Erasmus+ Mobility for Studies (SMS) - MRU

Erasmus+ Mobility for Studies (SMS)

Do you want to gain international experience? Improve your foreign language skills? Boost your self-confidence? Or perhaps you’d like to diversify your studies and explore a new culture?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, then Erasmus+ is right for you! Choose your desired country, create an individual study plan, and participate in the Erasmus+ selection today!

The Erasmus+ selection for studies is held twice a year:

  • In February – for the autumn semester
  • In September – for the spring semester

First year students can only apply for Erasmus+ studies from the 2nd semester and take part in the program during the 3rd semester of the 2nd year.

Main call for the Erasmus+ autumn semester of the 2025/2026 academic year: 03/02/2025 20:00 – 25/02/2025 23:59. 

Applications for the Additional Selection Call for Erasmus+ mobility for the autumn semester of the 2025/2026 academic year is NOW open from 25/03/2025 until  08/04/2025, 23:59 LT time. You can apply HERE.

For the 2025/2026 academic year (autumn  semester) call students may apply to Erasmus+ studies (SMS) KA131 EU universities and Erasmus+ KA171 non-EU universities. List of universities is available in the Mobility-Online application when Faculty and study programme of the student are specified . You can also find the list of universities HERE.


When applying, please use the e-mail provided by MRU!


Selection Results for 2024/2025 Spring Semester

Selection results are made public in compliance with data protection regulations.

Upon completion of all additional selections, the selected students are approved by rector’s decree.

Only selected students have the right to participate in the Erasmus+ program and receive an Erasmus+ scholarship for studies.


For clarification of selection results (in case of dispute), please contact the academic Erasmus+ coordinator at your faculty:

MRU Faculty Academic Erasmus+ coordinator Contacts
Law School Doc. dr. Dovilė Gailiūtė-Janušonė Room: V-344
Ph.: (370 5) 271 4597
Faculty of Public Governance and Business Vice-Dean for Studies: prof.dr. Irmantas Rotomskis Room: V-507
Ph.: (370 5) 271 4657
Public Security Academy Vice-Dean for Studies: Danguolė Seniutienė
Room.: V-106
E-mail: dseniutienė
Faculty of Human and Social Studies Vice-Dean for Studies: prof. dr. Linas Selmistraitis

Kab.: V-241
Tel.: (8 5) 2714529


Mykolas Romeris University

Faculty of Public Governance and Business

selection results (2024-2025 spring semester).

Student ID Program Study programme MRU academic division Host.Inst. Academic year Semester App. status


Mykolas Romeris University

Faculty of Human and Social Studies

selection results (2024-2025 spring semester).

Student ID Program Study programme MRU academic division Host.Inst. Academic year Semester App. status


Mykolas Romeris University

Public Security Academy

selection results (2024-2025 spring semester).

Student ID Program Study programme MRU academic division Host.Inst. Academic year Semester App. status


Mykolas Romeris University

Law School

selection results (2024-2025 spring semester).

Student ID Program Study programme MRU academic division Host.Inst. Academic year Semester App. status

Selection Conditions and Procedure

Selection process:


Selection step

Main Call Dates

Additional Call Dates


Submission of Mobility-Online application

Link to application is HERE.

03/02/2025 12:00 – 25/02/2025 23:59

25/03/2025 12:00 – 08/04/2025 23:59

The list of universities with open vacancies is HERE.

For now, you can find information about active partnerships here.


Selection at the Academic Unit:

International Office passes applications to the faculty selection committee.

At this stage, faculty representatives may invite applicant for an interview.

until 06/03/2025

until 16/04/2025


Announcement of results:

Students are informed of the selection results by e-mail trough the Mobility-Online.


ŽVSF selection of students will be announced until 10/03/2025



Student’s consent:

Upon receiving selection result, applicant is obligated if he/she agrees to be nominated to particular (selected by his/her faculty) Host University trough the Mobility-Online.

until 10/03/2025 16:00

until 22/04/2025 16:00


Info meeting with selected students (EN)

19/03/2025 16:15


08/05/2025 16:15



Sending nomination of selected and agreed student to Host University

until 12-14/03/2025

until 23-25/04/2025

You can participate in the selection for Erasmus+ mobility for studies if:

  1. You are in your second year of bachelor studies or above;
  2. You do not have any financial debt to the University;
  3. You are an advanced student:
    • with an overall weighted average of 7 or above;
    • with knowledge of the relevant foreign language – 8 points or above;
    • with no more than 1 academic debt.

