In November 2022, lectures have begun in the first and only programme in the Baltics for money laundering and terrorist prevention at Mykolas Romeris University (MRU). There was huge interest in the programme and in just the first days of registration,all the places for the group were filled up. However, the programme will be continuous and already in the 1st quarter of next year, information about a new group of participants will be published. This programme is the only such programme not only in Lithuania, but also among the Baltic states. It was prepared in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance, MRU and the Center of Excellence in Anti-Money Laundering (PPPKC).
"Last year, we conducted a survey that showed that in the Fintech sector, next to information technology specialists, money laundering prevention specialists are most needed. Therefore, we took the initiative and in less than half a year, together with our partners, we created an innovative scientific program that responds to today's market realities. The financial technology sector in Lithuania is developing rapidly, so as additional risks arise, we can only manage them with the help of the latest knowledge and competencies. This programme is an opportunity for Lithuania to deal with emerging challenges in the financial sector even more efficiently and promptly," said Vice Minister of Finance Vaida Markevičienė.
According to Markevičienė, the sustainable growth of the financial sector is impossible without effective risk management. Therefore, specialists prepared for the market will play a particularly important role - they will contribute to the creation of a more resilient Lithuania.
"Having decided to improve the competence of the private and public sectors in the field of money laundering and terrorist financing prevention and to reduce the shortage of specialists in this field in Lithuania - thanks to close cooperation, together with our partners, we created the first Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Competence Certification Program to be implemented in Lithuania, in which market specialists with many years of experience agreed to share their expert knowledge" noted Eimantas Vytuvis, head of the Center of Excellence in Anti-Money Laundering. He said the programme will contribute to the strengthening of the money laundering and terrorist financing prevention system at the national and international level. It will also be useful for every participant of the course. Course lecturers will provide all the necessary tools and one of the most important – knowledge that will help to successfully fight financial crimes and join the community of Lithuanian money laundering prevention specialists.
MRU Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marius Laurinaitis, a coordinator of the programme, is happy that the certification programme, created by joining forces with partners, will allow specialists in this field to acquire the latest theoretical and practical knowledge.
"The degree of responsibility in all areas is only increasing, which is why it is very important that legal and practical solutions in AML activities completely keep up with the latest developments in this area, which is the goal of this new programme," said Assoc. Prof. Laurinaitis.
About the Programme
The Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Course (Certification Program) is intended for money laundering and terrorist financing prevention specialists already working in the public and private sectors with different responsibilities, new employees entering the job market who want to begin their professional career in this area as well as those who will be upgrading their qualifications.
The programme will last 9 weeks and consists of 52 academic hours and 103 independent hours of work. It includes 13 modules that will introduce topics related to money laundering and terrorist financing. During the 26 lectures of the programme, representatives of financial market, MRU lecturers, experts of the Center of Excellence in Anti-Money Laundering, and their partners will teach the theoretical aspects of money laundering prevention, legal regulation and hold discussion sessions on practical situations. Course participants, who pass the final exam, will be issued a Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Certificate.