Nov. 29th, 2022, Germany‘s Zittau/ Görlitz University of Applied Sciences Prof. Erik Hahn presented a lecture, "Coordination of Social Security Systems in Europe." The event focused on "Social Security Systems in Europe."
Erik Hahn is Professor of Law at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, a permanent lecturer in a course of study at the International University Institute of the Technical University of Dresden, Deputy Director of the Görlitz University of Applied Sciences Institute for Health and Age, Work and Technology, co-director of the Master’s Degree programme, “Medical Law” at Dresden International University and Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Law of Riga Stradiņš University. Before joining the University as a professor, Prof. Hahn was a judge at a Social Court in Dresden.
The European internal market with its four basic freedoms is a central factor in the European integration process. Prof. Hahn emphasizes that above all, the idea of free movement of persons can only be realized if a sufficient level of social security for cross-border work is ensured. At the European level, this is primarily achieved by coordinating the national social security systems. In the lecture, the coordination system and the most important principles of Regulation (EC) No. 883/2004 will be presented.
Language: English