Sakuras in Full Bloom Near MRU LAB - MRU

22 April, 2020
Sakuras in Full Bloom Near MRU LAB

Spring has sprung and this is evident from the Japanese sakuras in full bloom near the Mykolas Romeris University MRU LAB, at the established "Bičiulių Sodas." The sakuras were planted 4 years ago directly in front of the MRU LAB, Didlaukio St. The sakuras, planted in 2016, have adapted well to the sunny patch of green lawn in front of the MRU LAB building. The blooming sakuras are a beauty to behold. Due to the quarantine, they are visible this year only on social networks and in photographs on the MRU news website. The idea to plant the Japanese sakuras was suggested by Japanese Garden consultant and expert Kęstutis Ptakauskas. There were a total of 24 Japanese sakuras planted (Prunus Sargenti) and 15 two-meter high Japanese ashberry (Sorbus Dodong) trees. Japanese sakuras symbolise dignity, nobility, youth and rejuvenation. The ashberry tree is a symbol of internal beauty, peace and a safe refuge. These trees reflect the changing seasons. Sakuras bloom in spring and Japanese ashberry trees showcase the beauty of their colours in the fall. There were many benefactors and well known academics that contributed to helping implement the Sakura Garden. The benefactors are mentioned in a special memorial board. Vilnius Mayor Remigijus Šimašius participated in the opening ceremony of the Japanese Sakura Garden.