Homepage / Organizational Structure / Rectorate
Prof. Inga Žalėnienė
Address: Ateities st. 20, LT-08303 Vilnius
Room: I-217
Tel.: (+370 5) 271 4625
E-mail: roffice@mruni.eu
Assoc. Prof. Saulius Spurga
Deputy Rector
Tel.: (+370 5) 271 4630
E-mail: saspur@mruni.eu
Dr. Eglė Malinauskienė
Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation
Tel.: (+370 6) 596 0683
E-mail: eglemal@mruni.eu
Rimantas Kuliešius
Head of Infrastructure and Technology
E-mail: rimantas.kuliesius@mruni.eu
Prof. Lyra Jakulevičienė
Dean, Law School
Tel.: (+370 5) 271 4624
Fax: (+370 5) 271 4561
E-mail: tf@mruni.eu
Dr. Mantas Bileišis
Dean, Public Security Academy
Tel.: (+370 5) 271 4740
Fax: (+370 37) 228 457
E-mail: vsf@mruni.eu
Prof. Odeta Merfeldaitė
Dean, Faculty of Human and Social Studies
Tel.: (+370 5) 271 4710
E-mail: zvsf@mruni.eu
Prof. Danguolė Jankauskienė
Dean, Faculty of Public Governance and Business
Tel.: (+370 5) 271 4676
E-mail: vvvf@mruni.eu
Ilona Mulerenkienė
Acting Dean, Sudovian Academy
Tel.: +370 616 43712
E-mail: sua@mruni.eu
Prof. Eglė Bilevičiūtė
Mykolas Romeris University Trade Union Chairman
Tel.: (+370 5) 271 4528
E-mail: eglek@mruni.eu
Aušra Šarėjūtė
Tel.: (+370 5) 271 4635
E-mail: ausra@mruni.eu
Lina Gorbačiovienė
Head of Communication and Marketing Centre
Tel.: (+370 5) 271 4690
El. p.: ligorb@mruni.eu
Sergio Arnoldo Jofre Barrios
Director of HET Systems Centre
Tel.: (+370 5) 271 4561
El. p.: s.jofre@mruni.eu
Ieva Gustė Kavaliauskaitė
President of Student’s Representative Body of Mykolas Romeris University
Tel.: +370 604 63912
E-mail: prezidentas@mrusa.lt