Erasmus+ and exchange studies (incoming) - MRU

Erasmus+ and exchange studies (incoming)

Office responsible for Erasmus+ and International students exchange at Mykolas Romeris University:

Mykolas Romeris University
Ateities str. 20, Vilnius LT-08303, Lithuania, Rooms No. I-302 and No I-317
Tel. +370 5 2714 603; Tel. +370 5 2714 695


(Academic Calendar; Contact persons at IO; Academic coordinators at the Faculties/Institutes; Application deadlines; Accommodation; Visas and immigration procedures; Health insurance; Introductory week; Student mentors, etc.)

You can come to Mykolas Romeris University as an exchange student and spend 1 or 2 semesters on the basis of:

  • Erasmus+ agreements between universities (Such students are treated according to the Erasmus+ programme requirements and based on Erasmus+ Inter-Institutional agreement with home university of the students – are exempted from the tuition fee)
  • Bilateral agreements between universities (Such students are treated according to agreement conditions and usually are exempted from the tuition fee)
  • Lithuanian State scholarships programme (The call for scholarships is announced every February and students can apply for the upcoming Academic Year)

In case your home University does not have an Agreement with Mykolas Romeris University, you can be accepted as a visiting (Free Mover) student.


Introductory week of AUTUMN semester 2025/2026 shall  take place from 25 August, 2025 – 29 August, 2025.

Programme of the Introductory week can be found here (TBA).



COURSES WITH LECTURERS TO FIND FOR ENROLLING IN MOODLE is HERE (exchange students need to self-enroll with the enrollment key ERASMUS)

  • All courses in the list are taught in English.
  • Students can choose courses from all faculties/institutes.
  • Students may take courses from both – bachelor and master cycles. Just keep in mind that master cycle courses may have pre-requisits which are outlined in the descriptions of the courses and if you do not meet these pre-requisits, it maybe too difficult to study the courses.
  • It happens that some courses which were originally offered to incoming students must be cancelled due to insufficient number of students choosing to take that particular course.
  • The description of the courses is available in the ECTS course catalogue (please keep in mind that this is only the catalogue, courses that are available for you are in the list above).
  • Mykolas Romeris is using OLA – Online Learning Agreement, therefore you may create your learning agreement in OLA . If your home University does not use OLA, you may ask your home University for the template, or use a standard template of  Learning Agreement 

Please note that it is requested for all students to select the majority (at least 3 out of 5) of courses from the faculty to which they will be enrolled in MRU. If you are unsure what faculty you will be enrolled into, please contact Ms. Angelė Raudytė for clarification. Failure to adhere to this requirement may result in academic coordinators rejecting your Learning Agreement and requesting necessary modifications.

N.B. Timetables (study schedules) are made by the Academic Affairs Center for each faculty – therefore there should be no timetable overlaps if you choose course units from the same faculty. However, if your home university coordinator approves, you are free to choose course units from any faculty which interests you. In case course units are chosen from different faculties, there may be timetable overlapping and thus a change to the learning agreement might be needed. Learning agreement can be changed during first two weeks of a new semester.


Mykolas Romeris University recommends that incoming students have B1-B2 level of English proficiency for full advantages of mobility. 


Mobility-Online Application Guide for Incoming exchange students

Erasmus+ Learning Agreement Guide – A Student Perspective


KERNAVĖ guide, KAUNAS guide, TRAKAI guide, KLAIPĖDA guide, NERINGA guide

HOW TO guides for tourist spots in Vilnius


Documents needed for D-Type Visa




COURSES (COURSE  UNITS) OFFERED FOR EXCHANGE STUDENTS IN ACADEMIC YEAR 2024-2025 you can find here (updated 2024.07.01).