The Selection Criteria and the calculation of the Selection Score

Selection score = A+B+C+D+E

  1. The total weighted average of all semesters;
  2. Assessment of foreign language knowledge;
  3. Evaluation of motivation to study abroad;
  4. Active participation in the activities of mentorship for incoming Erasmus+ students or in scientific, social, sports activities of Mykolas Romeris University.
  5. Choice of the relevant study subjects offered by the foreign university, or the intended organizational plan for the study mobility that student applies.


Steps (if you are selected and agree to be nominated to the assigned foreign university):

  • The International Office announces the selection results;
  • The selected student agrees to apply to the designated foreign university;
  • The International Office nominates the selected student to the foreign university, in which (s)he will be temporarily enrolled as a student (Erasmus+ incoming);
  • The foreign university contacts and informs the student about the admission procedure;
  • The student fulfils all admission requirements and submits an application with additional documents;
  • The foreign university informs the student about acceptance;
  • The student informs The International Office about acceptance;
  • The student submits documents to The International Office for formalization of mobility studies;
  • The International Office prepares the order and Erasmus+ financial contract;
  • The student signs the financial agreement;
  • The student travels to the foreign university and undergoes the study mobility program. If the study plan determined before the start of the mobility changes, the student must inform the academic Erasmus+ coordinator;
  • The student returns after the mobility and submits the necessary documents to The International Office (after the mobility stage);
  • After the submission of all necessary documents, The International Office instructs the MRU Finance Council to transfer the remaining part of the student’s grant.

* The dates indicated (arrival and departure to and from Host university) in the student’s grant agreement for studies, MUST MATCH the dates indicated (must be confirmed by Host university) in the Certificate of Attendance (a 5-day difference is possible and will be accepted).

Participating in the Selection Process

Apply for Erasmus+ studies for the autumn semester 2025/2026 here.


  1. Familiarize yourself with the selection conditions for studies of the Erasmus+ program;
  2. Choose 3 foreign universities (according to priority) where you would like to study during the Erasmus+ program;
  3. Visit the website of the foreign university and:
    • Get acquainted with the study subjects offered by the selected universities (whether they fit the student’s study program and if the study program takes place in the foreign language the student speaks);
    • Get acquainted with the information of the selected universities for incoming exchange students (academic calendar, accommodation, deadline for submission of admission documents, etc).

*For the 2024/2025 academic year (spring  semester) call students may apply to Erasmus+ studies (SMS) KA131 EU universities and Erasmus+ KA171 non-EU universities. List of universities is available in the Mobility-Online application when Faculty and study programme of the student are specified .

Which countries and universities can I choose for my Erasmus+ studies?

International Partnerships of Mykolas Romeris University

  • “Erasmus+” partners in Programme countries (KA131) – provides the opportunity to go to EU universities with an Erasmus+ scholarship for studies, without paying tuition fees  abroad;
  • “Erasmus+” partners in Partner countries (KA171) – provides the opportunity to go to non-EU universities with an Erasmus+ scholarship for studies, without paying tuition fees abroad;
  • Bilateral cooperation (MoU) partners – provides the opportunity to go to EU/non-EU universities for studies WITHOUT a scholarship, without paying tuition fees abroad.

How to correctly choose the suitable Host University (ies)?

Information on how to choose a suitable university:

  • In order to choose the right university and study subjects, consult with the vice-dean of your faculty (mobility coordinator) (see Contacts section).
  • Please be mindful of whether your foreign language proficiency level meets the requirements of the university.
  • If you would like to prepare your bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral thesis at the foreign university, please coordinate with the thesis supervisor and faculty vice-dean (mobility coordinator). Final theses are defended at MRU after returning from the study exchange.
  • Smooth coordination of Erasmus+ study content between the sending and receiving institutions and collected credits is ensured according to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).

