira, P. (2021) Liveable cities: current environmental challenges and paths for urban sustainbility. Journal of Environmental Management. 221, 111458.
- Zhao, S., Wu, X., Zhou, J., Pereira, P. (2021) Spatiotemporal trade-offs and synergies in vegetation vitality and poverty transition in rocky desertification area. Science of the Total Environment 752, 141770
- Miksa, K., Kalinauskas, M., Inacio, M., Pereira, P. (2021) Implementation of the European Union Floods Directive – requirements and national transposition and practical application: Lithuanian case-study. Land Use Policy 100, 104924
- Yang, S., Zhao, W.W., Liu, Y.X., Cherubini, F., Fu, B., Pereira, P. (2020) Prioritizing sustainable development goals and linking them to ecosystem services: an expert’s knowledge evaluation. Geography and Sustainability 4, 321-330.
- Inacio, M., Karnauskaite, D., Baltranaite, E., Kalinauskas, M., Bogdzevic, K., Gomes, E., Pereira, P. (2020) Ecosystem Services of the Baltic Sea: an assessment and mapping perspective. Geography and Sustainability 1, 256-265.
- Telak, L.J., Pereira, P., Ferreira, C.S.S., Filipovic, V., Filipovic, L., Bogunovic, I. (2020) Short-term impact of tillage on soil and hydrological response within a fig (Ficus carica) orchard in Croatia. Water, 12, 3295.
- Miksa, K., Kalinauskas, M., Inacio, M., Gomes, E., Pereira, P. (2020) Ecosystem services and legal protection of private property. Problem or solution? Geography and Sustainability 1, 173-180.
- Bogunovic, I., Telak, L.P., Pereira, P., Filipovic, V., Filipovic, L., Percin, A., Durdevic, B., Birkás, M., Dekemati, I., Rodrigo Comino, J. (2020) Land management impacts on soil properties and initial soil erosion processes in olives and vegetable crops. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 68, 328-337.
- Francos, M., Pereira, P., Ubeda, X. (2020) Effect of different pre-and post wildfire managements in plant recuperation in NE Spain. Journal of Forestry Research 31, 1647–1661.
- Delac, D., Pereira, P., Bogunovic, I., Kisic, I. (2020) Short-Term effects of Pile Burn on N Dynamic and N Loss in Mediterranean Croatia. Agronomy 10, 1340; https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy10091340
- Bogunovic, I., Viduka, A., Magdic, I., Telak, L.J., Francos, M., Pereira, P. (2020) Agricultural and forest land use impact on soil properties in Zagreb periurban area (Croatia). Agronomy 10, 1331; https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy10091331
- Rocha, F., Lucas-Borja, M., Pereira, P., Munoz-Rojas, M. (2020) Cyanobacteria as a nature-based biotechnological tool for saline soil remediation. Agronomy 10 , 1321; https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy10091321
- Carmen, R., Jacobs, S., Leone, M., Palliwoda, J., Pinto, L., Misiune, I., Priess, J., Pereira, P., Wanner, S., Ferreira, C.S., Ferreira, A. (2020) Keep it real: selecting realistic sets of urban green space indicators. Environmental Research Letters 16, 095001.
- Hua, T., Zhao, W., Wang, S., Fu, B., Pereira, P. (2020) Identifying priority biophysical indicators for promoting food-water-energy nexus within planetary boundaries. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 163, 105102
- Jia, L., Zhao, W., Zhai, R., An, Y., Pereira, P. (2020) Quantifying the effects of contour tillage in controlling water erosion in China: A meta-analysis. Catena 195, 104829.
- Yang, Y., Zhao, W., Martinez-Murillo, J., Pereira, P. (2020) Loess Plateau, from degradation to restoration. Science of the Total Environment 738, 140206.
- Liu, Y., Zhao, W., Liu, Y., Pereira, P. (2020) Global rainfall erosivity changes between 1980-2017 based on an erosivity model using daily precipitation data. Catena 194, 104768
- Yang, S., Zhao, W., Pereira, P. (2020) Determinations of environmental factors on interactive soil properties across different land-use types on the Loess Plateau, China. Science of the Total Environment 738, 140270
- Brevik, E., Slaughter, L., Steffan, J., Collier, D., Barnhardt, P., Pereira, P. (2020) Soil and Human Health: Current Status and Future Needs. Air, Soil, Water Research 13, 1-23.
- Bogunovic, I., Telak, L., Pereira, P. (2020) Experimental comparison of runoff generation and initial soil erosion between vineyards and croplands of Eastern Croatia: A case study. Air, Soil and Water Research 13, 1-9.
- Abd-Elmabod, S., Munoz-Rojas, M., Jordan, A., Anaya-Romero, M., Phillips, J.P., Jones, L., Zhang, Z., Pereira, P., Fleskens, L., van der Ploeg, M.J., de la Rosa, D. (2020) Climate change impacts on agricultural suitability and yield reduction in a Mediterranean region. Geoderma, 374, 114453
- Pereira, P., Barcelo, D., Panagos, P. (2020) Soil and water threats in a changing environment. Environmental Research, Volume 186, 109501
- Menshov, O., Spassov, S., Camps, P., Vyzhva, P., Pereira, P., Pastushenko, T., Demidov, V. (2020) Soil and dust magnetismin semi-urban area Truskavets, Ukraine. Environmental Earth Sciences 79, 82
- Inacio, M., Miksa, K., Kalinauskas, M., Pereira, P. (2020) Mapping wild seafood potential, supply, flow and demand in the Lithuania. Science of the Total Environment, 718, 137356.
- Zhao, S., Pereira, P., Wu, X., Zhou, J., Cao, J., Zhang, W. (2020) Global karst vegetation and its response to climate change and human activities. Ecological Indicators 113, 106208.
- Bogunovic, I., Telak, L., Pereira, P. (2020) Agriculture management impacts on soil properties and hydrological response in Istria (Croatia). Agronomy, 10, 282; doi:10.3390/agronomy10020282
- Francos, M., Ubeda, X., Pereira, P. (2020) Long term forest management effect after wildfire (Catalonia, NE Spain). Journal of Forestry Research 31, 269–278.
- Zhang, W., Yu, Y., Wu, X., Pereira, P., Lucas-Borja, M. (2020) Integrating preferences and social values for ecosystem services in local ecological management: A case in Xiaojiang basin Yunan province, China. Land Use Policy 91, 104339
- Francos, M., Ubeda, X., Pereira, P. (2020) Bonfires impact on soil properties in an urban park located in Vilnius (Lithuania). Environmental Research 181, 108895.
- Bogunovic, I., Pereira, P., Galic, M., Bilandzija, D., Kisic, I. (2020) Tillage system and farmyard impact on soil physical properties, CO2 emissions and crop yield in an organic farm located in a Mediterranean Environment (Croacia). Environmental Earth Sciences 79,70.
