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Erasmus+ traineeship (outgoing)
Who can participate?
- Students of full-time and part-time studies granting any level of degree, who comply with the following criteria, may participate in the selection for mobility for traineeship (placement).
- Whose study programmes include a placement/practice (traineeship) as a compulsory part of the study programme. Although, if the number of applications of other candidates is not sufficient, the Faculties Selection Committee may award a grant to a student whose study programme does not include a compulsory placement/traineeship. In this case the Mobility for Erasmus+ traineeship shall be included in the Diploma supplement as an additional subject;
- Whose weighted average of all semesters is at least 7 (seven);
- Who do not have more than 1 (one) academic debt (failed exam);
- Who have sufficient knowledge of a foreign language in order to communicate and do the traineeship in a foreign language (working language of host organization/enterprise);
- Who have been formally accepted as trainees abroad in an enterprise eligible for mobility for traineeship. A form needed for the traineeship place confirmation is available here
- Who have no financial debts to the University (all financial debts must be covered by the date of submission of the application);
- Who have a valid permit to reside in the Republic of Lithuania temporarily during the whole planned period of mobility for traineeship (except citizens of the Republic of Lithuania). If student applies for a longer period of traineeship (e.g. 4 months) then student must have both – a valid permit to reside in the Republic of Lithuania during the whole planned period of mobility for traineeship AND a national visa of the receiving country (where the host organization/company/university is located). Please plan to have sufficient time to apply for national visa of the receiving country;
- The students who have already undertaken a traineeship (have performed the traineeship) provided for in their study programmes may participate in the selection for mobility for Erasmus+ traineeships. The selection committee has the right to select a student who has not had a work placement (traineeship) yet;
- International students who are graduating from Mykolas Romeris University and who have Temporary Residence Permit valid for additional period after graduation (usually for 12 months for the purpose of finding employment in Lithuania) can apply for Erasmus+ traineeship for recent graduates (for a duration between 2 -3 months – from which 2 months supported with Erasmus+ traineeship grant). Erasmus+ traineeship for recent graduates shall occur within one year after graduation. Students must apply while still being enrolled in Mykolas Romeris University.
IMPORTANT!! Students who have previously participated in mobility for studies and/or traineeship under the Erasmus+ programme:
– may participate in the selection for mobility for Erasmus+ traineeships, if their total period of studies and/or traineeship according to Erasmus+ programme jointly with the new mobility for Erasmus+ traineeship period in the same cycle of studies will not exceed 12 months;
– may participate if their new mobility for Erasmus+ traineeship starts 180 days after they last entered the Schengen Area. Third-country (non-EU/EEA/Swiss) citizens not subject to a requirement for short-term Schengen visas must respect the so-called 90/180-day rule. That means that you are free to come to the other country without visa formalities but are subject to the rule of staying no more than 90 days in any 180-day period. If student applies for a longer (more than 90 days) period of traineeship (e.g. 4 months) or if student must start Traineeship before 180 days passed by, then student must have both – a valid permit to reside in the Republic of Lithuania during the whole planned period of mobility for traineeship AND a national visa of the receiving country (where the host organization/company/university is located). Please plan to have sufficient time to apply for a national visa of the receiving country.
IMPORTANT!! Only active student status gives legal ground for formalizing the traineeship. Students who have suspended their studies at MRU cannot undertake Erasmus+ Traineeship.
IMPORTANT!! During the Erasmus+ Traineeship mobility period students must pay their regular tuition fee at the sending university (MRU)!!!
What are Selection Criteria and how is the Competitive (Selection) Score calculated?
The selection of participants of the competition shall be carried out according to the following criteria:
- The weighted average of all studies (at least 7 points);
- Compliance between the results of the traineeship and the traineeship results required in the study programme;
- Motivation to do the traineeship abroad under the Erasmus+ programme.
Competitive (selection) score = A+B+C
Where can I go and what are the sizes of Erasmus+ Grant?
