Jordanian student Yazan Yousef’s parents did not want him to study in Lithuania, a country they never heard of. But the Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Global Business and Modern Marketing student had other ideas. Studies in Turkey were not for him. He found an attractive Global Business programme at MRU, applied and a month ago arrived in Vilnius. Having been born and raised in Qatar, his only regret is that he will not be able to attend FIFA World Cup 2022 football games that begin Nov. 21st. He discusses life in the Middle East and studies in Vilnius in this short article.
-How did you find a university in Vilnius for studies? After all, you live in Amman, Jordan.
I always wanted to study in Europe. I was searching on the Internet for a programme related to Business and Marketing. MRU in Vilnius offered such a programme. The tuition was affordable.
-What did you know about Lithuania before coming?
I had never heard about Lithuania. I had never been to Europe before. I had visited Istanbul though, because my sister studies in Turkey. My parents suggested I study in Turkey too or in Jordan itself. I had my mind made up. I wanted to study in Europe. Although I had never heard of Lithuania, I had read about the affordable tuition and the fact that Lithuania is an affordable country for students too.
-What did you expect upon coming here?
The first thing I expected was good weather, I mean – better weather than hot Qatar. I was living in Qatar and it was 50C degrees there during the day. We can’t go for a walk outside during the day because it is very hot. I imagine it will be cooler here in Lithuania, especially during the winter.
-How are you adjusting now that you are in Lithuania?
Well, the first few days were a little difficult in order to adjust to the new culture, climate and people, but now I am doing ok. Also, this is the first time that I am on my own and making decisions myself about my life – what to eat, where to study, where to travel. This study experience in Lithuania makes me more independent. I enjoy the MRU studies programme, so I made the proper choice to study towards my Bachelor’s Degree here.
-You were born and grew up in Qatar. Your father still works there. Will you be watching the World Cup tournament that kicks off in Qatar Nov. 21st?
Yes, I will be watching the World Cup. If I were in Qatar, I would be attending the football games live myself. Qatar has built 8 new stadiums in preparation for this championship. They will be good hosts, despite recent criticism in the press about hosting the games in Qatar. It is the first time that the World Cup will be held in the Middle East during the tournament’s 92-year-old history. That in itself is historical.
-You speak fluent English. Will you be attempting to learn Lithuanian, while here in Vilnius?
Yes, that is my intention. I think it would be good to know a 3rd language. I have plans.