- Pereira, P. (2020) Ecosystem services in a changing environment. Science of the Total Environment, 702, 135008
- Munoz-Rojas, M., Pereira, P. (2020) Fire in the environment. Journal of Environmental Management, 253, 109703
- Pereira, P. (2024) Importance of road and railways afforestation. UNCCD COP16. The Afforestation Technology Forum. Greening Arabia, Riyadh, 2024.
- Pereira, P. (2024) The Impact of War on Soil. Experience of the Russian-Ukrainian War. International Scientific and Practical Conference. Caring for soils in war and peace: State, monitoring and management. Kyiv, Ukraine.
- Pereira, P., Inacio, M., Pinto, L., Kalinauskas, M., Bogdzevic, K., Zhao, W. (2024) Systematic review on mapping and assessing ecosystem services in urban and peri-urban areas. 5th ESP Europe Conference. Ecosystem Services: One Planet, One health. 18-22 November, 2024, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
- Pereira, P., Inacio, M., Pinto, L., Kalinauskas, M., Barcelo, D., Zhao, W. (2024) A method developed to mapping recreational fishing ecosystem services supply in lakes located in northern latitudes. 5th ESP Europe Conference. Ecosystem Services: One Planet, One health. 18-22 November, 2024, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
- Inacio, M., Pereira, P. (2024) Application of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting—Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA-EA) in coastal and marine ecosystems in Lithuania. Ecosystem Services: One Planet, One health. 18-22 November, 2024, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
- Pereira, P., Barcelo, D., Bogunovic, I., Kovacs, E.D., Kovacs, M.H., Inacio, M. (2024) How contaminants can affect soil ecosystem services. 20th Annual workshop on emerging high resolution mass spectrometry (Hrms) and Lc-Ms/Ms applications in environmental analysis and food safety, Barcelona, 7-8 October, 2024.
- Roy, A, Pereira, P., Pinto, L., Inácio, M., Baltranaitė, E. (2024). Spatio-temporal forest harvesting in Dzukija National Park (Lithuania). International Conference of Young Professionals «GeoTerrace-2024» 7-9 October 2024, Lviv, Ukraine (online)
- Pereira, P., Inacio, M., Bogdzevic, K., Bogunovic, I., Barcelo, D. (2024) Russian invasion impacts on the environment. Plennar lecture. Adaptive Landscape Management for New World (Dis-)Order, September 25 – 28, 2024, Lviv, Ukraine.
- Kalinauskas, M., Pinto, L., Inacio, M., Baltranaitė, E., Bogdzevič, K., Roy, A., Meisutovič-Akhtarieva., M., Pereira, P. (2024) Spatio-temporal analysis of flood retention capacity in Lithuanian national and regional parks. 14th European Conference on Ecological Restoration, 26-30 of August 2024, Tartu, Estonia.
- Roy, A., Kalinauskas, M., Pinto, I., Baltranaite, E., Bogdzevic, K., Meisutovic-Akhtarieva, M. Pereira, P. (2024) Spatio-temporal evolution of greenness, moisture and cover in Dzukija National Park (Lithuania) 14th European Conference on Ecological Restoration, 26-30, Tartu, Estonia.
- Pereira, P., Kalinauskas, M., Pinto, L., Inacio, M., Baltranaite, E., Bogdzevic, K., Roy, A., Meisutovic-Akhtarieva, M. (2024) Nature Based Solutions in urban areas. Ecosystem Services, disservices and challenges. 14th European Conference on Ecological Restoration, 26-30, Tartu, Estonia.
- Kalinauskas, M., Pereira, P. (2024). Multi-temporal Assessment and Mapping of Ecosystem Service demand in National and Regional Parks of Lithuania. In Social Innovations for Transformative Society, Vilnius, Europe, Lithuania. June 25-27, 2024.
- Bogdzevič, K., Kalinauskas, M., Inacio, M., Pereira, P. (2024) National restoration plans are they an effective measure to achieve NRL goals? 14th European Conference on Ecological Restoration takes place in Estonia, Tartu, from August 26 to 30, 2024.
- Pereira, P., Kalinauskas, M., Pinto, L., Inacio, M., Baltranaite, E., Bogdzevič, K., Roy, A., Meisutovic-Akhtarieva, M. (2024) Nature-based solutions in urban areas: Ecosystem Services, Disservices and Challenges. 14th European Conference on Ecological Restoration takes place in Estonia, Tartu, from August 26 to 30, 2024
- Inacio, M., Villoslada, M., Barboza, F., Pereira, P. (2024) Rethinking how to address the restoration of coastal and marine ecosystems through Nature-based Solutions. 14th European Conference on Ecological Restoration takes place in Estonia, Tartu, from August 26 to 30, 2024
- Tudose, N.C., Asmus, C., Cheval, S., Georgiadis, T., Mitter, H., Inacio, M., Johannessen, M., Anand, J., Knutzen, F., Linser, S., Marin, M., Matteucci, G., Neumann, M., Pereira, P., Radu, R.G., Spiegelhalder, M.R., Ungurean, C. (2024) Co-developing a Decision Support System for climate adaptation and mitigation of European forests: lessons learnt from the stakeholder engagement. European Geoscience Union. EGU24-16389
- Kalinauskas, M., Pereira, P. (2024) Multi-temporal assessment of Groundwater Recharge Capacity in Protected Areas of Lithuania. European Geoscience Union. EGU24-17956
- Gomes, E., Inácio, M., Bogdzevič, K., Kalinauskas, M., Karnauskaitė; D., Pereira, P. (2023) Land use impacts on Ecosystem Services. XIV CONGRESSO DA GEOGRAFIA PORTUGUESA Territórios em Transição e Sustentabilidade: Crises e Respostas.14 a 17 de Novembro 2023.
- Das, M., Das, A., Inacio, M., Pereira, P. (2023) Impact of urbanization on carbon emission in Kolkata magacity region.XVII Internation Scientific Conference ‘monitoring geological process and ecological conditions of the environment’ 7-10 November 2023, Kyiv, Ukraine.
- Shuhani, Y., Das, M., Pinto L., Inácio, M., Pereira P. (2023) Are nature-based solutions effective to improve flood regulation in Vilnius center? XVII International Scientific Conference “Monitoring of Geological Processes and Ecological Condition of the Environment”, 7–10 November 2023, Kyiv, Ukraine
- Inácio, M., Shuhani, Y., Das, M., Pinto, L., Bogdzevič, K., Pereira, P. (2023). Mapping and assessing Wind Energy Potential, Supply and Flow in Lithuania. XVII International Scientific Conference “Monitoring of Geological Processes and Ecological Condition of the Environment”, 7–10 November 2023, Kyiv, Ukraine
- Inácio, M., Das, M., Shuhani, Y., Pinto, L., Bogdzevič, K., Kalinauskas, M., Pereira, P. (2023). A multi-temporal assessment and mapping of lake recreation ecosystem services: an example from Trakai region (Lithuania). XVII International Scientific Conference “Monitoring of Geological Processes and Ecological Condition of the Environment”, 7–10 November 2023, Kyiv, Ukraine
- Pereira, P., Kovacs, E.C., Kovacs, M. (2023) Microbial community structure changes in three soil types soils exposed to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. A laboratory experiment. 4th International conference onrisk assessment of pharmaceuticals in the Environment, Barcelona, 9-10- October, 2023.
