Dec. 18th, 2018, Communication Institute PhD student Laura Gudelytė defended her dissertation, "Integrated Business Cluster Performance Management."
The subject of the dissertation was the activity of an innovation cluster. The dissertation contributes to the generalization of evaluation of network-based phenomena and organisation performance.
The aim of the dissertation was to create an integrated business cluster performance management model. Based on the results of the expert survey and the analysis of the networking properties and the structure of the collaboration in cluster in scientific literature, it is proposed to apply the concept of systemic risk to business clusters. In addition, the relations between the effectiveness and optimality of the activity of innovation clusters are analysed. The necessary conditions for optimality of business cluster activity are also described. The business cluster activity synergy structure is described by quantitative methods.
The integrated model of business cluster performance management, which takes into account the structure of the collaboration in cluster, information asymmetry, synergy and systemic risk, as well as other random internal and external factors, is presented. The proposed methods for evaluation of systemic risk and performance based on stochastic analysis elements are useful in developing the methods of evaluation of the effectiveness of innovation development and commercialisation.
Gudelytė is a member of MRU's Social Technologies Laboratory.
More about Gudelytė here: https://mruni.pure.elsevier.com/en/persons/laura-gudelyte