March 6-17th, 2018, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Psychology student Ilk Nur Karakecili from Turkey attended a 2-week intensive programme in Romania. It was part of the "Support for Youth Identities in Diverse Europe (SIDE)", programme held in Cluj Napoca, at the Babeș-Bolyai University in Romania.
Karakecili is an active student, who was head of MRU's International Student Association (ISA), and diligently worked towards her Bachelor's Degree.
She is one of 5 MRU students that attended the 2-week course in Cluj, Romania. The course provides an in-depth focus on challenges to identity formation in the modern world.
Students from not only Lithuania, but also from France, Italy, Poland and Romania were at the course.
The aim of the project was to help university students, teachers, researchers and youth workers to carry out identity-related research with youth in order to facilitate identity development among diverse groups of youth in Europe.
This project is implemented by MRU (coordinator, Lithuania), University of Bologna (Italy), Babeș-Bolyai University (Romania), University of Bordeaux (France), Cardinal Wyszyński University in Warsaw (Poland) and the Tolerant Youth Association (Lithuania).
MRU Researchers Participating in the Project:
Prof. Saulė Raižienė, Institute of Psychology;
Assoc. Prof. Rasa Erentaitė, Institute of Psychology;
Prof. Jolanta Sondaitė, Institute of Psychology;
Lecturer Vida Česnuitytė, Institute of Education and Social Work;
Lecturer Rimantas Vosylis, Institute of Psychology;
Lecturer Ingrida Gabrialavičiūtė, Institute of Psychology;
Assoc. Prof. Antanas Valantinas, Institute of Psychology.
Funding for the project comes with support of the Erasmus+ Programme’s Strategic Partnerships project, “Innovative Curriculum for Strong Identities in Diverse Europe (INSIDE)” No. 2016-1-LT01-KA203-023220.