- Pereira, P., Bogdzevič, K., Das, M., Inacio, M. (2023) MApping and Forecasting Ecosystem Services in URban areas in Lithuania (MAFESUR). ECOSERV 2023, 14-16 September, Poznan, Poland.
- Das, M., Pereira, P. (2023) Influence of peri-urban green spaces on the local thermalenvironment: An implication for climate change adaptation in medium sized cities (India). ECOSERV 2023, 14-16 September, Poznan, Poland
- Kalinauskas, M., Pereira, P. (2023) A Systematic Review on Mapping EcosystemServices in Protected Areas. ECOSERV 2023, 14-16 September 2023, Poznań, Poland.
- Shuhani, Y., Valenca Pinto, L, Inacio, M., Das, M., Pereira, P. (2023). The importance of urban trees in nature-based solutions conditions. The case of Vilnius city center (Lithuania). ECOSERV 2023, 14-16 September 2023, Poznań, Poland
- Inácio, M., Pereira, P. (2023). Lithuanian lake ecosystem services: a multi-temporal national assessment. ECOSERV 2023, 14-16 September 2023, Poznań, Poland
- Symochko L., Pereira P. (2023) Ecocide in Ukraine. Assment of war impact on environment. International Marmara Sciences Congress, PROCEEDINGS E-BOOK, 9– 10 December 2022, KOCAELI, Turkey, P 51, ISBN: 978-625-00-0263-6
- Pereira, P. (2023) Soil ecosystem services in global environmental change context. Seminar on multiscale effects of extreme wildfires. Temuco, Chile, 20 August.
- Pereira, P. (2023) Times of change . Understanding the complex relation between forest fires and soil health. Mega Incendios. Multiple effects of wildfire effects on forests and territory. Concepcion, Chile, 22-24 August. (Plenary Lecture)
- Francos, M., Úbeda, X., Pereira, P. (2023) Soil properties and vegetation patterns four years after a wildfire and post-fire salvage logging treatment in a Mediterranean environment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1896,
- Inácio, M., Pereira, P. (2023) A methodological framework to map and assess lake ecosystem services: a multi-temporal analysis study in Lithuania, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1321, 2023.
- Bogunovic, I., Hrelja, I., Kisic, I., Dugan, I., Krevh, V., Defterderovic, J., Filipovic, V., Filipovic, L., Pereira, P. (2023) Straw mulch effect on soil and water losses in different growth phases of Maize sown on Stagnosols in Croatia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5996, 2023.
- Pereira, P., Bogunovic, I., Inacio, M., Zhao, W., Barcelo, D. (2023) Agriculture intensification impacts on soil and water ecosystem services, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1423, 2023.
- Valença Pinto, L., Inácio, M., Kalinauskas, M., Bogdzevič, K., Gomes, E., Pereira, P. (2023) Factors influencing CES use in Vilnius, Lithuania, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16969, 2023.
- Symochko L., Pereira P. (2023) Ecocide in Ukraine. Assment of war impact on environment. International Marmara Sciences Congress, PROCEEDINGS E-BOOK, 9– 10 December 2022, KOCAELI, Turkey, P 51, ISBN: 978-625-00-0263-6
- Pereira, P. (2023) Soil ecosystem services in global environmental change context. Seminar on multiscale effects of extreme wildfires. Temuco, Chile, 20 August.
- Pereira, P. (2023) Times of change . Understanding the complex relation between forest fires and soil health. Mega Incendios. Multiple effects of wildfire effects on forests and territory. Concepcion, Chile, 22-24 August. (Plenary Lecture)
- Hua, T., Zhao, W., Cherubini, F., Hu, X., Pereira, P. (2023) Enhancing protected areas for climate refugia in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4022, 2023.
- Yin, C., Zhao, W., Pereira, P. (2023) Ecosystem carbon sequestration service supports the Sustainable Development Goals progress, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13244, 2023.
- Das, M., Das, A., Pereira, P. (2023) Urbanization-induced vegetation cover loss and its impact on urban heat island and carbon emission in Kolkata megacity region, India. , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1877, 2023.
- Dugan, I., Pereira, P., Bogunovic, I. (2023) Conventional and conservation soil management impact on soil properties, runoff generation and element losses in horticultural cropland in Dalmatia (Croatia). International Summit on Renewable Energy (INSORE2023) 58th Croatian & 18 th International Symposium on Agriculture (SA2023). 11-17 February, 2023, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- Bogunovic, I., Dugan, I., Pereira, P., Kisic, I. (2023) Tillage, biochar and farmyard manure impact soil physical properties and maize yields on Cambisols in Croatia. International Summit on Renewable Energy (INSORE2023) 58th Croatian & 18 th International Symposium on Agriculture (SA2023). 11-17 February, 2023, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- Pereira, P. (2023) Soil Ecosystem Services and Climate Change. International Summit on Renewable Energy (INSORE2023) 58th Croatian & 18 th International Symposium on Agriculture (SA2023). 11-17 February, 2023, Dubrovnik, Croatia (Plenary Lecture).
- Pereira, P. (2023) What are the main ecological and social effects of a war on the environment. European Science Diplomacy Roundtable “The impact of the war in Ukraine on the environment in the Black Sea Region” in Chișinău, Republic of Moldova, May, 25, 2023. (Invited talk).
Pereira, P., Kovacs, E.C., Kovacs, M. (2023) Microbial community structure changes in three soil types soils exposed to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. A laboratory experiment. 4th International conference on risk assessment of pharmaceuticals in the Environment, Barcelona, 9-10- October, 2023.
Pereira, P., Bogdzevič, K., Das, M., Inacio, M. (2023) MApping and Forecasting Ecosystem Services in URban areas in Lithuania (MAFESUR). ECOSERV 2023, 14-16 September, Poznan, Poland.
Das, M., Pereira, P. (2023) Influence of peri-urban green spaces on the local thermal environment: An implication for climate change adaptation in medium sized cities (India). ECOSERV 2023, 14-16 September, Poznan, Poland.
Kalinauskas, M., Pereira, P. (2023) A Systematic Review on Mapping EcosystemServices in Protected Areas. ECOSERV 2023, 14-16 September 2023, Poznań, Poland.
Shuhani, Y., Valenca Pinto, L, Inacio, M., Das, M., Pereira, P. (2023). The importance of urban trees in nature-based solutions conditions. The case of Vilnius city center (Lithuania). ECOSERV 2023, 14-16 September 2023, Poznań, Poland.
