Oct. 14th, 2015, Politics and Management Faculty's Public Institute doctoral student Lina Skeberdytė defended her PhD thesis: "Networking Between Research and Business Organisations: The Case of Biotechnology Sector in Lithuania."
Network and networking theories and a systematic approach have been used to shape a conceptual model for analysis of networking between science and business organisations.
This concept, in turn, has led to the creation of a methodology for analysis of inter-organisational ties in the Lithuanian biotechnology sector.
Network participants, inter-organisational ties, their nature (formal or informal), and weighted value (significance for scientific production) have been identified through empirical research.
The hierarchical structure of the network, the power distribution of network nodes, the most common ties in every group of organisations, the strongest inter-organisational ties, and the most significant and isolated network participants were identified using methods and instruments of social network analysis.
They were also identified by taking note of assessment by heads of research, business and innovation support organisations.
Results of the social network study were graphically represented by sociograms.
The study went on to examine the differences of ties between groups of organisations.
For every group, the ratio of formal and informal networking, streamlined to produce scientific output, was measured.
The features of networking were established for science and business organisations.
The study also identified forms of development that are characteristic of a network of ties with the most significant impact on scientific and commercial production. It discussed the benefits and limitations of networking.
The results of the study can be used to form a transparent, open and cooperation-based innovation policy in Lithuania.