On December 6, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) will organize the Annual 10th forum-conference on "The Relativity of Human Rights in the Social and Cultural Space" to commemorate the International Day for the Protection of Human Rights. The event will focus on analyzing the themes of equality and inclusion in universities.
The forum-conference will be an excellent opportunity to explore topical human rights issues and to engage the higher education community in a debate on equality, inclusion and social responsibility in universities.
The conference will feature presentations by Dr. Ramunė Jakštienė, Associate Professor at the MRU Public Security Academy, and Dr. Inga Juknytė-Petreikienė, Associate Professor at the MRU Academic Affairs Centre, Dr. Virginija Jurėnienė, Professor of the Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics at Kaunas University, Dr. Laura Lapinskė, Coordinator of Equal Opportunities, VMU, Karolina Motiejūnaitė, Representative of the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, Republic of Lithuania.
The event will take place at Daukantas str. 28, Kaunas (VMU Senate Hall) and remotely via Zoom platform, starting at 11:30 a.m.