On 15 and 16th February 2024 project “The Art of Negotiation and Conflict Resolution (Mediation)” (further -TheArtNoConflict) was officially launched in Dordrecht (Netherlands).
The Project shall take place from February 2024 until January 2027 and joins the forces of Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) with 6 other organizations in order to deliver a truly unique virtual exchange experience for students and youth interested in developing their conflict management skills.
TheArtNoConflict project focuses not only on providing youth with a chance to gain conflict management and mediation skills by the trainings provided in a cross-cultural online environment, but also encourages them to take part in a number of virtual exchanges and through this to establish communication network between the EU, Georgia and Ukraine representatives. Project beneficiaries are universities’ students, non-studying youth, university staff, youth workers (approx. 2000 people).
The official Project launch was hosted by the coordinator – the Netherlands Business Academy in beautiful city of Dordrecht and representatives from all partnering organizations has an unique chance to meet and get acquanted with each other better. MRU was represented by Yuliya Radanova, post-doctor at the Mediation and Sustainable Conflict Resolution Laboratory, supervised by prof. dr. Agnė Tvaronavičienė. During the kick-off meeting, the partners discussed the development of all pending deliverables that include a number of virtual trainings, workshops, mediation simulations and activities under a program that will be developed by the partners. A working plan was developed to ensure that all enrolled trainees shall master specific mediation, negotiation and communication skills that are needed not merely for their academic studies, but also for the challenges ahead of them and ultimately, for improving their societies through sharing mediation values. All partners shared their high aspirations for establishing a viable communication network for students and youth through the ArtNoConflict Project which would in its turn contribute to improving democracy and peaceful conflict resolutions in the societies of the partnering organizations’ countries.
In this Erasmus+ project MRU is honored with an important and responsible role in developing and implementing the training modules for future trainers and facilitators, who will be educated to deliver further online course on negotiation and mediation targeting in total 2000 youth representatives. Training for the trainers and facilitators will be organizes in Dordrecht (May 2024) and in Vilnius (September 2024). This project from MRU side will be managed by prof. dr. Agnė Tvaronavičienė. Project activities will be performed as well by MRU post-doctoral intern dr. Julia Radanova and MRU lecturer, Phd student Indrė Korsakovienė.
Project partners: the Netherlands Business Academy (Netherlands) (coordinator), Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania), V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Ukraine), KROK University (Ukraine), Ukrainian Youth Councils Association NGO (Ukraine), Shota Rustaveli State University (Georgia), Youth for the world NGO (Georgia).
The project is supported by the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships Programme.
Project No. ERASMUS-EDU-2023-VIRT-EXCH 101139196