The Erasmus+ Grant for traineeship is a grant awarded by the University to a student for mobility for traineeship. The Erasmus+ Grant for traineeship shall be intended to cover the additional mobility costs (not for covering all costs of studies or traineeship abroad), i.e. traveling and insurance costs, learning the foreign language (if necessary), and for reimbursement of higher cost of living in the foreign country (in comparison with Lithuania).
Country groups and sizes of Erasmus+ grant for traineeship applicable for students who are selected and start mobility from the 1st of February, 2024.
Amounts of student grants for KA131 mobility per one moth:
Groups of countries |
Applicable for training mobility activities, EUR/month |
Group 1: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Ireland |
824 EUR/month |
Group 2: Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Latvia, Cyprus, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia. |
824 EUR/month |
Group 3: Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey. |
756 EUR/month |
Erasmus+ traineeship grant duration policy:
For Currently Studying Students:
The Erasmus+ traineeship grant can be paid for a maximum duration of 3 months.
For Recent Graduates:
For recent graduates whose traineeship occurs after graduation, the traineeship grant is available for a period of 2 months.
Due to limited funding, the remaining duration of the traineeship beyond the two-month period will not be financed.
Deadlines in the current academic year
Application deadlines | Announcement of the results of selection | |
I |
until 10th of September, 2024 | 2024.09.17 |
II | until 10th of October, 2024 | 2024.10.17 |
III | until 10th of November, 2024 | 2024.11.17 |
IV | until 10th of December, 2024 | 2024.12.17 |
V |
until 10th of January, 2025 for soon to be recent graduates 23rd of January, 2025 |
2025.01.17 2025.01.29 |
VI | until 10th of February, 2025 | 2025.02.17 |
VII | until 10th of March, 2025 | 2025.03.17 |
VIII | until 10th of April, 2025 | 2025.04.17 |
IX | until 10th of May, 2025 | 2025.05.17 |
X |
until 10th of June, 2025 |
2025.06.17 |
for soon to be recent graduates the deadline to fill in the application is by the 16th of June, 2025 application must be submitted before graduation Traineeship of recent graduate can be carried out only after graduation. |
2024.06.27 |
XI | until 10th of July, 2025 | 2025.07.17 |
XII | until 10th of August, 2025 | 2025.08.17 |
Selection procedures according to the terms and individual selection.
- According to the set deadlines (see Table 1).
- Individual selection.
- Selection for Erasmus+ traineeship for recent graduates
Procedure for submitting Application according to the set deadlines:
Submission of application by:
- Logging on e-book on My STUDIES.
- Filling in application for Erasmus+ traineeship.
- Sending complete application in PDF format and Letter of Acceptance to traineeships@mruni.eu
Steps in detail:
- University students who wish to participate in the selection for Erasmus+ traineeship must find traineeship place on their own and after being accepted to suitable organization they must log in to e-book “My STUDIES” and fill in a required electronic application form;
- Add pdf document: Letter of Acceptance (to be completed by the host Organization) for a Traineeship position abroad in an eligible enterprise under the Erasmus+ programme;
For NON-EU citizens : PDF copy of your valid Temporal Residence Permit of Lithuania (TRP).
For EU citizens (except Lithuanian citizens) : PDF copy of your valid certificate of right of temporary residence in Lithuania (TRC or PRC).
Individual selection.
If the eligible student intends to carry out an Erasmus+ traineeship out of range of selection terms he or she may apply for individual selection by Logging on e-book on MY STUDIES and filling in the application for Erasmus+ traineeship. Completed application in PDF format must be sent to traineeship@mruni.eu together with:
- Letter of Acceptance (to be completed by the host Organization) for a Traineeship position abroad in an eligible enterprise under the Erasmus+ programme;
- Learning agreement for Training filled and signed by student and supervisor of hosting organization;
- Request for Erasmus+ Grant form- filled and signed by student;
- Copy of Residence Permit document – for NON-EU citizens PDF copy of valid Temporal Residence Permit of Lithuania (TRP). For EU citizens (except citizens of Lithuania) PDF copy of valid certificate confirming your right of Temporary Residence in the Republic of Lithuania (TRC or PRC).