  • List of course units taught in English language available for exchange students in Autumn and Spring semesters;
  • Students can choose course units from all faculties/institutes. 
  • Students may take course units from both – bachelor and master cycles. Just keep in mind that master cycle course units may have pre-requisites which are outlined in the descriptions of the course units and if you do not meet these pre-requisites, it maybe too difficult to study those course units.
  • It may happen that some course units which were originally offered to incoming students must be cancelled due to insufficient number of students choosing to take that particular course unit.  ON arrival, the student will be able to replace the cancelled course unit with the one, which is opened and included into study schedules (timetables). 
  • The description of the courses is available in the ECTS course catalogue (please keep in mind that this is only the catalogue, courses that are available for you are in the list above).
  • Mykolas Romeris is using OLA – Online Learning Agreement, therefore you may create your learning agreement in OLA  . If your home University does not use OLA, you may ask your home University for the template, or use a standard template of the  Learning Agreement 

Please note that it is requested for all students to select the majority (at least 3 out of 5) of courses from the faculty to which they will be enrolled in MRU. If you are unsure what faculty you will be enrolled into, please contact Ms. Angelė Raudytė for clarification. Failure to adhere to this requirement may result in academic coordinators rejecting your Learning Agreement and requesting necessary modifications.

N.B. Timetables (study schedules) are made by the Academic Affairs Center for each faculty – therefore there should be no timetable overlaps if you choose course units from the same faculty. However, if your home university coordinator approves, you are free to choose course units from any faculty which interests you. In case course units are chosen from different faculties, there may be timetable overlapping and thus a change to the learning agreement might be needed. The Learning Agreement can be changed during first two weeks of a new semester.


The International Office strongly recommends for new international students to participate in the Introductory Week organized before beginning of Autumn and Spring Semester. During this week, students are acquainted with the University, student life and services for students, with Vilnius and wider area, offered to join trips (possibly overnight). Participating students are asked to pay only for their accommodation during the overnight trips.

Introductory week of Autumn semester: from 25 August, 2025 – 31 August, 2025
Date of arrival: 25 August, 2025

Introductory week of Spring semester: from 26 January, 2026 to 1 February, 2026
Date of arrival: 27 January, 2026


Autumn semester (20 weeks): from 1 September, 2025 to 31 January, 2026
Introductory week: from 25 August, 2025 to 31 August, 2025
Date of arrival: 25 August, 2025
Lectures: from 1 September, 2025 to 21 December, 2025
Christmas holiday: from 21 December, 2025 to 27 December 2025
Examinations: from 28 December, 2025 to 24 January, 2026
Holidays/Resit of exams: from 25 January, 2026 to 31 January, 2026
Deadline for Applications: 31 May, 2025

Spring semester (20 weeks): from 1 February, 2026 to 30 June, 2026
Introductory week: from 26 January, 2026 to 1 February, 2026
Date of arrival: 26 January, 2026
Lectures: from 2 February, 2026 to 24 May, 2026
Examinations: from 24 May, 2026 to 20 June, 2026
Resit of Examinations: from 21 June, 2026 to 30 June, 2026
Summer holidays: from 1 July, 2026 to 31 August, 2026
Deadline for Applications: 30 November, 2025


  • Law School: assoc. prof. dr. Dovilė Gailiūtė-Janušonė,, room V-344
  • Faculty of Public Governance and Business: assoc. prof. dr. Irmantas Rotomskis, Vice-dean for studies,, Vice-dean for studies, room V-503
  • Faculty of Human and Social Studies: prof. dr. Linas Selmistraitis, Vice-dean for studies,, room V-241
  • Public Security Academy: Danguolė Seniutienė, Vice-dean for studies,


The international student will be admitted without having to pay tuition fees if he/she intends to study at the University within the framework of an exchange programme (e.g. Erasmus+) or if he/she is taking part in any other officially recognized student exchange agreements between Mykolas Romeris University and his/her home university or mobility programme under State international agreements. Such student is called an EXCHANGE STUDENT.