Inácio, M., Pereira, P. (2023). Lithuanian lake ecosystem services: a multi-temporal national assessment. ECOSERV 2023, 14-16 September 2023, Poznań, Poland.
- Pinto, L.V., Ferreira, C.S.S., Pereira, P. (2022 Local Indicators of Spatial Association (LISA), spatial autocorrelation, urban green spaces, observed activities, park characteristics, Monitoring of Geological Processes and Ecological Condition of the Environment – EAGE Monitoring 22, 16th – 18th November 2022, Kiev, Ukraine.
- Inácio, M., Lapelė, M., Kalinauskas, M., Jasinavičiūtė, A., Pereira, P. (2022) Land use transitions in Lithuanian protected areas between 1990-2018. Monitoring of Geological Processes and Ecological Condition of the Environment – EAGE Monitoring 22, 16th – 18th November 2022, Kiev, Ukraine.
- Pereira, P. (2022) Wildfire and Ecosystem Services. 1st International Workshop on Fire Researchm. Multiscale effects of extreme forest fires. November 16-18, 2022.
- Symochko L., Pereira P. (2022) Russian-Ukrainian war impact on biodiversity losses. Committee on Environmental Policy and Nature Management Hearings: “The impact of military actions on the environment in Ukraine and its restoration to a natural state”, November 10, 2022, Kyiv, Ukraine.
- Inácio, M., Pereira, P. (2022) National scale assessment and mapping of lake ecosystem services in Lithuania. International conference: “Nature-based solutions for improvement of water quality and river basin management”. 26-27 October 2022, Riga, Latvia
- Kalinauskas, M., Gomes, E., Bogdzevic, K., Inacio, M., Pereira, P. (2022) Mapping and Assessment of Recreational Cultural Ecosystem Service Supply and Demand: Cultural and Natural Dimension Approach. 4th ESP Europe Conference, 10-14 October 2022, Heraklion, Greece.
- Pereira, P., Gomes, E., Kalinauskas, M., Bogdzevic, K., Inacio, M. (2022) Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystem Services in Lithuania (LINESAM). Advances in the MAES initiative. 4th ESP Europe Conference, 10-14 October 2022, Heraklion, Greece.
- Inácio, M., Pereira, P. (2022) National scale assessment and mapping of lake ecosystem services: exploring gaps from MAES projects in Lithuania. 4th ESP Europe Conference, 10-14 October 2022, Heraklion, Greece.
- Valença Pinto, L., Ferreira, C.S.S., Pereira, P. (2022). Do Park characteristics affect the spatial distribution of recreational activities in an urban park? A case study in Vilnius, Lithuania. 4th ESP Europe Conference, 10-14 October 2022, Heraklion, Greece.
- Valença Pinto, L., Inácio, M., Ferreira, C.S.S., Ferreira, A.D., Pereira, P. (2022). Contribution of the urban green areas to ecosystem services supply and wellbeing. Presented at the 4th ESP Europe Conference, 10-14 October 2022, Heraklion, Greece.
- Pereira, P., Dugan, I., Bogunovic, I., Barcelo, D. (2022) Farming practices and seasonal effects on diffuse pollution on a Hazelnut orchard located in Croatia. 18th Annual Workshop On Emerging High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry (Hrms) And Lc-Ms/Ms Applications In Environmental Analysis And Food Safety. October 10-11, 2022. Barcelona (closure talk)
- Pereira, P., Inacio, M. (2022) Mapping lake ecosystem services. Catalan Institute of water research. October, 07, 2022. Girona, Catalonia. (Invitd talk)
- Hrelja, I., Šestak, I., Pereira, P., Bogunović, I. (2022) Changes in soil texture after wildfire: effect of severity, vegetation type and time-since-fire in Mediterranean environment. Soil degradation challenges in agricultural production 12 – 16 September 2022, Sveti Martin na Muri, Croatia.
- Dugan, I., Magdic, I., Pereira, P., Bogunovic, I. (2022) Different land use and seasonality impact on soil properties and soil erosion in maize field. Soil degradation challenges in agricultural production 12 – 16 September 2022, Sveti Martin na Muri, Croatia.
- Bogunovic, I., Dugan, I. Telak, L., Hrelja, I., Perčin, P., Šestak, I., Pereira, P. (2022) Soil erosion and degradation in Croatia – SEDCRO. Soil degradation challenges in agricultural production 12 – 16 September 2022, Sveti Martin na Muri, Croatia.
- Pereira, P. (2022) Soil ecosystem services in a changing environment. 14th congress of the Croatian Sociaety of Soil Science. Soil degradation challenges in agricultural production 12 – 16 September 2022, Sveti Martin na Muri, Croatia. Plenary talk.
- Pereira, P., Inacio, M. (2022) Soil degradation in a climate change context. The case of Alentejo, Portugal. Land Degradation Neutrality Webinar. Instituto da Conservacao da Natureza e das Florestas. 19 July, 2022.
- Valença Pinto, L., Ferreira, C.S., Ferreira, A. Dinis, Pereira, P. (2022) Human interactions with urban green spaces and implications for well-being in a changing world, in: Livro de Resumos Alargados do 10 Encontro de Doutorandos e Pós-Doutorados do CERNAS. CERNAS, ESAC, Coimbra.
- Das, M., Das, A., Pereira, P. (2022) Mapping and assessment wetland ecological risk: A case on a peri-urban wetland of lower Gangatic plain, Eastern India. Paper presented in 3rd ESP Europe Conference. Ecossystem Services for the future: Delivering value for Nature, Livelihood and Economic Investment, 8-10 June 2022, Rwanda, Musanze (Online), 2022.
- Gomes, E. Inácio, M.; Kalinauskas, M. Rocha, J. Pereira, P. (2022) Assessing the spatial effects of future cropland changes at the regional scale: a problem-oriented approach”. Paper presented in 3rd ESP Europe Conference. Ecossystem Services for the future: Delivering value for Nature, Livelihood and Economic Investment, 8-10 June 2022, Rwanda, Musanze (Online), 2022.
- Dugan, I., Magdic, I., Pereira, P., Bogunovic, I. (2022) Soil management impact on soil physical properties and hydrological response in apple orchard (Croatia) during three seasons. 57th Croatian & 17th International Symposium on Agriculture.
- Bogunovic, I., Telak, L.P., Hrelja, I., Kisic, I., Dugan, I., Krevh, V., Pereira, P. (2022) Straw mulch effect on soil and water losses in different growth phases of Maize sown on Pseudogley in Croatia. 57th Croatian & 17th International Symposium on Agriculture.
- Pereira, P., Dugan, I., Bogunovic, I. (2022) The role of agricultural systems in Sustainable Development Goals. Benefits and threats. 57th Croatian & 17th International Symposium on Agriculture.
