May 11th, 2015, U.S. Embassy in Vilnius Political and Economic Section Officer Heidi Evans lectured to Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Public Administration students. Evans discussed her life as a civil servant and how she decided to enter the Foreign Service.
Evans is based in Vilnius where she works at the U.S. Embassy. Previously, she was posted in Brazil.
She lectured to 2nd year MRU Public Administration students in a class taught by Institute of Philosophy and Humanities Deputy Director Lecturer Liudmila Mockienė and Lecturer Kristina Schimmels.
The U.S. Embassy's Political Section analyses developments of interest to U.S. occurring both within Lithuania and between Lithuania and other countries. Staff maintain official contacts with Lithuanian government departments, political parties, and interested non-governmental organizations.
The U.S. Embassy's Economic Section monitors economic developments in Lithuania. Staff of the Economic Section maintain official contacts with the Lithuanian government in order to work on bilateral and international economic policy issues.
The Section also reports on developments within the Lithuanian economy, facilitates U.S. exports to, and investment in Lithuania.