Oct. 7th, 2021, doctoral student Konstantin Agafonov successfully defended his PhD dissertation, “Cybersecurity Management Model for Implementation of Electronic Elections.
Scientific Supervisor:
Prof. Dr. Tadas Limba (Mykolas Romeris University, Social Sciences, Management, S 003).
The doctoral dissertation has been prepared during 2015‒2021 at Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) under the doctoral program right conferred to Vytautas Magnus University, Klaipėda University, Mykolas Romeris University and Šiauliai University by the Order of the Minister of Education, Science and Sports of the Republic of Lithuania No. V-160 dated February 22nd, 2019.
The doctoral dissertation was defended at the Committee of Management of Vytautas Magnus University, Klaipėda University, MRU and the Vilnius University Šiauliai Academy:
Prof. Dr. Rima Žitkienė (Mykolas Romeris University, Social Sciences, Management, S 003).
Prof. Dr. Vida Davidavičienė (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Social Sciences, Management, S 003);
Prof. Dr. Fernando Galindo (University of Zaragoza, Spain, Social Sciences, Law, S 001);
Prof. Dr. Rimantas Stašys (Klaipėda University, Social Sciences, Management, S 003);
Prof. Dr. Diana Šaparnienė (Vilnius University Šiauliai Academy, Social Sciences, Management, S 003).
Relevance of the topic. Modern society, life and social relationships depend on cyberspace. Information technology professionals and researchers make great efforts to address cybersecurity issues. Information security standards have been developed and used since the last decade of the twentieth century, but they are more closely related to information security and technology management within the organization, whereas nowadays cybersecurity covers not only the management of information security threats and technological security, but also the monitoring of potential risks, incident response, threat assessments and prevention measures, staff training and legislation. Computer systems and technology solutions used to organize private sector activities are nowadays widely used in the public sector, while dialog between the state and its citizens is being phased into the digital space and results in faster delivery of public services to citizens also reduces the workload on public administrations. The technological revolution causes that attempts to use modern information and telecommunications technology in the political process. States are trying to use technology to bring citizens closer to the governance process, to activate direct participation in the various political processes taking place in the country. One of the most commonly used tools for political participation and involvement of the population in political processes is electronic voting.