Aug. 21st-27th, the Mykolas Romeris University Folk Dancing Group, "Skalsa" performed at the International Ethnic Folklore Festival 2015 (IEFF) in New Delhi, India.
During the Folklore Festival, "Skalsa" performed in a total of 10 concerts, said "Skalsa" Head Dalė Maskoliūnienė.
"Skalsa" is the only dance group from Lithuania to participate in the international festival.
Maskoliūnienė said 8 pairs of dancers and a group of musicians, about 30 people, will travel to India to participate in the Festival.
"We have a one-hour programme prepared," she said.
The international Festival aims to promote the cultural heritage of various countries. There will be sessions with visiting artists where they compose, play and create a new folklore dance form.
More information here.