May 21st, 2015, rain didn't dampen the spirits of those participating in Mykolas Romeris University's Olympic Day events.Tug of war, disc golf, break dancing, chess, checkers, rowing, rugby and other sports were on offer.
Students and staff took part in events, despite the rainy weather.
MRU students and staff could take part in events as part of a team and in individual events.
Lithuania's Olympic Committee President Daina Gudzinevičiūtė addressed participants along with MRU student and World pentathlete champion Justinas Kinderis and Olympic ski champion Vida Venckienė.
Students are invited to play volleyball in MRU's courtyard as the summer sports season at MRU has begun. There are also workouts on Mondays and Tuesdays from 17:00 hrs., and Fridays from 15:30 hrs.