March 21st, 2018, Lithuanian poet Valdas Daškevičius recited his poems to mark World Poetry Day. Poetry bard singer Ilona Papečkytė performed and sang poems written by Jonas Aistis, Marcelijus Martinaitis and others.
MRU students Eva Doveiko, Patricija Galinauskaitė, and others recited poems of well-known poets.
Poet Daškevičius has published three poetry books, "Sauja Pelenų" (Handful of Ashes); Misterija (Mystery); and "Netiesioginiai įrodymai" (Indirect Evidence).
He is currently working on his 4th book of poetry expected to be published in 2019.
The 56-year-old poet lives in Vilnius. He is a member of the Lithuanian Writer's Guild since 2007.
He has served as the Cultural Editor for the magazine "Jaunimo Gretos," the Editor-in-Chief of the magazine, "Kelionės ir Pramogos," the Deputy Editor of the daily "Lietuvos Aidas," and Editor-in-Chief of "TV Pasaulis."
His poetry has been published in the magazines: "Metai“, "Naujoji Romuva“, "Literatūra ir Menas“, "Šiaurės Atėnai“, "Nemunas“, "7 meno dienos“, and in the almanacs: "Poezijos pavasaris“, „Veidai“, „Varpai“ and other publications.
The event was organized by MRU's Institute of Humanities.