Finance - MRU




Who can apply: Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD, vocational studies students.
Payment: single-time.
Criteria: the social scholarship may be awarded to a University student due to:

  • difficult material situation;
  • death of relatives;
  • illness;
  • natural disasters and other special cases.

Financial provisions: between 2 and 30 BSB (1 BSB = 70 Eur).
The scholarship is awarded by taking into account the insured income of the family, academic progress and other important circumstances.

The requests for a social scholarship must be provided to the head of the academic department by these dates:

  • In autumn semester – till 14th of September.
  • In spring semester – till 14th of February.
  • In case of an accident or any special case, the request can be provided anytime.

Purpose: a social scholarship is given to cover:

  • tuition fee;
  • living costs;
  • accommodation expenses.

The purpose of the scholarship must be named by the student in the request form. If the social scholarship is provided for tuition fee or accommodation expenses at the “Student house”, then the University’s Finance Office makes a direct payment to cover such expenses.
More information: Regulations of granting scholarships and study support


Who can apply: Bachelor and Master degree students.
Payment: provided 2 times per year:

  • Autumn semester – September-January;
  • Spring semester – February-June.

Criteria: the best-performing students. The best-performing students in the academic unit are determined each semester by their learning outcomes weighted average of the last session grades, which is at least 8.0 points. With a uniform weighted average of the last session, the overall weighted average of the ratings for the previous session is taken into account, and if it is the same, the entry score.
Financial provisions: 1,5 BSB (1 BSB = 70 Eur).
More information: Regulations of granting scholarships and study support


Who can apply: Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD, vocational studies students.
Payment: 1 time per semester.

  • for outstanding achievements in sports, cultural and scientific activities promoting the name of the University;
  • for active sports, cultural, scientific and social activities, promoting the name of the University;
  • can be awarded at the end of the study year to the best students in undergraduate and postgraduate studies, if there are sufficient funds left in the scholarship fund.

Financial provisions: depends on the student’s achievements and vary from 3 BSB to 15 BSB (1 BSB = 70 Eur).
More information: Regulations of granting scholarships and study support


Who can apply: Bachelor’s and Master’s students.
Payment: scholarship shall be awarded twice a year:

  • Autumn semester – September-January;
  • Spring semester – February-June.

Criteria: for outstanding (in exceptional cases – very good) study results and exceptional achievements in sports, cultural, scientific or social activities.
Award: the student can be nominated by the University Academic Council, the University Student Representative Office, the local ELSA branch or the Student Scientific Society. Students can apply for a scholarship for the Autumn semester until 1st October, and for the Spring semester until 1st March. Proposals for candidates are submitted to the Study Commission of the University Senate.
Financial provisions: 4 BSB (1 BSB = 70 Eur).
Note: scholarship is not awarded for the first study year’s first semester. The student, who is awarded the memorial scholarship of Professor Mykolas Romeris cannot be awarded an incentive or single-time incentive scholarship additionally.
More information: Regulations of granting scholarships and study support 


Who can apply: students belonging to the University’s network of international ambassadors.
Payment: one time per semester.
Criteria: the international ambassador scholarship is awarded to international ambassadors for the proper and responsible performance of their duties as defined in the University Regulations on the network of International Ambassadors.
The international ambassador, applying for the international ambassador scholarship, no later than January 10th or June 10th shall contact the responsible employee of the Communication and Marketing Centre, presenting a report on their activities.
Financial provisions: up to 3.0 BSB (1 BSB = 55 Eur).
More information: Regulations of granting scholarships and study support, The University Regulations on the network of International Ambassadors.


Who can apply? Bachelor’s, Master’s, vocational studies students.
Payment: paid once per semester.
Criteria: the duties of the group coordinator as defined in the group coordinator’s regulations shall be performed responsibly and appropriately.
The group coordinator submits the application for the scholarship to the head of the academic unit:

  • in the first week of January – for the Autumn semester;
  • in the first week of June – for the Spring semester.

Financial provisions: 0,5 BSB (1 BSB = 70 Eur).
More information: Regulations of granting scholarships and study support, Regulations of MRU Group Coordinator.


