
10 July, 2017
President Dalia Grybauskaitė Addressed Participants at TI Summer School
International Students
July 10th, 2017, Lithuania's President Dalia Grybauskaitė, at the opening of the Transparency International (TI) Anti-Corruption Summer School, said trust in the country's media is higher than the EU average and that there are "very good" investigative media reporters in Lithuania.
Speaking to more than 100 participants from over 50 countries at the annual TI Summer School, held at Mykolas Romeris University (MRU), President Grybauskaitė made introductory remarks. Then she answered questions from participants hailing from Mexico, Belarus, Spain, Indonesia, Russia and other countries.
The closed door Q&A session was not open to members of the press.
MRU Vice-Rector Dr. Inga Žalėnienė presented President Grybauskaitė with a collection of books published at MRU by the University Publishing House.
The TI School on Integrity (TISI) is a summer school concentrating on anti-corruption topics geared for youth and leaders of the future.
It allows participants to discuss, exchange ideas and detail how their countries approach and fight corruption.
The selection process is competitive with typically 1,000 applications for the 140 places at the School.
Since 2010, TISI has welcomed more than 800 youth leaders from around 90 different countries.
This year the Summer School is set for July 10th-16th, 2017.
The programme is here.