June 23rd, 2015, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Law Faculty graduates Monika Dapkutė and Martynas Jablonskis graduated at the top of their class and were awarded Leader's Diplomas.
Both graduates completed the joint Master's Degree programme, "European and International Business Law" implemented together with France's University of Savoie.
Leader diplomas are awarded to students with near-perfect grade point averages who pass all their examinations with flying colours.
Dapkutė, who is working as a lawyer's legal aide at the Sorainen and Partners Law Firm, is hoping in the future to become an attorney herself.
She said she liked the Master's Degree programme as she learned a lot and there was a chance to study in France. Her area of interest is Business Law.
Top graduate Martynas Jablonskis is working as a lawyer's legal aide at the Law Firm of "Vadapalas, Vaitiekūnas ir partneriai EUROLEX."
Jablonskis, who is planning to pursue PhD studies in the fall, said he gained lots of information during the course of the Master's Degree programme. He said studies have helped him to write legal briefs and appeals in cases before Lithuania's Supreme Court.
His area of interest is Competition Law.
MRU's former Student Body President Laurynas Juozapaitis, who now sits on MRU's Council, was also awarded a Master's Degree diploma during the ceremony.
A total of 11 students, the first graduating class, were awarded diplomas in the jonit Master's Degree programme. Students received two univesities' diplomas: MRU and France's University of Savoie.