June 1st, 2018, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Humanities Institute students - Erasmus+ interns from France, visited a Progymnasium in Vilnius.
Students Amber Tilmant, Jade Terry and Sibylle Decouflet were at the Basanavičius Progymnasium, where they held a French class for the students.
Interns shared their impressions.
For this class, the students were not older than 12 years old. It was as one could expect different from teaching high school students. The young students were more attentive, probably because they were more shy. When we first introduced our regions, even if they couldn't understand everything we were saying, they showed a lot of interest. Then they wanted to know more about French cuisine, so we talked about some of the most popular dishes. After that we played the “Time Bomb” and I was amazed to see how many words they knew. It was a pleasure to spend some time with these young children.
This morning, we were very well received. The kids were shy at first, but very interested and attentive. First of all, we briefly presented our activities and MRU. Then, we talked about our regions and typical foods of France. To finish, we played the game, “Time Bomb.” They had some difficulties to understand the rules and how we wanted to organize the tournament, but they knew almost more vocabulary than the high school students.