The appointed Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Lithuania visited MRU - MRU

26 September, 2024
The appointed Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Lithuania visited MRU

On September 25th, the appointed Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Lithuania, Jo-young Jeon, visited Mykolas Romeris University (MRU).

During the meeting with the Ambassador, MRU Rector Prof. Dr. Inga Žalėnienė discussed the University’s activities and partnerships with universities in the Republic of Korea, particularly with MRU's strategic partner, Dongseo University, within the broader context of strengthening cooperation between Lithuania and the Republic of Korea. She also expressed her satisfaction with the achievements of the King Sejong Institute (KSI Vilnius), which has been promoting Korean culture and language for ten years.

It was noted that one of the future directions for KSI Vilnius could be offering training for those planning to study or live in the Republic of Korea for an extended period, which would help them prepare for life in the cultural, customs, and values environment of Korea.

"We would like to expand cooperation with the Republic of Korea not only in the field of studies but also in areas of scientific research and innovation that are relevant to both countries," said MRU Rector, Honorary Doctor of Dongseo University, Prof. Dr. Inga Žalėnienė, sharing her insights on opportunities to further promote and support bilateral collaboration within the academic community.

MRU, in partnership with Dongseo University, offers two study programs – Game Development and Digital Animation, as well as Digital Media Design. In these programs, students study for two years at MRU and the remaining two years at Dongseo University in the Republic of Korea.

Ambassador Jo-young Jeon also toured the university and KSI Vilnius facilities, meeting with KSI Vilnius teachers, interns, and students during their sessions.

The Rector presented the guest with a copy of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, published by MRU and translated into 14 languages, including Korean.