- Pereira, P. (2022) Ecosystem Services in agricultural areas: The thin line between food security and land degradation. Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2022. 20-24 June 2022 Pretoria, South Africa (Invited talk).
- Barcelo, D., Pereira, P. (2022) Afforestation Impacts on Hydrological Ecosystem Services. International Exhibition and Scientific Workshop on Afforestation Techniques Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. (Invited talk).
- Pereira, P., Barcelo, D. (2022) Post-fire Management in the climate context. International Exhibition and Scientific Workshop on Afforestation Techniques Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. (Invited talk)
- Pereira, P., Barcelo, D. (2022) Afforestation as nature-based solution to reduce heatwaves and floods. International Exhibition and Scientific Workshop on Afforestation Techniques Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. (Invited talk)
- Delač, D., Kisić, I., Pereira, P. (2022) Post–fire management for improving soil quality and hydrological process: a case study in a Mediterranean Croatia. IX International Conference on Forest Fire Research (2022)
- Delač, D., Kisić, I., Zgorelec, Z., Perčin, P., Pereira, P. (2022) Water quality response to slash-pile burning in a Mediterranean environment (Croatia). EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-1096, 2022.
- Francos, M., Ubeda, X., Pereira, P. (2022) Wildfire and forest management necessities to avoid soil degradation. A case study in a Mediterranean forest. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-6043, 2022.
- Dugan, I., Telak, L., Pereira, P., Bogunovic, I. (2022) Seasonal and land management impact on vineyard soil, runoff generation and associated pollutants in karstic environment (Mediterranean Croatia). EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-457, 2022.
- Hua, T., Zhao, W., Cherubini, F., Hu, X., Pereira, P. (2022) Weak effectiveness on vegetation greenness, cover and productivity at the edges of protected areas on the Tibetan Plateau, China. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-4408, 2022.
- Yin, C., Zhao, W., Pereira, P. (2022) Soil Conservation Service Underpins Sustainable Development Goals. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-6830, 2022.
- Pereira, P. Inacio, M., Kalinauskas, M., Bogdzevič, K., Bogunovic, I., Zhao, W. (2022) Land-use change impacts on ecosystem services: an overview. GU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-6301, 2022.
- Pereira, P. (2021) Nature-based solutions in urban environments. 4th International Workshop on the Human-Earth System
- Dynamics and Modelling. December 18-19, 2021. ESPRE, Beijing, China. (Invited talk)
- Pereira, P. (2021) The Importance of Higher Education in the Context of the 4th Sustainable Development Goal (Quality Education). “SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY: GLOBAL TRENDS, NATIONAL EXPERIENCES AND NEW GOALS”. AZERBAIJAN (Plenary lecture).
- Pereira, P. (2021) Soil ecosystem services in agricultural areas. 3rd Symposium of Agroforestry on Carbon Sequestration and Emission Reduction. November, 28. Zhejiang A&F Univeristy, China. (Invited talk)
- Basu, T., Das, A., Pereira, P. (2021) RS-GIS Based Urban Livability Assessment and Prediction of Future Urban Expansion in Raiganj City, India. International Workshop on Geography and Sustainability 2021: “Geography of the Anthropocene: Transforming our world for sustainable development”, 23-24 November, Beijing, China.
- Bogdzevič, K., Inácio, M., Kalinauskas, M. Gomes, E. Pereira, P. (2021) Implementation of Nature-based Solutions for flood management on private land. International Workshop on Geography and Sustainability 2021: “Geography of the Anthropocene: Transforming our world for sustainable development”, 23-24 November, Beijing, China.
- Gomes, E., Inácio, M., Kalinauskas, M., Bogdzevic, K., Rocha, J., Pereira, P. (2021) Assessing the impacts of exploratory land-use scenarios on cropland supply in a case study in Lithuania. International Workshop on Geography and Sustainability 2021: “Geography of the Anthropocene: Transforming our world for sustainable development”, 23-24 November, Beijing, China.
- Pereira, P., Žalėnienė, I. (2021) Importance of higher education on sustainability establishment. International Workshop on Geography and Sustainability 2021: “Geography of the Anthropocene: Transforming our world for sustainable development”, 23-24 November, Beijing, China.
- Das, M., Das, A., Pereira, P. (2021) How did COVID-19 impact the urban ecosystem? Empirical evidence from an Indian megacity. International Workshop on Geography and Sustainability 2021: “Geography of the Anthropocene: Transforming our world for sustainable development”, 23-24 November, Beijing, China.
- Kalinauskas, M., Inácio, M., Gomes, E., Bogdzevič, K., Pereira, P. (2021) Landscape aesthetic quality mapping and assessment. The Lithuanian case study. International Workshop on Geography and Sustainability 2021: “Geography of the Anthropocene: Transforming our world for sustainable development”, 23-24 November, Beijing, China.
- Inácio, M., Gomes, E., Kalinauskas, M., Bogdzevič, K., Pereira, P. (2021) Towards the quantification of marine ecosystem services: a case study of Lithuania. International Workshop on Geography and Sustainability 2021: “Geography of the Anthropocene: Transforming our world for sustainable development”, 23-24 November, Beijing, China.
- Pereira, P. (2021) Agriculture land degradation and ecosystem services loss in a changing environment. International Workshop on Geography and Sustainability 2021. Theme: Geography of the Anthropocene: Transforming our world for sustainable development. 23-24 November, 2021, Beijing, China (Key Speech).
- Pereira, P. (2021) “A Importância dos Serviços ecossistémicos e das Soluções Baseadas na Natureza num território em mudança: A visão de um geógrafo”. The importance of ecosystem services and nature based solutions in a changing territory. A geographer vision. XIII Congresso da Geografia Portuguesa, Coimbra 18-20 de Novembro, 2021 (Invited talk, open cerimony).
- Pereira, P., Inácio, M., Gomes, E., Zhao, W. (2021) Mapping the supply and demand of regulating air chemical composition in Lithuania. XV International Scientific Conference «Monitoring of Geological Processes and Ecological Condition of the Environment», 17-19 November, Kyiv, Ukraine (Invited talk).
- Pinto, L., Ferreira, C., Pereira, P. (2021) Digital elevation models resolution impact on Topographic Wetness Index mapping: A case study in Coimbra (Portugal). XV International Scientific Conference «Monitoring of Geological Processes and Ecological Condition of the Environment», 17-19 November, Kyiv, Ukraine
- Inácio, M., Gomes, E., Pereira, P. (2021) Lake ecosystem services of Lithuania: a methodological approach for mapping and assessing changes on a multi-temporal perspective. XV International Scientific Conference «Monitoring of Geological Processes and Ecological Condition of the Environment», 17-19 November, Kyiv, Ukraine.