The international student can also arrange his/her studies on his/her own initiative and in this case he/she has to pay for them. Such student is called a non-degree FREE MOVER (or Visiting student). Tuition fee is calculated according to the number of ECTS credits selected for studies at MRU by the Free-mover (visiting student). The charge for one ECTS credit depends on the cycle of studies (Bachelor or Master) and the field of studies, and it is the same for EU and non-EU citizens. For an academic year 2025-2026 tuition fee for 1 ECTS credit at bachelor cycle is from 52,93 Eur to 92,57 Eur; for master cycle is from 69,08,67 Eur to 83,07 Eur. The required number of credits per semester for a free mover (visiting student) is between 18 to 30 ECTS credits.
More information available here.


Once you have decided to study at the Mykolas Romeris University, do not forget to do the following:
Inform your Home University Erasmus+ Coordinator or Bilateral exchange Coordinator about your choice of MRU as destination for exchange (there might be deadlines for selection procedures). Free-movers need to inform their Home University as well.
Your Home University coordinator must NOMINATE you to study as an Erasmus+ or bilateral exchange student at MRU. (Not applicable for Free-movers (Visiting students))
All applicants must complete online applications before the deadlines (31 May for Autumn semester or 30 November for Spring semester):
On-line Application  – please choose relevant type of application (so called “Exchange programme”):

Erasmus+ studies (SMS) – if you are nominated by European partner university for Erasmus+ studies

Erasmus+ KA171 studies (SMS) – if you are nominated by non-European Erasmus+KA171 partner university for Erasmus+ KA171 studies (regardless – with or without mobility grant)   

Bilateral Exchange – if you are nominated by your home (non-European) university for exchange under Bilateral agreement with MRU

Free-mover – if you are arranging your studies on your own initiative as a visiting student (Free-mover)   

Check if you need to obtain a visa at Lithuanian Embassy Abroad (or at the Migration Department upon arrival to Lithuania):  MFA web-site
Check that you have  your health insurance policy valid in Lithuania (especially for non-EU citizens)  or European health insurance card (applicable for EU citizens)
Confirm your date of arrival with the MRU International Office
All of the documents should be carefully filled out and submitted to the International Office (IO) via the on-line application system before the deadlines: May 31st for the Autumn semester or academic year, and November 30th for the Spring semester.

As soon as IO receives your application, we check if accommodation on campus is needed and make a preliminary reservation. After the acceptance of student is confirmed by MRU and student data are enlisted in the MRU students registry (approximately 1 month before semester begins), the student must activate the MRU student account  and then secure the reservation of a chosen room via the MRU Student house reservation platform:

Step 1: create MRU account at   

Step 2: with your MRU username (Username are all letters UNTILL the „“)   login to Student house reservation system (accessed from  and book your chosen place or room of accommodation at the dormitory and pay the reservation fee of 100 EUR.

Once done, the reserved place (or room) will be waiting for the student from the student’s arrival date.

 If MRU housing facilities are overbooked, help in the search of alternative housing is offered (i. e. rooms and/or flats in a private sector).  More information and options about on-campus and off-campus accommodation available on:

With the receipt of a student application and study plan, relevant faculty is informed that Online learning agreement (or other type of learning agreement) will need to be approved by faculty responsible coordinator. When the faculty accepts the study plan, International Office prepares acceptance documents and a student soon receives and acceptance letter, learning agreement (OLA) is signed by relevant MRU faculty coordinator, student receives notification concerning accommodation (if requested in the online application and secured reservation via the MRU student house reservation system) and students also receives further details on arrival and studies.

ESN MRU Vilnius – Mentors’ system
Incoming students are already being contacted by mentors from ESN MRU Vilnius (local Erasmus Student Network section) one month before exchange studies and are invited to join a Facebook Group for MRU exchange students.
Be connected with all exchange students for an all-embracing multicultural experience, join social and cultural activities organized for you by the ESN MRU Vilnius team!
You can contact ESN MRU Vilnius by an e-mail

Make sure that you bring these documents:

  • Passport
  • Visa (non-EU students) (Special notice to non-EU students who can enter Lithuania without visa for up to 90 days – you need to bring all documents that shall be required to apply for long-term National (D-type) visa after arrival to Lithuania – please carefully check the list here)
  • European health insurance card or health insurance policy (valid in Lithuania)
  • Confirmation of accommodation (printed out message about confirmed accommodation at the Student house)


“Relocation Guide“ will explain every step that you might face before and after coming to Vilnius – from basic information about the city, job offers and documentation to accommodation, gym or kindergarten search and joining various communities and organizations.