Documents for individual selection should be sent to traineeship@mruni.eu at least 7 working days before the beginning day of the traineeship.
Selection for Erasmus+ traineeship for recent graduate
As the job market often focuses on those who already have prior work experience, Erasmus+ traineeship for recent graduates is intended to provide recent graduates with the experience they need to thrive in today’s job market.
Erasmus+ traineeship abroad for recent graduates is a traineeship carried out after graduation from Mykolas Romeris University.
For recent graduates whose traineeship occurs after graduation, the traineeship grant is available for a period of 2 months.
Due to limited funding, the remaining duration of the traineeship beyond the two-month period will not be financed. However, it’s important to note that despite the funding limitation, your Erasmus+ student status will continue for the rest of traineeship.
Traineeship in a company or organization located in any EU programme country can last between 2 – 3 months respecting the rule regarding permission to travel from Lithuania to other Schengen countries – up to 90 days within 180-day period.
International Full-time Students who are graduating from Mykolas Romeris University and who have Temporary Residence Permit/ or if EU citizen Certificate of Temporary residence in Lithuania for additional period after graduation (usually for 9 or 12 months for the purpose of finding employment in Lithuania) can apply for Erasmus+ traineeship for recent graduates.
Students must apply and be selected before graduating from the University.
Successful completion of studies and positive evaluation of final papers/theses leading to graduation this semester qualifies students to apply for the Erasmus+ mobility grant designed for recent graduates. The application deadline is at least 7 working days before receiving the diploma. It is crucial for candidates to maintain an active student status at the time of application.
!!!After graduation, it will no longer be possible to participate in and/or be selected.
Submission of application by:
- Logging on e-book on My STUDIES.
- Filling in application for Erasmus+ traineeship.
- Sending complete application in PDF format.
ATTENTION! Students have to find a traineeship position suitable for their study programs on their own. Exceptionally, application of soon to be graduate can be submitted if the approval from an organization is not received yet but on the way.
Selected recent graduates may start their traineeship within 10 months after they receive their diploma. Leaving 2 minimum months for implementation of traineeship. Traineeship cannot start/end on weekends or national holidays.
Selected recent graduates will have to follow all formalization procedures described at “After selection”. Additionally they will have to send a scanned copy of their Diploma.
Upon completion of Traineeship for recent graduates, students are required to provide every document constituting the Final report in accordance with the obligations of the financial agreement and the description “After mobility”.
Doctoral mobility, to better meet the diverse learning and training needs of doctoral students and to ensure equal opportunities with staff in higher education institutions, doctoral students and recent doctoral graduates (PhD graduates) can take part in a traineeship under the same conditions as all other graduates, within 12 months of graduation. In countries where graduates are required to perform compulsory military or civilian service after graduation, the period of eligibility is extended for the duration of that service.) may go abroad for a long period of physical mobility or for a short period of physical mobility for the purpose of a traineeship/training practice.
Short-term physical mobility activities for doctoral students under the Erasmus+ Programme are, exclusively for doctoral students (if it is not possible to go for a continuous mobility of at least two months for a traineeship), physical mobility for traineeships (teaching practice) in Erasmus+ Programme countries for a period of between 5 and 30 days (e.g. In any of the 27 EU Member States, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Turkey, North Macedonia, Serbia) in an organisation, NGO, consultancy firm, municipality, university, library, research institute, laboratory. Short-term physical mobility activities for PhD students include a research assistantship in any eligible research institution.
The Erasmus+ grant for the short-term physical mobility of a doctoral student in a traineeship/training placement (regardless of the Erasmus+ Programme country to which the doctoral student is going) is granted at a rate of EUR 79 per day until the 14th day of the activity and EUR 56 per day from the 15th to the 30th day of the activity. If you choose to travel by green transport (buses, trains, car-sharing) and provide supporting documents, you will receive a one-off grant of €50 for the green travel and 1 day each for the pre- and post-activity travel. The minimum duration of the short-term mobility must be 5 days in the host country. The maximum duration of short-term mobility is 30 days. If there is a need for a longer mobility, then the PhD student must apply for long-term mobility as indicated here.