- Inácio, M., Pereira, P. (2021). Lakes importance on the ecosystem services supply in Lithuania. “The heritage of pond systems in the Anthropocene”. 15.–17. October, Gmünd (Austria) – Nové Hrady (Czech Republic) – Třeboň (Czech Republic). (Invited talk).
- Pereira, P. (2021) Land Degradation, Wildfires and Ecosystem Services. International Forum on Land Degradation, Soil Conservation and Sustainable Development. 21-23 August, Dalian (China) (Key Speech)
- Pereira, P. (2021) Fire Impacts on Ecosystems Services. Post Wildfire Management: Erosion and Land Degradation Control, Soil Restoration, and Vegetation Cover Recovery.
- Inácio, M., Gomes, E., Bogdzevič, K., Karnauskaitė, D., Kalinauskas, M., Pereira P. (2021) Mapping the accessibility to terrestrial natural and cultural areas in Lithuania. Conference Proceedings of the Geoinformatics: Theoretical and Applied Aspects”, 10‐14 May 2021 in Kyiv, Ukraine.
- Inácio, M., Karnauskaite, D., Gomes, E., Bogdzevič, K., Kalinauskas, M., Pereira, P. (2021) Looking at the future: the impact of alternative scenarios in the supply of ecosystem services in Lithuania Economic Exclusive Zone. 3rd ESP Europe Conference, 7-10 June 2021, Tartu, Estonia.
- Pereira, P., Gomes, E., Inacio, M., Bogdzevič, I., Karnauskaite D., Kalinauskas, M. (2021) Mapping and assessment of future land use change impacts on habitat quality in Lithuania. EGU General Assembly 2021. EGU21-3267
- Delac, D., Pereira, P., Kisic, I. (2021) Impact of post-wildfire stabilization treatments on major and minor topsoil elements in a Mediterranean environment (Croatia): first-year study. EGU General Assembly 2021, EGU21-648
- Hua, T., Zhao, W., Pereira, P. (2021) Quantifying sensitivity and exposure of multiple ecosystem services to climate change: A case study of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau , EGU General Assembly 2021, EGU21-12215, 2021
- Zhang, X., Zhao, W., Wang, L., Pereira, P. (2021) Aggravated water deficit in the Loess Plateau of China as indicated by the soil available water content, EGU General Assembly 2021, EGU21-13790, 2021
- Bogunovic, I., Telak, L.J., Dugan, I., Ferreira, C.S.S., Pereira, P. (2021) Tillage-induced management impact on soil properties and initial soil erosion in degraded calcareous soils in Mediterranean fig orchard. EGU General Assembly 2021 EGU21-1309
- Pinto, L., Ferreira, C., Pereira, P. (2021) Environmental and socio-economic factors influencing the use of urban parks in Coimbra (Portugal). EGU General Assembly 2021 EGU21-1042
- Inacio, M., Karnauskaite, D., Miksa, K., Kalunauskas, M., Pereira, P. (2021) The socio-ecologic aspects of nature-based solutions for coastal flooding mitigation. EGU General Assembly 2021 EGU21-3124.
- Pereira, P., Bogdzevic, K., Kalinauskas, M., Inacio, M., Gomes, E., Karnauskaite, D. (2020) Ecosystem services supply and private property in Lithuania. Geography and Sustainability Workshop 2020 (30th November, 2020, Beijing, China. IGU Commission on Geography for Future Earth Coupled Human-Earth Systems for Sustainability.
- Pereira, P., Gomes, E., Kalinauskas, M.,Miksa, K., Karnauskaitė, D., Inacio, M. (2020) Terrestrial Ecosystem Services in Lithuania: current status and drivers of change. 13-oji nacionalinė jūros mokslų ir technologijų konferencija JŪROS IR KRANTŲ TYRIMAI 2020. EcoServe projekto seminaras: Pamario kraštas po 100 metų
- Gomes, E., Inacio, M., Miksa, K., Kalinauskas, M., Pereira, P. (2020) Methods for mapping and assessment drivers of change effects on terrestrial and marine ecosystem services in Lithuania. Geoinformatics 2020, Kiev, Ukraine.
- Delač, D., Kisić, I., Pereira, P. (2020) Dynamics of runoff pH and electrical conductivity after pile burns. In: Mioc. B., Siric, I. (eds) 15th International Symposium on Agriculture. Zagreb (Croatia), February 16 – 21, 2020. pp. 27-32.
- Pinto, L., Ferreira, C., Pereira, P., Ferreira, C. (2020) Analyzing social media photo posts distribution as a potential indicator for UGBI user preferences: the case of Coimbra, Portugal. EGU General Assembly 2020, EGU2020-20417
- Pereira, P., Kalinauskas, M., Inacio, M., Miksa, K. (2020) Mapping and Assessment of ecosystem services in Lithuania: From science to planning. LIFE EcosystemServices project conference “Value of Nature – practices and experiences in use of ecosystem services assessment. Riga, Latvia.
- Miksa, K., Inacio, M., Kalinauskas, M., Gomes, E., Pereira, P. (2020) Mapping groundwater recharge in Vilnius urban and peri-urban area (Lithuania). EGU General Assembly 2020, EGU2020-4025
- Hrelja, I., Šestak, I., Perčin, A., Pereira, P., Bogunović, I. (2020) VNIR spectroscopy for assessment of post-fire impacts on soil properties using linear and non-linear calibration methods. EGU General Assembly 2020, EGU2020-974.
- Delač, D., Pereira, P., Kisić, I. (2020) The effects of mulch (Olea europea and Pinus halepensis) on burned soils: A preliminary study in Adriatic coast (Croatia). EGU General Assembly 2020, EGU2020-1295
- Yang, S., Zhao, W., Pereira, P. (2020) Effects of depth and land use on vertical soil properties and their contributions to ecosystem services in Yanhe watershed. EGU General Assembly 2020, EGU2020-954
- Bogunovic, I., Telak, L.J., Pereira, P. (2020) Management-induced soil water erosion and nutrient losses in different land use in Mediterranean environment. EGU General Assembly 2020, EGU2020-1151
- Pereira, P., Brevik, E., Inacio, M., Kalinauskas, M., Miksa, K., Gomes, E. (2020) Mapping soil formation in Lithuania. A national-scale analysis. EGU General Assembly 2020, EGU2020-3925
- Zhang, X., Zhao, W., Pereira, P. (2020) Aggravated water deficit in the Loess Plateau of China as indicated by the soil available water content. EGU General Assembly 2020, EGU2020-8619
- Wu, X., Zhang, W., Yu, Y., Pereira, P. (2020) Integrating preferences and social values for ecosystem services in local ecological management: A framework applied in Xiaojiang Basin, Southwest of China. EGU General Assembly 2020, EGU2020-10363
- Munoz-Rojas, M., Pereira, P. (2020) Fire in the environment: effects on soil functions and ecosystem services in a changing world. EGU General Assembly 2020, EGU2020-11848.
