Health Research Laboratory - MRU

Health Research Laboratory


To be a modern, dynamic and renown research facility in the Baltic and Nordic regions, guided by modern day principles of healthcare and social sciences, and creating an environment for developing interdisciplinary scientific knowledge which is continuously integrated into the functional processes of health systems.


To conduct relevant, competitive, evidence-based research assessing internal and external health system’s needs and effectiveness that are designated to periodically analyze consistent results.


  • Analyze and evaluate health systems functions by integrating and systematizing fundamental and applied health sciences research;
  • To strengthen health research scientific potential, while creating a diverse network of health researchers that are active in their participation in local and international organizations;
  • Cooperate with all interest groups and stakeholders of the health system (government and health care institutions, international and local social partners based in Lithuania and abroad), to collaboratively develop new science-based solutions for the current health system;
  • Applying evaluations generated for public policy objectives and rationale.


Health Laboratory project activities

Name: Critical role of PUBlic employees in CIRcular ECOnomy implementation: Embedding circular economy thinking in HEIs

Project No. ERASMUS-EDU-2024-CBHE 101179344.

Project partner: Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania)

Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics  (Ukraine)

TTK University of Applied Sciences (Estonia)

Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (Ukraine)

The Open International University of Human Development ‘Ukraine’ (Ukraine)

FH CAMPUS 02, University of Applied Sciences (CO2) (Austria)

Technical University of Moldova (Moldova)

The Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (Moldova)

State University of Moldova (Moldova)


Name: The economic aspect of volunteering in sport.

Project No. 613227-EPP-1-2019-1-HR-SPO-SCP.

Project partner: Prof. Dr. Vilma Čingienė.


Name: Patient involvement instruments to improve the quality of health services (PII).

Project No. 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-03-0068.

Project coordinator: D. Jankauskienė.


Name: Leisure and sport management and administration.

Project No. 101050239.

Project partner: Prof. dr. Vilma Čingienė.


Head of the Health Research Laboratory
Prof. dr. Birutė Mockevičienė