March 11th-15th, 2019, professors and lecturers from over a dozen countries lectured at Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) during International Teaching Week.
All lectures were in English, except for those in Norwegian, for students studying Norwegian.
Lectures were open to all interested MRU students and free.
International Teaching Week provides an opportunity for students to enrich their learning experience about different topics from an international point of view. The week also serves as platform for exchange of knowledge among academics from different countries and cultures.
The lecture schedule for the International Teaching Week:
TUESDAY, March 12th
9:40-11:10, Room No. I-409
Lecture: “Defining LSP, historical circumstances of its appearance, relationship and difference with other forms of language teaching” (by Prof. dr. Nadežda Stojkovic, Lecturer of English Language at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering of University of Niš, Serbia)
9:40-11:10, 11:20–12:50, Room No. III-412
Lectures: “Engaging children and youth in a Multicultural Environment: the Case of Ghana”, “Social issues and Social Welfare in Developing Country Contexts”, “Working with Homeless Children and Youth”
(by Prof. dr. Ernestina Korleki Dankyi, Lecturer in Social Policy at the University of Ghana, Ghana)
9:40-11:10, 11:20–12:50, Room No. III-318
Lectures: “How to Communicate in a Better Way”; “De-escalation! Understanding and Prevention - How to Communicate in a Better Way”; “De-escalation! Understanding and Prevention” (by Mr. Manfred Schmidt, lecturer in Social Sciences section of the Police Academy of Lower Saxony, Germany)
13:00-16:10, Room No. II-226
Lectures: “Intercultural Negotiations: Theory + Real Negotiations” (by Dr. Victoria Beliaeva, Senior lecturer at the Department of International Economics, Head of International Cooperation Division at Ural Federal University, Russia)
13:00-14:30, Room No. I-407
Lecture: “Decentralisation in Social Policy” (by Dr. Antoinette Tsiboe-Darko, Lecturer at the Centre for Social Policy Studies at University of Ghana, Ghana)
14:00, Room No. I-409
Legal Film afternoon and Discussion with Robert Epstein (Epstein Cohen Seif & Porter LLP, USA)
16:20-17:50, 18:00-19:30, Room No. I-324
Lectures: “Dealing with GDPR in Practice” (by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tomasz Andrzej Lewandowski, Professor at the Faculty of Law, SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw, Poland)
18:00-19:30, Room No. III-219
Lecture: “Cross - Cultural Shock: Theory and Real Examples” (by Dr. Victoria Beliaeva, Senior lecturer at the Department of International Economics, Head of International Cooperation Division at Ural Federal University, Russia)
18:00-19:30, Room No. II-153
Lecture: “Strategic Innovation Management I” (by Assoc. prof. dr. Yoichiro Nishimura, Associate Professor of Management at the Faculty of Economics at Kanagawa University, Japan)
18:00-19:30, 19:40-21:10 Room No. I-208
Lectures: “Decision Making process and Methods” (by Prof.dr. Peteris Rivza, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Latvia)
18:00-19:30, 19:40-21:10 Room No. II-215
Lectures: “Trajectories of Modern Russia: from Past to Future” (by Dr. Mykhail Dyakonov, lecturer at Russian State Social University, Russia)
WEDNESDAY, March 13th
9:40-11:10, Room No. I-409
Lecture: “Typologies of LSP/ESP – Definition and Differentiation Among Various Forms” (by Prof. dr. Nadežda Stojkovic, Lecturer of English Language at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering of University of Niš in Serbia)
9:40-11:10, 11:20-12:50 Room No. III-413
Lectures: “A Brief Introduction to Norwegian Literature in the Period 1814-1875”, “A Brief Introduction to Norwegian Literature in the Period 1875-1890” (by Prof. dr. Anders Marcussen Gullestad, University of Bergen, Norway)
10:00-17:00, Room No. I-414 (Registration starts from 9:30)
6th Annual Conference of Transformations in Public Governance: Between Efficiency and Social Impact
11:20-12:50, 13:00-14:30, Room No. I-108
Lectures: ”Law Practice in the US, Great Supreme Court Cases”; “Jury System” (by Robert Epstein, Epstein Cohen Seif & Porter LLP, USA)
16:20-17:50, 18:00-19:30, Room No. II-228
Lectures: “Political System of Poland”; “Poland’s Foreign and Security Policy” (by Prof. Dr. Tomasz Stępniewski, Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences/ Institute of Political Science and International Affairs of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland)
18:00-19:30, Room No. II-153
Lecture: “Strategic Innovation Management II” (by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yoichiro Nishimura, Associate Professor of Management at the Faculty of Economics at Kanagawa University, Japan)
THURSDAY, March 14th
9:40-11:10, Room No. III-216
Lecture: “Event Planning and Main Protocol Issues” (by Dr. Victoria Beliaeva, Senior Lecturer at the Department of International Economics, Head of International Cooperation Division at Ural Federal University, Russia)
9:40-11:10, Room No. I-409
Lecture: “Objectives in Teaching LSP/ESP – Goals and Objectives, Definition of Objectives in this Context, Communicative Competence” (by Prof. dr. Nadežda Stojkovic, Lecturer of English Language at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering of University of Niš, Serbia)
9:40-11:10, Room No. III-404
Lecture: “Modernistiske forløpere i norsk litteratur, ca. 1890-1945” (by Prof. dr. Anders Marcussen Gullestad, University of Bergen, Norway)
9:40-11:10, Room No. II-218
Lecture: “Genesis of Active Leisure” (by Dr. Anna-Katriina Salmikangas, Senior Researcher of the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Finland)
13:00-14:30, Room No. I-417
Lecture: “The Development of Wine Law in US” (by Robert Epstein, Epstein Cohen Seif & Porter LLP, USA)
13:00-14:30, Room No. III-413
Lecture: “Modernismens endelige gjennombrudd i norsk litteratur etter andre verdenskrig” (by Prof. dr. Anders Marcussen Gullestad, University of Bergen, Norway)
13:00-14:30, Room No. II-228
Lecture: “Cultural Heritage as a Tool for Rural Tourism development and Farming Diversification” (by Prof. Habil. Dr. Baiba Rivza, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Latvia)
14:40-16:10, Room No. I-407
Lecture: “Social Mobilisation and Volunteerism” (Dr. Antoinette Tsiboe-Darko, Lecturer at the Centre for Social Policy Studies at University of Ghana, Ghana)
18:10-19:30, Room No. II-153
Lecture: “Strategic Innovation Management III” (by Assoc. Prof. dr. Yoichiro Nishimura, Associate Professor of Management at the Faculty of Economics at Kanagawa University, Japan)
FRIDAY, March 15th
9:40-11:10, Room No. I-417
Lecture: “Methodology of teaching LSP/ESP – Target Situation and Learning Centered Approach, Sociodiscursal, Sociocultural, Sociopolitical Approach” (by Prof. dr. Nadežda Stojkovic, Lecturer of English Language at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering of University of Niš, Serbia)
18:10-19:30, Room No. TBC
Lecture: “Marketing and Communications” (by Dr. Anna-Katriina Salmikangas, Senior Researcher of the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Finland)
Visits by lecturers are financed by the Erasmus+ programme mobility funds, the State Fund for Lecturers' Visits and the Senior Lawyers Lecturers' Visit Programme.