May 19th, 2015, Prof. Mykolas Romeris' relative, Marisha Helena Romer, visited the University to mark the 135th jubilee anniversary of his birth. She donated a painting by her grandmother, Sofija Romerienė titled, "Lithuanian Flowers," to MRU.
Marisha Romer, now living in London, is the granddaughter of Sofija Romerienė and her husband, Eugenijus. The latter was a direct cousin of Prof. Mykolas Romeris.
During her visit she viewed the exhibition of photographs dedicated to Prof. M. Romeris now on display in MRU's 1st floor Rotunda Hall.
Marisha Romer, who hails from the U.S., also has Lithuanian citizenship.
She met with MRU Rector Assoc. Prof. Algirdas Monkevičius and Senate Chairman Prof. dr. Gintaras Aleknonis.
Her last visit to MRU was in October of 2012, when she came with her eldest son, Gregory.