We invite first-year students to join the introductory days "Discover Yourself at MRU!" on September 3-4 - MRU

26 August, 2024
We invite first-year students to join the introductory days “Discover Yourself at MRU!” on September 3-4

Dear First-Year Student,

We are delighted that you have become a part of the MRU community – here, you can achieve more than you think! We wish that your chosen studies will be inspiring and valuable, and that your years of study will be useful in your self-development and memorable.

On September 2nd, we invite you to celebrate the start of the academic year, and on September 3-4, your academic journey will begin – we invite you to participate in the introductory days DISCOVER YOURSELF AT MRU!

During these days, you will get to know the community members, learn everything about your studies, hear the latest insights on future skills, participate in a tour, meet with faculty administration and professors, discuss a successful career with alumni, and have the opportunity to learn about sports, arts activities, and the benefits of digital badges. We believe that you will be well-prepared to study, make great friends, and establish new contacts. We are very much looking forward to meeting you!

Wishing you curiosity, new discoveries, a good mood, and a great start!

The introductory days will take place in person at the university, and first-year undergraduate and master's students are invited to participate. For first-year undergraduates, lectures will begin after the introductory days, while master's students will have lectures during the introductory days. Part-time students who cannot attend in person can participate remotely via MS Teams. Links to join the introductory lectures remotely are provided in the program.


Tuesday, September 3, room I-414, Ateities st. 20, Vilnius

(press here to join the event online) 

09.00 - 09.15 Welcome to MRU!  Meet MRU international Office team!  

09.15 - 10.45  Learning to learn - one of the most important competences of the future 

Key information about your studies at MRU. Prof. dr. Linas Selmistraitis, Vice – dean at Faculty of Human and Social Studies and Kasparas Šyvokas, Vice-president at MRU Student Council. 

Student toolbox:  

Moodle – virtual study environment. Vilma Bacevičiūtė, manager of academic affairs center. 

The library services will be presented by Senior Librarian Dr. Indrė Karčiauskaitė

11.00 - 11.20 Create your future with MRU! 

Vice-rector's prof. dr. Regina Valutyte’s greetings. Q&A session.

11.20 - 11.40 Grow your leadership and teamwork skills, become a students’ representative, join the Student Council of MRU. Student Council team.  

11.40 - 13.25 Introduction of MRU sports and culture activities:

11:40 AM - 12:10 PM: Join a Pilates workout (*please bring a mat or towel) at CR II-105 sports hall.

12:10 PM - 12:40 PM: Try out a yoga session (*please bring a mat or towel) at CR II-105 sports hall.

12:40 PM - 1:10 PM: Let's play chess/volleyball practice at CR II-105 sports hall.

12:50 PM - 1:20 PM: Discover the secrets of singing at CR II-153 room / Try out some dance steps at CR III-023 room.

Advance registration is required for sports and art activity presentations. Register here.

Faculty programmes  

Law School, MRU Lab, Room 102 

14.30 - 14.45 Meeting with faculty members. Welcome by Dean Prof. Dr. Lyra Jakulevičienė and Programme Directors 

14.45 - 15.15 Presentation of the Law School and getting to know each other  

(press here to join the event online) 

Faculty of Human and Social Studies, Room C-I-201 

14.30 - 14.40 Meeting with the administration. Greetings from Dean Prof. Dr. Odeta Merfeldaite  

14.40 - 15.00 Presentation of the Faculty of Human and Social Studies 

(Press here to join the event online)

 Faculty of Public Governance and Business, Room C-I-417 

13.30 - 14.00 StartupHub initiatives and activities. Artūras Jurgelevičius. 

14.00 - 14.15 Faculty intro. Greetings from FPGB Dean prof. dr. Danguolė Jankauskienė. 

14.15 - 14.45 Administrative affairs. The most relevant study information presented by FPGB Vice-dean for studies assoc. prof. dr. Irmantas Rotomskis and Study Managers. 

(Press here to join the event online) 

Wednesday, September 4th 

 Room I - 414 

09.00 - 09.30 Stay safe at MRU! (press here to join the event) 

Creating safe and individual needs friendly environment at the University.  

Dr. Nomeda Gudelienė, HR Management Centre 

09.30 - 10.00 Lecture “10 points go to the Democratic Rule of Law by Prof. of the Law School Justinas Žilinskas.

10.00 - 10.30  Erasmus+ exchange and internship opportunities. Learn about students’ experiences and happy adventures!

Veslav Kuranovič, head of student mobility division at the international office 

10.45 - 11.15  Build your career during the studies! 

Opportunities offered by MRU Career center. Olga Mesčeriakova, Head of Career center.  

Digital badges for your career development. 

11.15 - 11.45  Learn to take care of your emotional health! 

Stress. 3 ways to deal with it. Marina Mažionienė, psychologist at the Community Welfare Center.

12.30 - 13.00 Getting around in Vilnius. MRU International office.  

13.00 - 13.30 Meeting with representatives from Vilnius County Police