Amounts of Erasmus+ Grant for Studies (under 2024 Call KA131 funding conditions )

Size of the grant is set by the European Commission and is equal to all students outgoing from Lithuania to a particular country group under 2023 Call KA131 mobility project:



Amount  of Erasmus+ Grant for Studies

1. Ireland, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, France, Finland, Sweden, Germany. Third countries not associated with the Program from regions 13 and 14

674 EUR/month

2. Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Latvia, Cyprus, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia

674 EUR/month


Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, Romania, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, Hungary

606 EUR/month


Third countries that are not associated with the Program from regions 1 – 12 (KA171)

700 EUR/month + top-up to cover travel expenses (fixed amount according to distance band)

* Fixed amounts are approved by the National Agency and apply for the entire duration of the project.

Students can go and receive a scholarship for study exchange to Programme countries (according to KA131) SEVERAL times.

Please note that students who receive the grant, as well as students who do not receive the grant are exempted from tuition fees, laboratory and library fees at the host institution, but pay normal fees at their sending institution (i.e. students of non-state-funded studies when going abroad under the Erasmus+ programme  pay the tuition fee set for them at Mykolas Romeris University).

The host institution may charge incoming students small fees related to, for example, insurance, student unions, and various materials, e.g. copying services, laboratory products, on the same basis as local students.

Additional Erasmus+ Financial Support for long-term/short-term mobilities

MRU students can apply for:

  • Top-up support for students with fewer opportunities on long-term mobilities – 250 EUR [1];
  • Green travel individual support top-up (single contribution) – 50 EUR [2];
  • Travel support (standard travel or green travel);
  • Additional travel days (additional individual support days);
  • Inclusion support (based on real costs) [3].
  • Top-up support for students with fewer opportunities on short-term mobilities – 100 EUR [4];

[1] [4] MRU students with fewer opportunities or MRU students with special needs (e.g. a limited ability to work, diabetes, undocumented medical needs) can request an additional grant to meet needs during the Erasmus+ study period.

An additional application must be submitted no later than 1 month before the start of studies abroad. An additional grant is awarded to program participants with physical, mental, or other disabilities based on actual expenses incurred.

A person with fewer opportunities is also defined as a program participant who, due to his physical, mental, or other disability cannot participate in the mobility project without an additional grant.

If the student is awarded an additional grant, then at the end of Erasmus+ mobility (within 30 days), the student must submit an expense report with supporting documents. Documents substantiating expenses: invoices confirming the actual expenses, specifying the name and address of the institution that issued the invoice, as well as the amount, currency and date of the invoice.

MRU students requiring social support (does not apply in the case of special needs), who have submitted documents proving their status (an official certificate issued by a competent institution, confirming the fact of receiving social benefits (orphants without any of the parents,  who are receiving  social allowance  according to  the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Cash Social Support for Indigent Residents or who a level of working capacity of 45 percent or less, or a severe or moderate level of disability , as determined by law ) or those who have temporary protection/refugee status and are going to Erasmus+ study mobility to a foreign countries, are granted a top-up stipend of 250 EUR per month.

SIEM Conference Inclusion & Engagement in Mobility

[2] Green travel is travel by environmentally friendly transport, such as buses, trains, or a car-pooling service. Traveling by ferry  or plane is not considered an environmentally friendly means of travel. If you are planning to go to the host institution using ecological transport, contact the International Office by e-mail at

Green your Erasmus+ exchange

[3] Funds for students with fewer opportunities are allocated by the decision of the National Agency. To get more information about inclusion support, please contact us by e-mail or come to the I-302 office for a individual consultation.

For Selected Students

Selected participants are required to attend an informational seminar to prepare for their outgoing mobility:

The blended informational seminar will be held on March 20, 2025, at 4:15 PM.

Location: Auditorium I-201, Vilnius.
For those unable to attend in person, you can join via MS Teams using this link

Additionally, the mobility guide and the Erasmus+ student charter are available to help you prepare for your outgoing mobility.

Further information for students selected for Outgoing mobility for studies can be found in the provided slides.

We would like to emphasize the following:

After the announcement of the selection results for Erasmus+ mobility studies and the student’s consent to being nominated (each student is contacted individually), nomination letters containing the participants’ details are sent to the foreign university

Filling out the application documents for the Host university: after receiving data about a student, the foreign university contacts the selected student and provides instructions on how to fill out the Application Form. It can be:

  • an invitation to register in the system of a foreign university online;
  • a request to fill out a designated application form.

The foreign university can also send other important information about the attached documents, deadlines for submitting documents and other important information about accommodation.

