Nov. 15th, 2019, from 10:00 a.m., a research seminar on "Visual Social Advertising" and whether it can be effective, will be held at the MRU LAB (Didlaukio g. 55).
The Welcome Address was delivered by Psychology Institute Director Assoc. Prof. Antanas Valantinas.
There is a lack of research data with recommendations for social advertising creators on how to effectively encourage proper behaviour with the help of social media. That is why social media specialists often choose design solutions or creations that do not meet the goal of advertising.
The seminar will present data about what kind of advertising elements (colour, form, etc.) will make it effective, attractive and will hold the attention and perhaps change the behaviour of the readers. The materal gathered during the time of the project will be accessible to not only goverment, business, but also to NGO's. The visual social advertising, encouraging various safe behaviours - healthy lifestyle and preservation of nature is addressed.
The seminar is free and open to all interested.
The event is a concluding event of the research project, "Psychological Factors Affecting Visual Social Advertising Effectiveness." Financing was allotted by Lithuania's Research Council (LMTLT) by agreement Nr. S-MIP-17-134.