- Francos, M., Ubeda, X., Pereira, P., Arcenegui, V., Mataix-Solera, J. (2020) Pre-fire forest management effectivity to decrease wildfire impact on soil properties in a Mediterranean forest. EGU General Assembly 2020, EGU2020-5814
- Inacio, M., Kalinauskas, M., Miksa, K., Gomes, E., Pereira, P. (2020) The copernicus marine environment monitoring service as a platform to map marine ecosystem services: a Lithuanian case. EGU General Assembly 2020, EGU2020-8083
- Slidžiauskaitė-Maskoliūnė, R., Pereira, P. (2024) Should Ecocide be international crime? In: The Impact of War and Extraordinary Situations on Law in the Context of Agression against Ukraine. Lyra Jakulevičienė, Patrick R. Hugg, Dmytro Luchenko (eds.) Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften. Germany, pp. 193-201.
- Inacio, M., Pereira, P. (2024) „Analysing vegetation cover changes in protected areas: an example from Lithuania”. In: Sanches Galvao, J.F.C., Duque de Brito, P.S., Santos Neves, F., Silva Craveiro, F.G., Amorm Almeida, H., Correia Vasco, J.O., Pires Neves, L.M., Jesus Gomes, R., Martins Mourato, S.J., Santos Ribeiro, V.F. (eds) Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Water Energy Food and Sustainability (ICoWEFS 2023). Springer, pp. 343–352
- Symochko, L., Pereira, P. (2024) Agricultural soil management impacts on soil microbial communities. In Nunez-Delgado, A. (ed) Frontier Studies in Soil Science. Springer, pp. 135–146. ISBN:978-3-031-50502-7. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-50503-4_6
- Shuhani, Y., Inacio, M., Valenca Pinto, L., Bogdzevič, K., Pereira, P. (2024) Nature climate soolutions in urban areas and their benefits for carbon sequestration, climate regulation and flood regulation. In: ed. N. Vnukova, G. Zhelnovach. K (eds) Education, science and industry on the road to prevention, adaptation and mitigation of climate change: collective monograph, Kharkiv, pp 48- 63. ISBN 978-617-7920-28-0
- Bicking, S., Almagro, A., Soplin, A., Schumacher, J., Inácio, M., Schernewski, G. & Müller, F. (2023). Assessing Temporal Changes in Ecosystem Service Provisions: Conceiving Future Pathways. In: Schubert, H., Müller, F. (eds) Southern Baltic Coastal Systems Analysis. Ecological Studies, vol 246. Springer, Cham.
- Inácio, M., Schernewski, G. (2023). Temporal Changes in Aquatic Ecosystem Services Provision: Approach and Examples. In: Schubert, H., Müller, F. (eds) Southern Baltic Coastal Systems Analysis. Ecological Studies, vol 246. Springer, Cham.
- Yang, Y., Ma, P., Zuo, Q., Zhang, H., Hu, M., Pereira, P. (2023) Agricultural soil degradation in China. In: Pereira, P., Munoz-Rojas, M., Bogunovic, I., Zhao, W. (eds) Impact of Agriculture on Soil Degradation I: Perspectives from Africa, Asia, America and Oceania. Volume I. Springer, pp.153-175.
- Yang, Y., Ma, P., Zuo, Q., Zhang, H., Hu, M., Pereira, P. (2023) Agricultural soil degradation in China. In: Pereira, P., Munoz-Rojas, M., Bogunovic, I., Zhao, W. (eds) Impact of Agriculture on Soil Degradation I: Perspectives from Africa, Asia, America and Oceania. Volume I. Springer, pp.153-175.
- Pereira, P., Inacio, M., Bogunovic, I., Symochko, L., Barcelo, D., Zhao, W. Agricultural soil degradation in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. In: Pereira, P., Munoz-Rojas, M., Bogunovic, I., Zhao, W. (eds) Impact of Agriculture on Soil Degradation II: A European Perspective. Volume II. Springer, pp. 59-86.
- Pereira, P., Ferreira, C. (2022) Preface. In: Ferreira, C., Pereira, P. (eds) Urban Soil and Water Degradation. Advances in Chemical Pollution, Environmental Management and Protection, pp. xiii-xvi.
- Pereira, P., Kalinauskas, M., Das, M., Bogdzevič, K., Inacio, M., Barcelo, D. (2022) Mapping and assessment of flood regulation supply and demand in Vilnius (Lithuania). In: Ferreira, C., Pereira, P. (eds) Urban Soil and Water Degradation. Advances in Chemical Pollution, Environmental Management and Protection, pp. 113-133. Elsevier.
- Pereira, P., Gomes, E., Rocha, J. (2022) Preface. In: Pereira, P., Gomes, E., Rocha, J., (eds) Mapping and forecast land use/cover changes. The Present and Future of Planning, pp. XVII. Elsevier.
- Pereira, P., Inacio, M., Kalinauskas, M., Bogdzevič, K., Bogunovic, I., Zhao, W. (2022) Land-use changes and Ecosystem Services. In: Pereira, P., Gomes, E., Rocha, J., (eds) Mapping and forecast land use/cover changes. The Present and Future of Planning, pp. 1-27. Elsevier.
- Das, M., Mandal, A., Das, A., Pereira, P. (2022) Projection future of land use land cover change (LULCC) in Kolkata Metropolitan Area, Eastern India. In: Pereira, P., Gomes, E., Rocha, J., (eds) Mapping and forecast land use/cover changes. The Present and Future of Planning pp. 299-320. Elsevier.
- Yang, S., Zhao, W., Pereira, P. (2022) Land use modelling by CLUMondo under the contrasting scenarios. In: Gomes, E., Rocha, J., Pereira, P. (eds) Mapping and Forecast Land Use Changes, pp. 173. 190. Elsevier.
- Ferreira, C.S.S., Kalantari, Z., Hartmann, T., Pereira, P. (2022) Conclusions: Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation. In: Ferreira, C.S.S., Kalantari, Z., Hartmann, T., Pereira, P. “Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation: Environmental and Socio-Economic Aspects“. Springer publishing house. pp. 507-513.
- Ferreira, C.S.S., Kalantari, Z., Hartmann, T., Pereira, P. (2022) Introduction: Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation. In: Ferreira, C.S.S., Kalantari, Z., Hartmann, T., Pereira, P. “Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation: Environmental and Socio-Economic Aspects“. Springer publishing house. pp. 1-7.
- Pereira, P., Inacio, M., Karnauskaite, D., Bogdzevič, K., Gomes, E., Kalinauskas, M., Barcelo, D. (2022) Nature based solutions impacts on urban environment chemistry: Air, soil and water. In: Ferreira, C.S.S., Kalantari, Z., Hartmann, T., Pereira, P. “Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation: Environmental and Socio-Economic Aspects“. Springer publishing house. pp. 79-137.