Each foreign university has strict application deadlines (search on university websites). If you don’t receive any confirmation letter, don’t hesitate to contact the person in charge at the host institution, and also get familiar with the information on the Internet – perhaps the application process is already described in detail on their website, and the forms for the necessary documents are provided.

Foreign universities may require the submission of a Transcript of Records – it is issued by Mykolas Romeris University faculties in English (contact the student managers of your faculty).

You must send a copy of the application form (if possible) to the International Office.

2 months before the start of your physical mobility, you must submit the following documents to the International Office (KA131) via your Mobility-Online Application:

  1. A copy of the application to the foreign university (if possible);
  2. Confirmation of Acceptance (official document or e-mail);
  3. Learning agreement for studies  (prepared flowing Digital Learning Agreement guide);
  4. Request for an Erasmus+ scholarship (must be signed by you and your faculty’s academic Erasmus+ coordinator);
  5. Copy of private health insurance, valid in the host country
  6. Copy of visa of host country (if applicable).

Please find  information about the mobility process Before the Mobility (KA131/KA171) 

Please find  information about the mobility process During the Mobility (KA131/KA171).

Student Tips for Living Abroad

If your host university does not offer you suitable accommodation or you have applied too late, we suggest you take a look at the Eurasmus online platform, where students participating in exchange programs can easily find and book rooms in their European city of their choice.

The platform provides the most necessary information about the academic, cultural and leisure areas. It also provides a secure payment system backed by apartment owner reviews and endorsements, reviews from previous residents, and a money-back guarantee.

When living abroad, it is convenient to shop in that country’s online stores. PayPal wallets are mostly used for this. Shopping online saves time and the goods are purchased cheaper than in a physical store.

In order to create a PayPal wallet, it is necessary to have a credit card – the banks of the Republic of Lithuania offer the purchase of such cards, which facilitate online shopping. Ask your bank about such a possibility. It is also convenient to use transfergo or for international transfers.

Travelling is an integral part of studying abroad. It is convenient to use the websites Kayak or Skyscanner to search for flights and buy tickets without intermediaries, as well as save money. You can use Booking to search for a place to stay, or Couchsurfing, where you will find people offering residence at their homes.

Are you planning to study in Estonia and are looking for a place to live? See for offers.

Have any more useful tips? Share them by e-mail

Thank you!

For Returning Students

In order to finish your Erasmus+ studies and receive the final 20 % of the Erasmus+ Grant, the following documents must be submitted (no later than 30 calendar days from the date of completion of your study period abroad*):

  1. Letter of Confirmation (or Certificate of Attendance);
  2. Transcript of Records;
  3. EU Survey;
  4. Feedback about Erasmus+ Experience
  5. Boarding Passes – only for KA171 participants (and those, to whom travel top-up is allocated).
The date of completion of studies at the foreign university is indicated in the financial contract of each student. If it is not possible to submit the aforementioned documents on time, the student must specify the reason for the delay in writing and request a postponement of the payment deadline. The institution has the right to decide the date of the transfer and to inform the student about the decision. If the student does not submit the documents on time and does not ask for a postponement of the deadline, it may be required to return the paid Erasmus+ scholarship for studies.
* The dates indicated (arrival and departure to and from Host university) in the student’s grant agreement for studies, MUST MATCH with the dates indicated (must be confirmed by Host university) in the Certificate of Attendance (up to  5-days difference is possible without consequences).

Documents (Checklist and templates for download)

Forms for filling Before the Mobility (KA131/KA171) :

  1. A copy of the application to the foreign university (if possible);

  2. Acceptance confirmation (official document or e-mail);

  3. Signed tripartial study agreement Learning agreement for studies (only valid when signed by all parties);

  4. TRP of Lithuania;
  5. VISA of Host country (if applicable);
  6. Request template Erasmus+ scholarship (must be signed by you and your Faculty’s Erasmus+ coordinator);

  7. Form of financial data (bank account details)

  8. Private Health Insurance Copy, which will be valid in the host country – for example –  ERGO, Gjensidige, Lietuvos draudimas and similar.

               Mandatory elements:
                        1. Emergency medical care and repatriation insurance;
                        2. Insurance against accidents abroad;
                        3. Personal liability insurance.

