Homepage / Organizational Structure / Council
Adress: Ateities st. 20, Vilnius, LT-08303
Counsil chairman: prof. dr. Egidijus Jarašiūnas
Counsil secretary: Aušra Jasiulienė
Mykolas Romeris University Council (from hereon – Council) is the governing body of Mykolas Romeris University (from hereon – University). The Council is elected to a 5-year term.
The current Council began activities from feb. 27th, 2020.
In accordance with the MRU Statute, the Council undertakes the following functions:
- upon hearing the opinion of the Senate, approves the University‘s vision and mission;
- upon hearing the opinion of the Senate, approves the University strategic activities plan presented by the Rector;
- upon hearing the opinion of the Senate, submit amendments of the Statute to the Seimas for approval;
- consider and approve plans for reorganisation of the structure of the University presented by the Rector;
- upon hearing the opinion of the Senate, set the procedure of management, use and disposal of funds of the University (as well as funds designated for renumeration of the administration regarding wages) and the management, and use of assets belonging by right of ownership;
- upon hearing the opinion of the Senate, set the procedure of organisation of the election of the University Rector through open competition;
- elects, appoints and dismisses the Rector;
- set the principles of selection and assessment of University staff and other employees;
- on the recommendation of the Rector, sets tuition fees and rate of fees, which are not directly related to the implementation of a study programme;
- upon hearing the opinion of the Senate, sets the general number of student places, taking into account the possibilities of quality assurance in studies, research and artistic activities;
- approves the internal rules of procedure of the University;
- considers an annual revenue and expenditure estimate of the University, presented by the Rector, and approves a report on implementation of this;
- may initiate an audit of economic and financial activities of the University;
- approve an annual report of activities of the University presented by the Rector;
- undertakes support of the University;
- upon hearing the opinion of the Senate, approves plans for reorganization or liquidation of the University and submits them to the Seimas;
- prepares an annual report of its activities and publishes it on the University website by April 1st of every year;
- performs other functions outlined in the Statute and other legal acts.
- The Council shall be comprised of 9 members appointed in accordance with the following procedure:
- one member of the Council shall be appointed by the Students’ Representative Body by a majority vote of more than half of all its members;
- four members of the Council shall be appointed by the academic community in accordance with the procedure laid down by the Senate;
- the other four members of the Council shall be selected, appointed and recalled by the Senate, in accordance with its own procedure, from persons who do not belong to University staff and students of the University, and one member – by the Students’ Representative Body, in accordance with its own procedure. These four members of the Council shall be selected through open competition and appointed having been evaluated on the assessment of candidates undertaken by the Council of Higher Education.