- Bogdzevič, K., Kalinauskas, M., Inacio, M., Gomes, E., Pereira, P. (2022) Legal implications of natural floods management – Lithuania case study. In: Ferreira, C.S.S., Kalantari, Z., Hartmann, T., Pereira, P. “Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation: Environmental and Socio-Economic Aspects“. Springer publishing house, pp. 447-467
- Pinto, L.V., Pereira, P., Gazdic, M., Ferreira, A., Ferreira, C.S.S. (2022) Assessment of NBS impact on pluvial flooding regulation with in urban areas: a case study in Coimbra, Portugal. In: Ferreira, C.S.S., Kalantari, Z., Hartmann, T., Pereira, P. “Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation: Environmental and Socio-Economic Aspects“. Springer publishing house. 289–312.
- Inácio, M., Karnauskaite, D., Miksa, K., Gomes, E., Kalinauskas, M., Pereira, P. (2022) Nature Based Solutions to mitigate coastal floods and associated socio-ecological impacts. In: Ferreira, C.S.S., Kalantari, Z., Hartmann, T., Pereira, P. “Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation: Environmental and Socio-Economic Aspects“. Springer publishing house. pp 35-58.
- Pinto, L., Ferreira, C.S.S., Ferreira, A.F., Kalantari, Z., Pereira, P. (2021) Green and blue infrastructures in urban areas. In: Bears, R.C. (ed) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Futures. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-51812-7_174-1
- Pinto, L., Ferreira, C.S.S., Pereira, P. (2021) Time of day and workdays vs. weekend differences in the use of cultural ecosystem services in urban parks (Coimbra, Portugal). In: Sanches Galvao, J.F.C., Duque de Brito, P.S., Santos Neves, F., Silva Craveiro, F.G., Amorm Almeida, H., Correia Vasco, J.O., Pires Neves, L.M., Jesus Gomes, R., Martins Mourato, S.J., Santos Ribeiro, V.F. (eds) Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Water Energy Food and Sustainability (ICoWEFS 2021). Springer
- Ferreira, A., Barai, E., Leitao, I., Ferreira, A., Boulet, A.K., Pereira, P., Oliveira, M.F., Ferreira, C. (2021) Ethical issues on the use of citizen science approaches. In: Abrunhosa, M. et al. Advances in Geoethics and Groundwater Management : Theory and Practice for a Sustainable Development . Springer pp. 305-307.
- Wenwu Zhao (Principal Investigator). Impact and simulationof ecosysyem services on the sustainable development in Loess Plateau. National Science Foundation China. 2023-2026.
- Francisco Matus Baeza (Principal Investigator). FiRING: Multiscale effects of extreme forest fires on erosion, water, and biogeochemical cycles in natural and managed forest soils. 2021-2024.
Horizonts 2020/FP7
- Sorin Cheval (Principal Investigator). Paulo Pereira, PI in Lithuania. OPTimising FORest management decisions for a low-carbon, climate resilient future in Europe (OptFor-EU). No. 101060554. HORIZON-CL6-2021-CLIMATE-01. 2023-2027. 4 994 000.00 Euros
- Diego Cerrada (Principal Investigator). Paulo Pereira, PI in Lithuania. Monetary valuation of soil ecosystem services and creation of initiatives to invest in soil health: setting a framework for the inclusion of soil health in business and in the policy making process (InBestSoil). HORIZON-MISS-2021-SOIL-02. 2022-2026. 2023-2027. 4 994 000.00 Euros.
- Benjamin Burkhart (Principal Investigator). Paulo Pereira, PI in Lithuania. Science for Evidence-based and sustainabLe decIsions about NAtural capital (SELINA). No 101060415. HORIZON-CL6-2021-BIODIV-01-07. Biodiversity and ecosystem services. 2022-2027. 12,213,773.00 Euros.
- Benjamin Burkhart (Principal Investigator). Paulo Pereira, PI in Lithuania. Enhancing ecoSysteM sERvices mApping for poLicy and Decision mAking (Esmeralda). No 642007. H2020-EU.3.5.2. – Protection of the environment, sustainable management of natural resources, water, biodiversity and ecosystems. 02/01/2015 – 31/07/2018. 3 133 306 Euros.
COST veiklos
- Gregory Valatin (Principal Investigator). Payments for ecosystem services (Forest and Water). COST, EU Framework Programme (CA15206).
- Lenka Slavikova (Principal Investigator). Land4Flood: Natural Flood Retention on Private Land. COST, EU Framework Programme (CA16209).
- Gareth Shaw (Principal Investigator). Tourism, Wellbeing and Ecosystem Services (TobeWELL). COST, EU Framework Programme (IS1204).
Erasmus Plus
- Netherlands Business Academy (Coordinator). Paulo Pereira, PI in Lithuania. Synergy of educational, scientific, management and industrial components for climate management and climate change prevention (CLIMAN). 619119-EPP-1-2020-1-NL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP. EU Framework Programme. 15/11/2020-14/11/2023
- Juan Francisco Martinez-Murillo (Principal Investigator). Ecogemorphology of gullied landscapes from Andalusian natural protected areas: management implications and dissemination highlights (EGEOLAND). Junta de Andalucía-Fondos FEDER. UMA20-FEDERJA-097. 29/10/2021 a 30/06/2023. 65 664.00 Euros.
- Ivica Kisic (Principal Investigator). Influence of Summer Fire on Soil and Water Quality. Croatian science foundation. 01/12/2018 – 30/11/2022.
- Paulo Pereira (Principal Investigator). Lithuanian National Ecosystem Services Assessment and Mapping (LINESAM). 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-01-0104 Lithuanian Research Council. 01/01/2018 – 31/12/2022. 599 132 Euros.
- Igor Bogunovic (Principal Investigator). Soil Erosion and Degradation in Croatia. Croatian science foundation. 01/04/2018 – 31/03/2023. 262 180 Euros.
- Lithuanian lake ecosystem services: impacts of climate and land-use change (LACLAN) 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-23-0215 June 2021 – June 2023. 85 008 Euros.
- Mapping and Assessment of Lithuanian national and regional Parks Ecosystem Services (MALPES) S-PD-22-64. November 2022 – November 2024. 83 403 Euros.
- Paulo Pereira (Principal Investigator) MApping and Forecasting Ecosystem Services in URban areas (MAFESUR). Lithuanian Research Council April 2023-March 2026. Nr. P-MIP-23-426 146 117 Euros
Tiesioginės paslaugos
- Paulo Pereira (Principal Investigator). Study on the landscape of structural changes of the state parks and description of the landscape aesthetic’s value. Financed by the State Service for the Protected Areas under the Ministry of Environment. Nr. 2022-06-21 Nr. F4-173/2022-06-22 Nr. 2ST-190. 2022-2023. 100 000.00 Euros.
Aplinkos valdymo laboratorijos vadovas
Prof. dr. Paulo Pereira
El. paštas paulo@mruni.eu