Exchange students coming to study in Lithuania‘s universities raise questions about how their safety will be ensured regarding the spread of the coronavirus.
It has come to the attention of news organizations that this week a student from China arrived in Vilnius for the start of the spring semester. The student plans to study at Mykolas Romeris University for the next half year.
Representatives of the National Public Health Center have been meeting with the Chinese student
According to MRU External Communication Head Vaidotas Norkus, the student from China has arrived, but not from the quarantine zone.
“The student came to Lithuania not from the quarantine zone, but from his home city, which is about 1500 kilometers from Wuhan“.
Norkus said that at the Vilnius Airport members of the National Public Health Center personally met with the student who had arrived in Vilnius: it was determined that his state of health was excellent and health specialists have his contact details.
“We are also in direct contact with the student and are monitoring the situation,“ Norkus said.
According to Norkus, specialists from the National Public Health Center have contacted university representatives – checked the student‘s contact information and informed that they will keep in close direct contact with the university as well as the student regarding the state of his health.
University representatives agreed with the National Public Health Center that if there is the slightest suspicion, all the necessary measures will be taken to ensure the safety of the student as well as other persons.
The University Has Already Taken Preventive Measures
Although studies at the University begin only next week, Norkus said the University has already taken preventive measures, which were recommended by representatives of the National Public Health Center.
According to Norkus, the University is following recommendations of specialists from the National Public Health Center and is continuous contact with them.
“Students from abroad and Lithuania have received preventive information and contacts whom to call if there is any suspicion of illness. The University‘s administration was also informed,“ Norkus said.
In addition he said that the University‘s work safety specialists have a prevention plan in place. It would be implemented, if there would be the slightest suspicion regarding the spread of the coronavirus at the University.