Lithuania's Seimas has appointed Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Law Faculty Prof. Darijus Beinoravičius to the board of the Research Council of Lithuania for a 5-year term.
Prof. Beinoravičius will sit on the Council's Committee of Humanities and Social Sciences.
He joins MRU Psychology Prof. Rita Žukauskienė who already sits on the board.
Lithuania's Research Council, founded in 1991, plays a consulting role on issues of research and science development. It consults the Seimas and the Government of Lithuania on research and training issues, administers the most important Lithuanian science development programmes.
The Research Council has a board and two expert committees. There are 29 members.
Prof. Beinoravičius currently heads the MRU Law Faculty's Dept. of Philosophy of Law and Legal History.
His appointment takes effect from Dec. 23rd, 2015.