Award and departure of the Erasmus+ scholarship for short-term physical mobility of a PhD student for traineeships (teaching placements). Doctoral students should email the documents below to traineeships@mruni.eu to the Internationality Office. The International Office will draft the Rector’s order for the referral and the Erasmus+ Higher Education Mobility Participant’s financial agreement, which will be signed by the doctoral candidate in person. The University will pay the placement grant in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the Erasmus+ Higher Education Mobility Participant’s financial agreement.
Doctoral students applying for an Erasmus+ scholarship for short-term physical mobility of a doctoral student for a traineeship (teaching practice) must submit the following documents at least 10 working days before the start of the traineeship (teaching practice):
- Tripartite Learning Agreement for Training – Before the mobility part. The agreement form can be found here. The tripartite agreement must be completed and signed by the PhD student, the academic coordinator of the academic unit (school/faculty) of the Erasmus+ programme and a representative of the host organisation. The fully signed document should be sent in PDF format to traineeships@mruni.eu
- Application to send for short-term physical mobility. Once the content of the placement has been agreed in a tripartite learning placement agreement, the doctoral student prepares the application. The application form can be downloaded here. The application must be signed by the doctoral student, the academic Erasmus+ coordinator of the academic unit (school/faculty) and the head of the SIDM school or a responsible representative. The fully signed document should be sent in PDF format to traineeships@mruni.eu
- Bank account information. Student and bank details sent with the Tripartite Agreement and application form. The form can be found here, filled in and sent in docx format
- A copy of the insurance is sent in PDF format. During the short-term physical mobility period of an Erasmus+ traineeship/internship, the student must have a valid health insurance cover in the country of the traineeship/internship placement (European Health Insurance Card for students), as well as civil liability and accident insurance. Evidence of insurance can be provided at a later stage, before the Erasmus+ Higher Education Mobility participant signs the Erasmus+ Higher Education Mobility Participant’s financial agreement.
If you have any questions, please contact traineeships@mruni.eu.
ATTENTION! Students who wish to apply for Erasmus+ mobility grant for Traineeship must find and choose a traineeship position suitable for their study programme by themselves.
Some advice: You may look for hosting organizations in all countries which participate in the Erasmus+ programme (see above in the table with Erasmus+ grant sizes). It may be any private or public organization, also higher education institutions (except EU institutions) — the most important is the content of the traineeship, which must match the profile of your study programme at MRU. You may look for host organization on the web-site (just google, or search for relevant professional associations or search on httpss://erasmusintern.org/traineeships ), ask your lecturers or vice-dean for advice, also you may ask numerous mediating organizations to help you find a traineeship place. When International Office receives any information about available traineeships offers, we immediately make them public for MRU students here.
The following traineeship offers do not necessarily meet a specific field of study.
University doesn’t actively help student find a company for traineeship, but provides lists of offers:
- Most relevant offers are announced on our Facebook page
- Possible traineeship organization can be found from the list that is provided by Career Center of Mykolas Romeris University
- Other offers:
Organization that offers an internship database:
Organizations that assist in finding traineeship:
Internship opportunities for students and recent graduates:
Organizations that assist in finding traineeship:
- ETN Bulgaria Gateway (Bulgaria)
Consult and help to find traineeship and work places:
- Placement Slovakia (Slovakia)
Traineeship offer for students in various study fields:
Academy for Cultural Diplomacy Internship Opportunities at the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin, Germany.
- Jobted offers many opportunities for internships and traineeships, allowing students to gain valuable experience in Europe.
Traineeship offers in Spain (Spain);
Stage Malta (Malta);
Intern Network Turkey (Turkey);
Traineeship offer for students in various fields of study
- Internship Makers (Europe)
Internships offers for all European countries.
