Visit of the Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Lithuania to MRU - MRU

21 December, 2023
Visit of the Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Lithuania to MRU

On 20 December, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Lithuania, H.E. Mr Timur Urazayev, together with the Head of the Consular Section of the Embassy, Mr Baigabyl Mamlin, visited the University and met with the Rector of the MRU, Prof. Dr. Inga Žalėnienė.

During the meeting, the University's cooperation with its partners in Kazakhstan was discussed, as well as the possibilities of partnerships between the two countries in various research fields. The participants agreed that Lithuanian and Kazakh researchers and practitioners are particularly interested in cooperation in the fields of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence, and noted the importance of sharing experience and knowledge between different cultures - European and Asian.

The Ambassador and the Rector discussed the studies of students from Kazakhstan at the University - in 2023 / 2024  academic year there are 17 citizens of Kazakhstan studying in Bachelor's and Master's degree programs, and 14 students from Kazakhstani partners have arrived for study mobility (3 of whom are receiving Lithuanian state scholarships for short-term studies). In the last academic year, several groups of post-graduate students from the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan came to the Faculty of Public Governance and Business for intensive study and research practice.

MRU with partners in Kazakhstan collaborate in offering students the opportunity to study towards double degrees: in 2020, an agreement was signed with Narxoz University on cooperation in the implementation of master degree programmes in the field of European and international business law, and in 2022 an agreement on cooperation in the implementation of the bachelor degree programme in the field of law and global security. The undergraduate double degree agreement with Ualikhanov University on a Translation and Editing programme has also been signed in 2022.

The cooperation between Mykolas Romeris University and Kazakhstan was intensified since 2007 with the signing of an agreement with the first MRU partner in Kazakhstan - the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay. Currently there are 16 partners. Under bilateral agreements, student and faculty exchanges are carried out, cooperation in scientific activities and projects, training programs, faculty qualification courses, external quality assessment and accreditation of study programs is conducted.