Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Prof. Dr. Andrius Valickas, a member of MRU's Finance Management Work Group, discusses the new University human resources management guidelines, planned and ongoing changes and the challenges ahead for universities.
Prof. Valickas says today employees need to have competencies, skills, to deliver results.
"Within the University and beyond its walls, there is a competencies market. Therefore, you need to have such competencies, that you need, so that a result would be achieved," he said.
"In this context, research and studies product representation and sale skills (direct and indirect) are ultimately important. The University does not need employees who do not know, what they can offer or what they want from the university and are waiting for orders on what to do or openly use University resources for their own gain, and do not create added value for research, neither for students nor for the University as an organization."
"Awareness, on the part of employees, and independence become the highest values. An employee and the University thus are partners that by way of negotiations and consensus take responsibility for operational success," Prof. Valickas noted.
Universities do not need blindly loyal employees, but those that decide to create value along with the University.
He said that globalization tendencies affect organizations, including universities.
Those that don't find the new paths for value ahead, are forced to get out of the market.
This occurs, he noted, despite the fact that not everything that universities create can be and should be measured in terms of monetary value and sales.