On 23 January, the Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Faculty of Public Governance and Business (FPGB) Annual Activity Report 2023 was presented.
Presenting the results of the annual activities and highlighting the upcoming priorities, the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Darius Štitilis, pointed out that further qualitative progress is very important, both in studies, science and project activities. According to the Dean, in order to meet the needs of a changing market, it is necessary to accelerate the adoption of new fields such as artificial intelligence, circular economy, etc.
Prof. Dr. Darius Štitilis said that when talking to students or alumni, he often hears from them that they know that MRU has excellent teachers. This, according to the Dean, proves once again that the main priority is not only to maintain the quality of studies, but also to constantly improve it.
In the field of studies, the number of students and enrolments in 2023 remains stable. It should also be noted that the number of suspensions has decreased and the number of active students has increased. In addition, the number of international degree-seeking students at the Faculty of Public Governance and Business increased from 172 to 206 last year.
Last year, the Master's degree program in Education and Science Policy and Management at the FPGB received funding from the EU's NextGenerationEU tool for economic recovery and resilience, with 120 students benefiting from €772,920. 42 students were admitted to the program in September 2023. Another successful project of the Faculty is the MBA program. This program stands out from the rest due to its many initiatives with students, networking, guest lecturers, etc. Currently, 45 students are enrolled in the MBA.
Noting that thanks to the students' involvement, the Game Jam! initiative of the Game Development and Digital Animation students was successfully created and implemented, the Dean of the FPGB, Prof. Dr. Darius Štitilis, expressed his hope that such activities will be organized in the future.
Research output remains high, with more than 60 publications in WoS and Scopus. 4 scientists of the Faculty - Prof. Dr. Romualdas Gurevičius, Prof. Dr. Agota Giedrė Raišienė, Prof. Dr. Dalia Štreimikienė - have been ranked in the TOP 10% of the world's most highly cited scientists, and Prof. Dr. Paulo Pereira has been ranked in not only this list, but also in the top 2% of the world's most cited scientists.
The Faculty of Public Governance and Business is also proud to have the most cited author in the media - Rima Urbonaitė. The MRU political scientist was cited 471 times in 2023. In addition, among the faculty lecturers frequently mentioned in the media, there are also Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vytautas Dumbliauskas (124 times) and Assoc. Prof. Alvydas Medalinskas (51 times).
The Leadership Academy and the Academy of Economics and Business continue to be active at the Faculty. In 2023, 114 students participated in the Leadership Academy and 69 graduation certificates were awarded. More than 70 students attended the Academy of Economics and Business and 52 diplomas were awarded.
The Rector of MRU, Prof. Dr. Inga Žalėnienė, who was attending the presentation of the Annual Report, said, "A lot has been achieved. We are now on the right track. Our goal now is to ensure sustainability and quality of education."
Concluding his presentation, the Dean wished the Faculty to increase the number of active and committed students, to offer attractive and interesting studies and to enjoy its work.