Migration information centre (MIC) “I Choose Lithuania” consults international students on questions related to legal stay in Lithuania, social guarantees, health care, work and employment free of charge. Consultations in the centre are in Lithuanian, English and German languages.

Live Like a Local

Find our more about MRU and life in Lithuania here: Guide for International Students


I’ll arrive before official day of arrival. Can I stay in a Student House?
When you book accommodation place via MRU Student house reservation system, you book your chosen place or room of accommodation at the dormitory from the specific date and pay reservation fee of 100 EUR. Then the reserved place (or room) is waiting for you from that specific date. If you come to Lithuania earlier  before the date from which you booked accommodation via MRU Student house reservation system, please make sure that you additionally arrange your place of stay outside the campus in either hotels, hostels, or rented apartments. It is very simple to book a room for several days at You may also check out section “Accommodation” or ask for advice from our local student mentors from ESN MRU Vilnius – just contact them by e-mail:

Can I choose which room (double or triple) to live in?
In the MRU Student house reservation system you will choose yourself which place you want to live (in as room shared by two students, or by three students or in a single room) and it will wait for you upon the arrival date.  

The room type  chosen by the Student in the reservation are only indicative – they are intended to inform the administration about your wishes, which will be taken into account when appointing for room types for students, but choosing type in no way guarantees, that you will get exactly this type of room.

I’ll arrive later than Introductory week. What should I do?
If you arrive later than Introductory week, you need to inform the Coordinator of Incoming Students by email

I need documents to apply for VISA. When will I receive them?
MRU International Office will send you a number of Mediation letter by 1 August (Autumn semester or a year) or 15 December (Spring semester).



  • Go to the International Office (room No. I-302) for the registration (enrollment) with the Coordinator of Incoming students.
  • Check timetables for each course in your learning agreement with your programme coordinator, check if you have to make changes in your LA
  • Check if you need to obtain a National (D-type) visa (for non-EU students who have a right to enter Lithuania for a stay of up to 90 days)
  • Sign the contract with the Students House Administration, if you have been given a place in a room there.


  • Law School: doc. dr. Dovilė Gailiūtė-Janušonė,, room V-344. Ilona Kojelytė-Čepurnienė, Faculty’s Student Office Manager,, room IV-308.
  • Faculty of Public Governance and Business: dr. Irmantas Rotomskis, Vice-dean for studies,, Vice-dean for studies, room V-503. Loreta Borodičienė, Faculty’s Student Office manager
  • Faculty of Human and Social Studies: prof. dr. Linas Selmistraitis, Vice-dean for studies,, room V-241. Nadežda Jarmolo, Faculty’s Student Office Manager,, room  IV-301
  • Public Security Academy: Mrs. Danguolė Seniutienė, Vice-dean for studies,


Migration information centre (MIC) “I Choose Lithuania” consults international students on questions related to the legal stay in Lithuania, social guarantees, health care, work and employment free of charge. Consultations in the centre are in Lithuanian, English and German languages.

You can find more information on “I Choose Lithuania” website.

“I Choose Lithuania“:
Address: A. Jakšto 12, LT-01105 Vilnius
Ph.: +370 5 2 51 43 52
Skype: migracijos informacijos centras

GO Vilnius  – the official development agency of the City of Vilnius offers a thorough Relocation guide useful for international students (and employees) . specially established „International House Vilnius“  is located on Konstitucijos ave. 3  will offer free consultations and a wide range services under one roof for international talents  related to relocation to Lithuania and living in Vilnius: from residence permits and social insurance, to employment services, taxes, starting a business, and much more.