Who can apply? scholarships may be awarded to students of state-funded and non-funded studies who are studying in the programme of Police Activities, Law and Police Activities or Law and State Border Protection who are duly and responsibly performing their respective duties.
Payment: once a semester.
Criteria: students who are duly and responsibly performing their respective duties.
Financial provisions:

  • The scholarship for a warrant officer is 0.4 BSB;
  • The scholarship for a group commander is 0.3 BSB;
  • The scholarship for a deputy group commander is 0.2 BSB.

More information: Regulations of granting scholarships and study support


Who can apply: Bachelor’s, Master’s, vocational studies students, PhD students, selected for the scholarship according to the conditions set by the patron.
Payment: can be single-time or paid periodically.
Criteria: the patron scholarship may be awarded to the University student selected for the scholarship under the conditions laid down by the patron. Financial provisions: the amount, method of payment and duration of the scholarship shall be determined by the patron.
More information: Regulations of granting scholarships and study support



Who can apply: students of first cycle pedagogical study programs, upon completion of which a pedagogue’s qualification is awarded, and vocational study programs, studying in state-funded study places and without academic debts.
Payment: the support is granted twice a year, having received the state budget funds, and is paid monthly (until the 25th of the month).
Grounds for termination of support: academic debts.
Financial provisions: for enrollments – 300 Eur per month.
More information: Regulations of granting scholarships and study support


Who can apply? a third-cycle state-funded student (doctoral student) of a full-time study form.
Payment: the support is granted once a year at the beginning of the doctoral student’s year and is paid once a month (until the 25th of the month).
Grounds for termination of support: failure to implement the doctoral students work plan.
Financial provisions:

  • First-year doctoral students in permanent state-funded study places receive support of 19.0 BSB(1 BSB = 70 Eur);
  • Doctoral students in their second and subsequent doctoral years receive a grant: 22.0 BSB (1 BSB = 70 Eur).

More information: Regulations of granting scholarships and study support


Foundation Trustee: Doctor Honoris Causa of Mykolas Romeris University Prof. Algis Mickūnas.
Who can apply: students who represent the University in various international competitions, practical – scientific seminars, projects, forums, participate in internships, targeted summer camps, international conferences, scientific societies, art, sports or other academic activities.
Purpose: to cover the participation fee or to reimburse travel and living expenses.
More information: Statutes of the Student Charity and Support Fund.

The State Studies Foundation


Recipients: bachelor’s, master’s studies students, doctoral students, vocational study students, studying both in state-funded places and paying for studies at their own expense.
The social scholarship is awarded to students who meet any of the following criteria:

  • Are from low-income families or living alone and entitled to social benefits;
  • According to the laws, has 45 % or lower level of working capacity or severe or moderate level of disability;
  • Are not older than 25 years and, in accordance with the procedure established by law, have been placed under guardianship (care) before reaching the age of majority or their parents (or the only parent they had) have died.

Amount of social scholarship: 299 Eur per month.
Award and payment: the social scholarship is awarded for a semester and is paid monthly until  27th day.
Applications for a social scholarship are submitted to the State Studies Foundation every semester:

  • Spring semester – from 20th of January until 20th of February;
  • Autumn semester – from 15th of September until 10th of October.


Recipients: Bachelor’s, master’s, vocational study students, doctoral students.
Targeted benefits are awarded to students who meet the following requirements:

  • Are citizens of the Republic of Lithuania or citizens of other states and stateless persons who have declared their permanent residence in the Republic of Lithuania;
  • According to the laws, has a level of working capacity of 45 % or less or a severe or moderate level of disability;
  • After the identification of a disability for the first time studies the first, second, third cycle or vocational study programs in a higher education institution.

Amount of the targeted benefit: 184 Eur per month.
Applications for the targeted benefit are submitted to the State Studies Foundation every semester:

  • Spring semester – from 1st of February until 16th of March;
  • Autumn semester – from 1stof September until 16th of October;
  • During additional admissions, students wishing to receive a targeted benefit should submit applications each month from the 1st to the 16th day that month.


The state-supported study loan is provided to students on preferential terms through credit institutions (banks). Each academic year, students can apply for a new loan to cover the cost of their studies and to cover living expenses. The loan from the State Studies Foundation covers the cost of studies and living expenses.

