Feb. 17th, 2020, John Paul II Catholic University Lublin PhD student Dawid Majchrzak arrived at Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) to conduct research in European Union Law during the spring semester.
Although he has traveled widely in Europe, this is the first time the doctoral student has been in Vilnius.
He said he is looking forward to seeing more of Vilnius and studies at MRU. "I am interested in this part of Europe," said the 35-year-old doctoral student.
Majchrzak will be attending lectures regarding the Judicial System of the EU and International Cooperation and Protection of Human Rights in Criminal Proceedings taught by MRU Law Prof. Raimundas Jurka.
The PhD student hopes to write his thesis on Aerospace and Space Law. He has widely read and is also interested in Humanitarian Law.
(photo by Vidūnas Gelumbauskas)