Find out more here.

MRU CULTURE AND EVENTS DEPARTMENT (of the Communication and Marketing Center)

All incoming exchange students are invited to join Dance Studio, Theatre Studio, Sing Studio or Pop Vocal Group. More information available here.

MRU HEALTH AND SPORTS DEPARTMENT (of the Community Well-Being Center)

All incoming exchange students are invited to join sports activities, various trainings, health events and spend time in MRU sports facilities. Students are also invited to join the University’s Teams: men’s and women’s basketball, women’s volleyball, women’s football, wrestling, powerlifting and chess Teams. More information available here.



How can I find the timetables of my courses and exams?

All timetables of individual faculty (in PDF format) are available on the Intranet pages of MRU Academic Units (section: Study Calendar). Timetables of exams are being announced in the beginning of December (Winter exam session) or in the beginning of May (Summer exam session).  

Timetables (study schedules) of each faculty can also be looked at:   

(Faculty: please choose the Faculty

Studies form: please choose Full -time study

Course: please choose 0 year

Group: please choose any group)

I do not see all courses in Moodle. What should I do?

Enrollment into courses in Moodle is done individually by each student with the self-enrollment key ERASMUS. If you can‘t log into your courses in Moodle ( , please contact your lecturer or Manager of Digital Studies Unit  ( , room I-403)

How can I make changes to my current Learning Agreement for studies?

Consult your Home Coordinator.

I am non-EU citizen and I need to obtain National D-type VISA. Which documents do I need to present to the Migration board?

List of documents is available here   (please read a section “I want to come according to the student exchange programme. What should I do?”.

Students who are citizens of countries in the EU, EEA, EFTA do not need a visa to enter the Republic of Lithuania . Those students whose exchange (mobility) period is longer than for 3 months, have to apply for the Certificate (of the form established by the Minister of the Interior) signifying their right to temporarily reside in Lithuania at the local migration office.  Information and list of documents is available here  (please read a section “I am admitted to study at an educational institution according to the programme (programmes) of general education or vocational training, to study at a science and study institution according to the study programme (programmes) or to a doctoral programme, invited to a traineeship, to improve qualifications.” 

I want to pass exams earlier. What should I do?

On exceptional cases, students may ask the Dean of the Faculty for a permission to take earlier exam session. Such request must be submitted to the Faculty’s Students office manager in early November (or early April) along the document which proves the reason of such request. In case an earlier exam session permission is granted, the student must pass all exam at earlier period (as set in the Dean‘s decree).

My lecturer can not add my grade to MY STUDIES. What should I do?

Please contact your Faculty’s Academic coordinator (please see contacts above).

I want to retake an exam. What should I do?

If you want to retake an exam, please consult with your lecturer. Registration in MY STUDIES for the retaking is mandatory. Students do not have to pay only for the first retake. 

I want to prolong/shorten my studies at Mykolas Romeris University. What is the procedure?

If you want to prolong/to shorten your studies at MRU for spring semester, please fill in your University’s or MRU extension form until November 20.



You must attend a compulsory pre-departure meeting. Erasmus+ and exchange students attend a general pre-departure meeting in November (Autumn) and in April (Spring semester, full year). You will receive an email from MRU International Office coordinator of incoming students  about the date and location of pre-departure meeting.

If you want to successfully finish your exchange studies at Mykolas Romeris University you have to do following things:

1. To pass all EXAMS
All exams must be passed according to the timetables (during the exam session). Only those who have the objective reasons to pass the exams earlier can do it but they have to provide special documents to the faculty. The decision is taken by the Dean of the Faculty. Academic Affairs Center will check if the exams are on the time according the to timetables. Also, pay attention that the system in the University is created in a way that it is impossible to enter the marks earlier. So the final documents can not be issued to a student earlier.
If you want to retake an exam, please consult with your lecturer. Registration in MY STUDIES for the retaking is mandatory. Students do not have to pay only for the first retake.
In the nearest future (after you pass your exams) while opening your e-book you will see the Questionnaire. We kindly ask you to fill it in because your opinion is very important to the University. The system is created in a way that if you do not answer the questions you will not be able to log-in to your e-book and see your final marks of exams.
Check if ALL of your course units that were in your learning agreement are added to MY STUDIES.

