Student Runner Bertašius Getting Closer to Tokyo Olympic Start - MRU

3 March, 2020
Student Runner Bertašius Getting Closer to Tokyo Olympic Start

Mykolas Roomers University (MRU) student champion runner Simas Bertašius, who recently broke another Lithuanian record, is getting closer to placing to race in the upcoming Tokyo Olympics 2020.

February 21st, 2020, Bertašius took part in Lithuania's Indoor Athletics Championships in Klaipėda where he set a new Lithuanian record, running 1500 m in 3 min. 43,25 seconds. He broke the previous record that existed for 39 years.

Bertašius says that little by little he is feeling more stable and felt optimistic about the upcoming Serbian Open Indoor Meeting in Belgrade in late February, where he also did well.

At the European Permit Meeting series championships in Belgrade in late February, he improved upon Lithuania's 1500 m distance indoor record running at 3 min. 42,06 seconds.

The Tokyo Olympics will be held this summer in Japan beginning on July 24th, 2020.

(prepared by MRU's Health and Sports Centre)