Forms for filling During the Mobility (KA131/KA171):

  1. Signed tripartite study agreement Learning Agreement for studies during the mobility section (only valid when signed by all parties) – if needed, if it is necessary to change the study plan at the Host university.
  2. Confirmation of Arrival 

Forms for filling After the Mobility KA131 After the Mobility KA171:

  1. Confirmation of Departure (departure part)

  2. Transcript of Records;
  3. EU survey;

  4. Feedback about Erasmus+ studies;

  5. Boarding pass – only for KA171 participants.

Please find the full Memo for Outgoing Students under the Erasmus+ mobility programme here.

Feedbacks of Outgoing Students` about their experiences under Erasmus+ mobility programme

       Every semester we help dozens of MRU students to be able to study in our partner universities in other countries. Each student’s experience is unique therefore it is important for us to receive honest feedback from all outgoing students. Moreover, these reviews are also very useful for other students who are planning their semester abroad to get to know the country and university of stay. Therefore, we have attached some PDF files with reviews and photos that you can find below! These feedbacks were given by outgoing students of 2022-2023 academic year.

Masaryk University, (Czech Republic_KA131), Psychology

Masaryk University,(Czech Republic_KA131), European and International Business Law (Specialization)

University of Vienna, (Republic of Austria_KA131), Legal Regulation of Public Administration and Human Rights (Joint Programme)

Savoie Mont Blanc University, (French Republic_KA131), European and International Business Law (Joint Programme)

University of Valencia, (The Kingdom of Spain_KA131), Psychology

Savoie Mont Blanc University, (French Republic_KA131), European and International Business Law (Joint Programme)

EFAP School of Communication, (French Republic_KA131), Communication and Digital Marketing

Marmara University, (Republic of Türkiye_KA131), Communication and Digital Marketing

Savoie Mont Blanc University, (French Republic_KA131),European and International Business Law (Joint Programme)

ADA University, (Republic of Azerbaijan_KA107),European and International Business Law (Joint Programme)

Josai International University, (Japan_KA107), Communication and Digital Marketing

Edge Hill University,(The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), Psychology

University of Latvia, (The Republic of Latvia_KA131),English for Specific Purposes and Korean Studies

Jean Moulin University, (French Republic_KA131), Translation and Editing (French Language)

Valencia University, (The Kingdom of Spain_KA131), Psychology

Marmara university, (Republic of Türkiye_KA131), Communication and Digital marketing

The Police Academy of the Czech Republic in Prague, (Czech Republic_KA131), Law and Police Activity (Teisė ir policijos veikla)

Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, (Republic of Croatia_KA131), Financial Management

University of Latvia, (The Republic of Latvia_KA131),English for Specific Purposes and Korean studies (Specialization)

Juraj Dobrila University of Pula,(Republic of Croatia_KA131), Communication and Digital Marketing

Ewha Womans University,(The Republic of Korea_KA107),English for Specific Purposes and Korean studies (Specialization)

Ewha Womans University, (The Republic of Korea_KA107), English for Specific Purposes and Korean studies (Specialization)

Kenyatta University, (Republic of Kenya_KA107), Psychology

Palacky University Olomouc, (Czech Republic_KA131), English for Specific Purposes and Korean studies (Specialization)

University of Jaén, (The Kingdom of Spain_KA131),Psychology




MRU Faculty Academic Erasmus+ coordinator Contacts
Law School Doc. dr. Dovilė Gailiūtė-Janušonė Room: V-344
Ph.: (370 5) 271 4597
Faculty of Public Governance and Business Vice-Dean for Studies: prof.dr. Irmantas Rotomskis Room: V-507
Ph.: (370 5) 271 4657
Public Security Academy Vice-Dean for Studies: Danguolė Seniutienė
Room.: V-106
E-mail: dseniutienė
Faculty of Human and Social Studies Vice-Dean for Studies: prof. dr. Linas Selmistraitis

Room: V-241
Ph.: (8 5) 2714529

Sudovian Academy Mrs. Odeta Gluoksnytė


International Office runs student consultation hours from 2-4 pm, Monday to Thursday, in a room No. I-302.  Feel free to come to the office during those times!

If only other times are suitable for you, please contact by email for setting up a meeting time. 

Contacts:; Phone: +370 5 2714 579   (Whatsapp No. +370 610 69397.

Follow Erasmus+ news on Instagram @mru.erasmus and Facebook – MRU Erasmus+