2. To pick up the PRE-DEPARTURE FORM (2-3 days before departure day)
Each exchange student has to come to the International office (I-302) PERSONALLY to take a special paper (pre-departure form) where you will have to collect the signatures and sign yourself.
This form has to be filled in by the student and other responsible people.
Bring it back personally to the Coordinator of Incoming Students to the International Office. If you do not come and if you do not bring the paper back to the International Office (I-302) PERSONALLY, the final documents (Confirmation of studies and Transcript of Records) will not be issued to you.
Make sure you have returned all books to the library;
Make sure you don’t have any debt to the University or Student House.
If you are planning to leave on the weekend, please arrange everything on Friday.

It is a document for your university confirming the actual length of your stay at MRU (arrival date – departure date);
You will get all documents and certificates about the period of your stay when you bring back the pre-departure form with the signatures. Check with your home university if they need an extra document to confirm your studies at MRU (might be differently called: Certificate of attendance, Confirmation of departure, Letter of Confirmation);
Please note that on your certificate of the period of stay in Vilnius we will put exact day of your departure. If you do not bring the special paper or if you put the wrong date the final documents will not be issued to you at all.
The date of the departure is considered to be the last day of your stay at MRU.


It’s an official document replacing the so called AFTER MOBILITY section in the Learning Agreement for studies;
ToR will be used to transfer your grades from MRU to your home University (the list of your grades) and shows the dates of the semester (or academic year);
ToR is issued by the faculties, but sent out by the International Office;
ToR will be issued within 5 weeks of the end of semester;
ToR will be sent by an e-mail using the address which is indicated by the Student in their Mobility-Online application. ToR can be sent by post on request of your home university only.

3. To fill in a request to return a DEPOSIT for a Student House 
Please print out the form (attachment), fill it in and bring it to the Student House Manager (109). Accountancy department will check everything and you’ll receive your money back. Please pay attention that all parts have to be filled in.
Tidy up and clean your room.
When leaving the dormitory, please do not forget to return your key at the reception.

Have a safe journey back home! 🙂

Mykolas Romeris University uses a criterial ten-point grading scale for assessment of the learning outcomes and a cumulative nature of assessment is applied in order to ensure active work of students during the students. Cumulative assessment shall assess learning outcomes by means of interim evaluations. The final grade is made of the grades of interim evaluations and grades of the examination. Usually, the assessment of the examination makes 40-50 percent of the final grade, whereas that of interim evaluations – 50-60 percent.

Table below provides a Grading scheme and grade distribution guidance:

Threshold of passing

Grading system (ten-points)

Brief description of knowledge and abilities

Percent of achieved learning objectives

Percent of grade distribution for undergraduate students

Percent of grade distribution for master level students

Conversion into former ECTS grade








Excellent performance, outstanding knowledge and skills (excellent)






Strong performance, good knowledge and skills (very good)






Above the average performance, knowledge and skills (good)






Average performance, knowledge and skills with unessential shortcomings (highly satisfactory)






Below average performance, knowledge and skills with substantial shortcomings (satisfactory)






Knowledge and skills meet minimum criteria (sufficient)







Knowledge and skills do not meet minimum criteria / below minimum criteria (insufficient)
























Detailed description of the System of the assessment of learning outcomes: (section: Procedure for the assessment of learning outcomes Please refer to pages: 23-25)

 Information on recognition process: (section: Study Procedures)


For more information on admission as a non-degree student:

International Office
Mykolas Romeris University
Ateities st. 20, LT 08303 Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 271 4603 or tel/fax: +370 5 271 4695

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