Nov. 30th, a group of "Super Briedis" kindergarten children visited Mykolas Romeris University's (MRU) Library to learn more about different professions and what Library and University officials do at work all day.
They were greeted by MRU Deputy Library Head Nijolė Liatukienė and librarians including Nomeda Gaidelė, Milda Pakulytė, Nijolė Sorakienė, Gražina Rozancevaitė and other staff librarians.
The "Super Briedis" children were accompanied by MRU Economics and Business Institute Assoc. Prof. Eglė Malinauskienė and MRU Research Quality and Analysis Office Manager Vaidotas Norkus.
Librarians provided a short excursion and then led them to a Reading Room where the children were involved in drawing a rabbit.
Asked what they want to do when they grow up, three of the children replied, "Spider Man."
The children were also expected to visit the newly-built MRU LAB building on campus at Didlaukio g. 55.