Dec. 11th, 2018, a Lithuanian postcard collection, including some Christmas postcards, has opened in the Library of Mykolas Romeris University (MRU). The exhibition of postcards is part of the collection of well-known memorabilia collectors Birutė and Darius Raila.
The oldest postcard in the exhibited collection is from the interwar period in 1908.
The collection includes postcards that were published in Lithuania 1905-1918 including those by the Petras Vileišis Publishing House, by Marija Šlapelienė, by the booksellers Juozas Paketurys and Jonas Kriaučiūnas as well as the Lithuania Art Association in Vilnius and publisher Balys Stadzevičius.
Due to inadequate publishing equipment, many Lithuanian postcards were published abroad for example in Denmark, France, Germany, Russia.
Visit the Library to see this unique collection of postcards.