The Center for Study and Quality Assessment in Higher Education (SKVC) conducted an external evaluation of Mykolas Romeris University’s (MRU) Public Administration studies and after experts evaluations decided to accredit first and second cycle Public Administration studies for a maximum period of 7 years.
SKVC, following the description of the procedure for external evaluation and accreditation of studies and the methodology of external evaluation of fields of study, conducted an expert external evaluation of MRU's first and second cycle studies of public administration.
Following conclusions prepared by experts and taking into account the proposal of the Study Evaluation Commission, the Public Administration studies were accredited.
Public administration studies are designed to prepare public administration professionals who can resolve challenges posed to the state of Lithuania, related to the modern management of the country and the defense of its interests in the EU and the global space.
Students are given the opportunity to participate in international Erasmus+ student exchange programs both during studies and during professional practice.
Graduates of these programs can pursue careers in state public sector organizations, territorial self-government institutions, private and non-governmental organizations, communities or other organizations and companies related to public administration.