„The impact of COVID-19 on students' academic and social life“, No. EDT-37 - MRU

„The impact of COVID-19 on students’ academic and social life“, No. EDT-37






Project title:The impact of COVID-19 on students’ academic and social life“.
Project duration: from 2021 m. balandžio mėn. to 2021 m. lapkričio 30 d.
Project manager:  Eglė Steponėnienė

Project partners: Vilnius College, Utena College.

Summary: The challenges of studying and learning during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic (the quality of studies in the eyes of students, the changed social environment, learning and living conditions (dormitories), the organisation of internships, conditions for student mobility, technical opportunities, academic integrity, etc.) are a hot topic that has affected the social and academic life of students from different fields of study in different ways. During the pandemic period, a number of studies have been carried out on how higher education is organised in the context of a pandemic, but there has been no in-depth analysis of how students from different fields of study feel about distance learning, and little attention has been paid to the quality of students’ academic performance and the quality of the internship experience.  The involvement of students in the activities carried out during the Project will help to better assess the quality management of studies both during and after the pandemic period. The survey will compare the change in students’ experiences between the first and second quarantine. Several activities will be carried out during the planned Project: student training, survey, conference, publicity and publication activities. This project will include different but highly interrelated activities. It will allow the development of different student competences, promote cooperation between students from different higher education institutions at academic level, thus contributing to the development of student citizenship and active participation.  During the training and the research, students will develop their skills in organising and conducting applied scientific research. Students will also strengthen their analytical thinking, teamwork skills and research competences through the project. The students will use the acquired competences in research organisation and research design not only in their studies, but also in their future professional activities.  The uniqueness of the project lies in the joint research of students from the three higher education institutions, coordinated by PhD students. The results of the research will be presented at a scientific conference, which will be attended not only by students from the higher education institutions organising the research, but also by students from other higher education institutions invited to participate. The conference will aim to share the students’ experiences of how they have carried out projects and volunteering activities during the quarantine, what challenges they have faced and how they have dealt with them.


The project was funded by the state budget under the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania’s call for support for civic, scientific, entrepreneurial, creative and sporting student initiatives.