22 January The Faculty of Human and Social Studies (FHSS) 2024 Activity Report was presented at Mykolas Romeris University (MRU).
Presenting the results of last year's activities, the Dean of The Faculty, Prof. Dr. Odeta Merfeldaitė, was delighted with achieved results and appreciated the contributions of every member of the faculty community.
The Dean of The Faculty was pleased that the number of students and listeners at the Faculty had increased by 9%, and the number of students suspending their studies had decreased to 10%. Additionally, the number of students participating in exchange programs rose significantly – compared to 2023, the number of outgoing students increased by 23%, while the number of incoming students grew by 15%.
In 2024, 278 students were admitted to study programs funded by the project and municipal funds: 55 students to the Management School specialization (master’s studies), funded by the EU’s economic recovery and resilience-building initiative “NextGenerationEU”; 135 students to Professional Pedagogy Studies and the Social Pedagogy module studies, financed by the Vilnius City Municipality budget as part of the project "Studies for Teachers" implemented by the Public Institution "Vilnius Education Advancement Center".
Additionally, since October 25, 2024, the faculty has been running a mentorship program that is attracting an increasing number of interested students. In 2024, 13 students joined the mentorship program compared.
The international mobility of lecturers also increased – in 2024, 26 more lecturers arrived at the university compared to 2023, while the number of outgoing lecturers remained similar. The Dean of FHSS expressed satisfaction that last year the university's lecturers were active in the European Reform University Alliance (ERUA) network – traveling to partner countries within the alliance and actively participated in scientific clusters.
In 2024, the total number of publications reached 200. Six monographs and their chapters were published by prestigious international academic publishers
Also, in 2024, 14 new agreements were signed, and a Facebook group for social partners, titled “The Faculty of Human and Social Studies Social Partner Information Map,” was created.
The faculty implemented 40 projects – 24 national and 16 internationals. Researchers from the Faculty of Human and Social Studies also participated in five ERUA cluster activities across three thematic areas.
The amount of revenue from training services has almost doubled compared to 2023. The value of revenue in 2024 was €238260 and in 2023 it was €200719.
The Lithuanian Language and Culture courses are also successfully continued at the faculty. In the 2024 summer courses, 18 foreign students participated, 7 of whom were Ukrainians. During the first session, from September 30 to December 16, 2024, 40 participants attended the courses and received certificates. In the second session, from January 6 to February 17, 2025, 40 participants are also attending the courses
Concluding the presentation of the report, Prof. Dr. Odeta Merfeldaitė once again thanked the participants for their work and expressed her gratitude for the full support of the Rector of the University Prof. Dr. Inga Žalėnienė.
At the end of the presentation, MRU Rector, Prof. Dr. Inga Žalėnienė, expressed her gratitude to the entire faculty community for their outstanding achievements over the past year.
"I would like to thank the entire leadership team and the faculty community for their hard work and dedication to the successful future of the faculty. All of your activities align perfectly with the university's strategy," said MRU Rector.