
14 December, 2015
Prof. Birštonas’ Book on State Property Mgmt & Privatization in Lithuania Out
Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Law Faculty Prof. Ramūnas Birštonas is the co-author of the newly published book, "State Property Management and Privatization in Lithuania 1992-2012, (Valstybinio Turto Valdymas ir Privatizavimas Lietuvoje 1992-2012 metais.)
The monograph has been published by the V. Į. Registrų Centras. It is co-authored by MRU's former Vice-Rector Dr. Stasys Vaitkevičius.
The monograph analyzes privatization changes in Lithuania from 1992-2012.
Dr. Vaitkevičius was a direct participant in the events he writes about and was responsible for making strategic decisions. He is the former head of Lithuania's State Property Fund (Turto Fondas).