- Partnership International (Ireland, the United Kingdom)
Intermediary for placement in various fields (duration: from 4 to 26 weeks)
- Educa International (Czech Republic)
Helps students to find traineeship in fields of teaching, tourism, business and IT (duration: from 2 to 12 months)
- Rhodeshow (Worldwide)
Internship offers in fields of marketing, IT, engineering and design, tourism, education, communication
Intermediary for internship in the tourism sector (duration: from 3 to 6 months)
- “Training experience”(Spain)
Offers and assists in finding internships. You can also contact them via e-mail: internship@trainingexperience.org
- “European Student Placement Agency Ltd“ (United Kingdom)
Offers internships (duration: 6 months)
- Placement in Portugal (Portugal)
Intermediaries for finding internships in Portugal.
- My Internship (Europe)
Internship opportunities in all Europe.
- MilkRound (United Kingdom)
Internship opportunities in various fields, taking place in the UK.
- Euro Brussels (Belgium)
European Union affairs internships in Brussels.
Internship opportunity in the UK.
- European Central Bank (Germany)
Internship opportunity in Frankfurt, Germany.
Internship opportunities in Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Colombia.
Internship opportunity in Prague, Czech Republic.
- University of Economics in Bratislava (Slovakia)
Internship opportunity in Bratislava, Slovakia (1st part of poster ; 2nd part of poster).
- “AUF – Europe Centrale et Orientale” (France)
Internship opportunity in France (For French-speaking students only). For more information, visit:https://shorturl.at/PIxGr.
Internship opportunity in Slovakia.
Internship opportunity in the UK.
Internship opportunity in Portugal. More information here.
Internship opportunity in Spain.
Internship opportunity in Spain. More information here.
Internship opportunity in Estonia.
Internship opportunity in Turkey.
Internship opportunity in Germany.
Internship opportunity in the International Office of Macerata University in Italy.
- Acceptance Letter – document from hosting organization, if it was not provided previously with selection application, or if there were changes made to previous confirmation.
- Learning Agreement for Traineeship (LAT) – for more instructions how to fill LAT please see slides “before Traineeship info material“
- Request for Erasmus+ Grant – in the Request form, the student must indicate the duration of his or her traineeship abroad, mark applicable grant components included in the total amount. The Request form FOR STUDENTS or FOR RECENT GRADUATES needs to be signed by (1) the student and confirmed by (2) the faculty’s Vice-Dean. Duly-signed form must be delivered in pdf together with copy of Acceptance letter and confirmed Learning Agreement for Traineeship to the International Office by email traineeships@mruni.eu
- Bank account details – the student must be HOLDER of a LOCAL bank account (friends’ or relatives’ won’t be accepted)
- A copy of the Temporary Residence Permit in the Republic of Lithuania or if EU citizen Certificate of Temporary residence in Lithuania valid during the whole planned period of mobility for Erasmus+ Traineeship (except citizens of the Republic of Lithuania).
- Copy of Insurance Policy – valid in a host country with all obligatory elements: 1. Emergency medical assistance and repatriation insurance 2. Insurance against accidents abroad and 3. Civil liability insurance. To obtain these types of insurance you are allowed to contact any insurance company in Lithuania or abroad. When seeking for insurance, please see description what it should be covering in adequate insurance coverage info.
- Your language skills must be evaluated by Erasmus+ Online Linguistic Support (OLS). You can receive certificate by undertaking ON-LINE LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT TEST as described in OLS invitation;
- Info about hosting organization;
- Scanned copy of the MRU Diploma (Bachelor’s or Master’s degree) in case of recent graduate traineeship.
