Tourism Students Form "Tourist Club" & Look for New Members - MRU

16 November, 2015
Tourism Students Form “Tourist Club” & Look for New Members

A group of Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Bachelor's Degree Tourism Management & Heritage students have founded a Tourism Club, "Keliauk, Kurk ir Kilk," on campus and are looking for members who like travel and traveling.

Ieva Gurklytė, Kamilė Salickaitė, both 2nd-year Tourism students, and freshman Aušra Žiogaitė and about 7 other students were instrumental in creating the new Club. They are united in their love of travel and visiting new places.

MRU Management Institute Assoc. Prof. Brigita Žuromskaitė was instrumental in bringing the students together and encouraging them to create the Club.

The Tourism Club has many activities on the drawing board. They are planning an excursion to the Verkiai regional park and surroundings. No date has yet been set.

In the future they hope to organize excursions to nearby towns and cities not only for Club members, but for students and MRU's academic community.

There are also plans to participate in the 2016 International Winter School, "Tourism in the 21st Century: Reflections and Experiences,” that is planned next year.

The Tourism Club is welcome to all MRU students including international and Erasmus students who show interest.

MRU Rector Assoc. Prof. Algirdas Monkevičius, Politics and Management Faculty Dean Assoc. Prof. Virginijus Valentinavičius, Deputy Vice-Rector Dr. Barbara Stankevič, MRU Management Institute Prof. Tadas Sudnickas and Prof. Andrius Valickas are honorary members of the Tourism Club.

To learn more about Club activities and how to join write: