„Identity and post-traumatic growth in women who have experienced violence in close relationships: the role of resilience, coping and social support“, No. P-MIP-17-8 - MRU

„Identity and post-traumatic growth in women who have experienced violence in close relationships: the role of resilience, coping and social support“, No. P-MIP-17-8

Project No. P-MIP-17-8
Project title:Identity and post-traumatic growth in women who have experienced violence in close relationships: the role of resilience, coping and social support, ”.
Project duration: from 2017-10-12 to 2019-09-30.
Project manager: prof. dr. Rita Žukauskienė.

Summary:  The aim of this study is to examine identity change and post-traumatic growth in women who have experienced intimate partner violence (IPV) in relation to the role of psychological resilience, coping and social support. To achieve this aim, the study will be conducted in two samples: (1) a sample of women living in women’s crisis centres who have experienced intimate partner violence (a longitudinal study with three waves of follow-up), and (2) a sample of the general population of women who have experienced intimate partner violence (a cross-sectional study). During the implementation of the study, we will analyse the associations between trauma severity, post-traumatic growth, psychological resilience, coping, and social support, and we will assess the change in identity over time and post-traumatic growth of intimate partner violence survivors living in crisis centres. We also aim to assess the prevalence and severity of trauma in women who have experienced intimate partner violence in a general population sample and the role of psychological resilience, coping, and social support on identity change and post-traumatic growth in samples of women living in crisis centres and in the general population.

The project was funded by the Lithuanian Research Council under the VII Call for proposals for research group projects for 2017-2020.