In order to finish the Erasmus+ Traineeship settlement and receive the final 10% of the Erasmus+ grant, the student has to submit their Final Report documents, not later than 30 calendar days from the date of completion of the traineeship abroad. If it is not possible to submit all the documents of the Final Report within 30 days after finishing the traineeship, the student must contact the International Office by e-mail to traineeships@mruni.eu and explain the reasons. According to the Financial Agreement for Erasmus+ Traineeship, if the student does not present the documents in time, the University has the right to request the student to return the Erasmus+ Traineeship grant. The Final Report includes the following documents:
- A LETTER OF CONFIRMATION showing the traineeship abroad has been completed. The Letter of Confirmation has to be signed by the supervisor of the host organisation and sealed. The copy formatted in PDF must be sent by e-mail to traineeships@mruni.eu
NOTE: if the Erasmus+ Traineeship period was shorter than it was planned in the Erasmus+ Grant Agreement, Mykolas Romeris University will calculate the final amount of the grant according to the real duration of the mobility period and a part of the grant could be requested to be returned back. The mobility period cannot be of less than 2 months, in that case the entire scholarship must be returned back.
- TRAINEESHIP CERTIFICATE : It is the third part of the LEARNING AGREEMENT FOR TRAINEESHIPS (Section “AFTER THE MOBILITY”) filled in, signed and sealed, sent by e-mail to traineeships@mruni.eu;
- ON-LINE QUESTIONNAIRE (EU SURVEY) : At the end of the traineeship period, the student will receive an automatic link to the on-line report by e-mail from the European solidarity corps. After filling in the on-line questionnaire, a PDF version of it will be sent to the student e-mail. A copy of the completed questionnaire must be sent by e-mail to traineeships@mruni.eu, writing in the subject of the mail “(Your Name and Surname) Questionnaire on the Erasmus experience“. The on-line EU Survey must be completed and submitted within 30 calendar days from the end of the mobility period. Students who fail to complete and submit the on-line EU Survey may be required to return back a part or the full Erasmus+ grant.
- ON-LINE LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT TEST : The student should follow the instruction according to OLS invitation
- FEEDBACK : the student will be required to write a feedback about their traineeship in order to encourage other students to apply for Erasmus+ and send it with a picture to traineeships@mruni.eu; The feedback and the picture will be published on the MRU webpage and MRU Erasmus+ Facebook page.
MRU Faculty | Academic Erasmus+ coordinator | Contacts |
Law School | Doc. dr. Dovilė Gailiūtė-Janušonė | Room: V-344 Ph.: (370 5) 271 4597 E-mail: dgailiute@mruni.eu |
Faculty of Public Governance and Business | Vice-Dean for Studies: prof. dr. Irmantas Rotomskis | Room: V-507 Ph.: (370 5) 271 4657 E-mail: irotom@mruni.eu |
Public Security Academy | Vice-Dean for Studies: Danguolė Seniutienė |
Room.: V-106
E-mail: dseniutienė@mruni.eu |
Faculty of Human and Social Studies | Vice-Dean for Studies: prof. dr. Linas Selmistraitis | Room: V-503 Ph.: (370 5) 271 4657 E-mail: selmistraitis@mruni.eu |
International Office Traineeship coordinator Mr. Joris Kurauskas at MRU, Vilnius, can be contacted by E-mail: traineeships@mruni.eu
If you are a student coming from or arriving at SUA, Marijampolė, please contact the International Office Traineeship coordinator Mr. Darius Nemura. E-mail: dar.nemu@mruni.eu
Follow Erasmus+ news on Facebook – MRU Erasmus+
- Feedback of PhD students Ricardo Sergio, Erasmus+ traineeship in Austria
- Feedback of Alesia, Erasmus+ traineeship in Malta
- Feedback of Leila, Erasmus+ traineeship in Malta
- Feedback of Sherin Zibiah, Erasmus+ traineeship in the Netherlands
- Feedback of Veranika, Erasmus+ traineeship in Galicia, A Coruña, Spain
- Feedback of Chinedu, Erasmus+ traineeship in Malta
- Feedback of Seyma, Erasmus+ traineeship in Turkey
- Feedback of Ekaterina, Erasmus+ traineeship in Italy
- Feedback of Giorgi, Erasmus+ traineeship in Greece
- Feedback of Kamilya, Erasmus+ traineeship in Belgium