From Sept. 7th, 2017, the One Asia Foundation's "Asian Community: Cultural, Political and Economic Aspects" lecture series began at Mykolas Romeris University (MRU).
The first lecture, was delivered by Japan's Aichi University Prof. Suzuki Norio on "One Asia Community: Cultural, Political and Economic Aspects."
Sept. 14th-15th, 2017, Assoc. Prof. Jekaterina Kartašova (MRU) will present a lecture, ‘Asia vs. Europe - What Makes us Different?’and ‘Characteristics of Geopolitics, Economy and Culture of Asia and Asian Community.’
Sept. 21st - 22nd, 2017, Prof. Mindaugas Brides will lecture on "Asian Community: Buddhism Culture and Confucius Tradition."
Top students will be awarded monetary scholarships for further studies at the end of the course in December. Recipients of the scholarships will be not only MRU students, but also those from other institutions and organisations,