Human Rights Research Laboratory - MRU

Human Rights Research Laboratory


To become leading Human Rights research and innovation center in the Baltic States, providing competitive, high-quality, international partnership based services, responsive to societies and marketing needs and helping to improve the situation of human rights in Lithuania, European region and at international level.


To seek that human rights would become actual, person’s, entrepreneur’s or employee’s activities base, and that the value of their work would be sensible for everyone.

Aim and Objectives

Name: Modernising European legal education.

Project No. 2020-1-DE01-KA203-005715.

Project partner: Dovilė Gailiūtė.


Name: Evaluation of the asylum system.

Project No. PMIF-1.2.3-K-01-001.

Project coordinator: Lyra Jakulevičienė.


Head of Human Rights Laboratory
Prof. dr. Katažyna Bogdzevič