Types of state – subsidized loans:

  1. The loan to pay the studies. The amount of the loan during one academic year may not exceed the tuition fee paid by the student for the current year or a part thereof. The loan is transferred to the higher education school account. If at the beginning of the academic year you borrow at the same time for both semesters, then the part of the loan for the spring semester will be paid from February 1st to July 1st, when the student submits a request to the bank to transfer the remaining part of the loan. In the absence of an application, the second installment of the loan is not paid;
  2. The loan for living expenses. This loan (up to 1950 Eur per year) is paid in equal installments every month before 1st of July (for the final year students – until the end of studies) to the borrower’s personal account;
  3. The loan for partial studies under international (interdepartmental) agreements. This loan (up to 2340 Eur per year) is paid into the borrower’s personal account at once. Students, leaving to study according to exchange programs before the acceptance of application forms should start, make sure that they will have all the necessary documents in order to connect to the Foundation’s information system in a secure way (e-banking, e-signature, identity card certificates). The application-survey can be submitted only by the student himself. It is also necessary to authorize another person to process the documents for receiving state-supported loans (the authorization is notarized). This authorization will be required for the conclusion of a state-sponsored loan agreement with a credit institution (in the form of an authorization).

The state-supported loan is available to:

  • undergraduate students (bachelor studies);
  • students of integrated studies;
  • graduate students (master’s studies);
  • for postgraduate students (doctoral studies);
  • students of non-degree study programs (residency, studies for the qualification of a teacher).



The compensation of studies is administered by the State Studies Foundation.
Applicants: the first and second cycle students (enrolled since January 1st, 2017), who have completed the study year and achieved the best study results.
How are the lists of applicants made?
The State Studies Foundation, taking into account the number of students in study programs and field of study, determines the maximum number of persons who can be reimbursed for the tuition fee. When making the lists, competitions of students in each study field are formed from the highest average to the lowest according to the average of the compensating period and the price paid is reimbursed to the number of best students in that field determined by the State Studies Foundation.
Is the tuition fee reimbursed fully?
The State Studies Foundation reimburses a part of the cost of studies paid over a respective period of studies (which may not exceed the normative cost of studies). 

Does the student have to apply?
The State Studies Foundation sends notifications (usually in November) by e-mail and SMS to students who are offered compensation for the price paid for their studies. Students who are offered to be reimbursed for the price paid for their studies must submit a request to the State Studies Foundation to pay compensation for the price paid for their studies within the specified deadline.
More Information:

Tuition fees

Legislation: The Administration Procedure of Tuition Fees and Payments at Mykolas Romeris University
Tuition fees must be paid by students taking study places not funded by the state and by unclassified students.
Amount of the tuition fees
The amount of the tuition fee is determined in the Study Agreement, which is concluded between the Student (unclassified student) and the University at the time of admission.
The procedure of payment, terms
The first-cycle (bachelor’s) and second-cycle (master’s) students or unclassified students pay a tuition fee equal to the cost of one semester of studies.
The tuition fee is transferred to the relevant University bank account according to the payment receipt within 15 calendar days from the beginning of the semester.
Instalments and extension of payment of the tuition fees
Payment in instalments or extension deadline shall be dealt with head of the academic department.
A request for permission to pay in installments or extension of  the payment deadline shall be submitted to the head of the academic unit within 15 calendar days from the beginning of the semester.
Reduction and exemption of the tuition fees
In the cases specified in the Resolution. Regarding approval of the procedure for administration of payment of tuition fees and other tuition deposits at Mykolas Romeris University, the tuition fee may be reduced by up to 50% or the student may be fully exempted from tuition fees.
An application for the reduction or exemption from the tuition fee shall be submitted to the head of the academic unit within 15 calendar days from the beginning of the semester. The application must be accompanied by documents confirming the student’s compliance with the requirements and the recommendations of the relevant University staff.
The decision on reduction or exemption of tuition fees is made by the Rector on the proposal of the University Social Affairs Commission.
Reimbursement of tuition fees
The full tuition fee is refunded if the student or unclassified student submits a request for termination of the study contract:

  • in the Autumn semester – until September 30th;
  • in the Spring semester – until February 28th.

60 percent of the tuition fee is refunded if the student or unclassified student submits a request for termination of the study contract:

  • in the Autumn semester – from October 1st to October 31st;
  • in the Spring semester – from March 1st to March 31st.

The tuition fee is not refunded if the student or unclassified student submits a request for termination of the study contract:

  • in the Autumn semester – after November 1st;
  • in the Spring semester – April 1st.